Great Twitter/X Follow : Brandon Ramsey

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You don’t have to scour. You search my handle on the site and brings up every thread I’ve posted in. I only asked for one example so it should be easy.

you aren’t going to do it because you can’t do it. Because it would be incredibly easy and simple for you to do.

To my knowledge, I’ve tagged you only in this thread. If I did tag you in another, I apologize. But I’ve given you 24 hours or more between each tag so it’s hardly my fault and it’s entirely reasonable for me to expect you to prove your accusations against me.

1. The problem is you and I are not going to see eye to eye on this.

2. It isn't as easy to find as you are stating because you and I don't interact that often.

3. I was hyperbolic in my "every thread" and you probably know that.

Here is an example. An OP about Burks committing. 15 posts in and you let your disdain for Calipari take over. Now, you are totally entitled to your opinion (obviously) but your comments and those of others turn the tide of the thread into a pile on session regarding Cal and arguments left and right.

Also, I'm not JLoad. Don't have the time in my life for that. 4 kids, wife, dog, aging parents and a ridiculously demanding job.

I apologize if I've insulted you. I've done better lately just ignoring comments like your original one to me, to avoid the back and forth. Hope we can move forward at this point.
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1. The problem is you and I are not going to see eye to eye on this.

2. It isn't as easy to find as you are stating because you and I don't interact that often.

3. I was hyperbolic in my "every thread" and you probably know that.

Here is an example. An OP about Burks committing. 15 posts in and you let your disdain for Calipari take over. Now, you are totally entitled to your opinion (obviously) but your comments and those of others turn the tide of the thread into a pile on session regarding Cal and arguments left and right.

Also, I'm not JLoad. Don't have the time in my life for that. 4 kids, wife, dog, aging parents and a ridiculously demanding job.

I apologize if I've insulted you. I've done better lately just ignoring comments like your original one to me, to avoid the back and forth. Hope we can move forward at this point.
So your best example is from a thread in June that was one little paragraph.

I wasn’t aware my comments warranted ignoring but you do you. I too have tried worked on how I address and communicate with others both online and irl. I’ve done and said nothing in this thread to warrant the backlash I’ve received and I am not the one who detailed this thread. All I did was civilly present an opinion on the subject then I stuck up for myself, again, quite civilly. But everyone who needlessly attacked me for having a different opinion derailed the thread, not me.

Have a good one.
The only way you think those words are big is if you didn’t receive a post HS education. The biggest words I used were in my English 101 freshman college course at the Air Force Academy.

I didn’t derail the thread. I simply didn’t join the cheerleading of the Twitter person you like so much. You and some others get really defensive when anyone has a different opinion. That’s all I had. I wasn’t rude and I didn’t attack anyone personally. That was all you and your side of the aisle.

I really hope this isn’t how you conduct yourself irl when people say something you disagree with. But if it is it does explain your behavior on this forum.
That "Twitter person" has been on multiple college coaching staffs and breaks down actual game film.

You just come on a forum and have a break down over Cal.

So.... You guys are both breaking things down I guess
Gotta love when literally every thread gets side tracked and hijacked.

But yes, he is a good follow and knowledgeable.
In the good old days of the internet, "agenda posting" was frowned upon and often policed by mods.
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So use the ignore feature and do it.

I’m not trolling. I don’t see any value in analyzing offensive changes against cupcakes. They do this every year. Then when we get past November things seem to shift back. Remember last season when Cal said we were going 4 out? That lasted long, didn’t it?

Maybe it is that hard. Since you seem to have a memory that only stretches back a few games.

I tried to come in here and very civilly offered a counter view point and I was received very rudely. I posted twice and got 4-6 replies from hypocrites saying I hijacked the thread. If you really think I’m hijacking a thread here’s a tip- don’t reply to me. I won’t talk to people who don’t talk to me.

Notice how @HagginHall1999 never ponied up? He said this is a habit of mine, but when I asked for proof he never tagged me in another thread that I supposedly hijacked.

Yall did this to yourselves. You let a couple of harmless, non aggressive comments get under your skin and you trolled yourselves. I’ve spent the rest of the thread defending myself from personal attacks in a civil manner. It’s not my fault y’all can’t grow up and move on.

Have a good one.
Lol someone sure enjoys feeling sorry for themselves...

Playing the victim seems to be your default. "
If he is using statistics to defend Cal over the past seasons then he’s just as big of a snake oil salesman as Cal is. No thanks, the results speak louder than any stat ever could."

So that's your attempt at "civilly" providing a "counterpoint". Sure bro, sure...
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