Government Weather Modification aka Cloud Seeding

I think there’s a big difference between “hey maybe we can do this. Let’s look into it” and “the United States Government is run by Cobra Commander and he’s creating hurricanes and throwing them at people”

I just don’t see how any rational person can believe some of this nonsense that goes around.

But the idea we can control the weather is a pretty good one. Rain when you need. 70 and sunny when you want it. Give me that one.
Ironically, the only thing that "stops" a hurricane is land. Land, especially mountainous regions, will zap a hurricane's fuel source really quick.

Hence why Milton after passing over Florida, is now a shell of its former self.

Warm water (like the Gulf) helps making those things just explode in size and strength.

At one point, some scientists reportedly actually contemplated using icebergs to diffuse hurricanes. But, we know that we CANNOT waste any icebergs today.
Some of the people who are ragging on those in this thread who believe it might be possible to manipulate the weather (don't know myself) are some of the same people who believe men can get pregnant, Biden was sharp 6 months ago, and Anna Nicole married for love. Some of that critical thinking being bantered around.

I doubt that there's one single person who's posted in this thread who believes that men can get pregnant, that Biden's mental faculties haven't been on a sharp decline for quite some time, or whatever else it is you're talking about.

On the other hand, there are most definitely people who have posted in this thread who believe that the universe was spoken into existence, that our planet's only a few thousand years old, and that the tale of Noah's Ark actually happened. "Some of that critical thinking being bantered around" indeed. ;)
I doubt that there's one single person who's posted in this thread who believes that men can get pregnant, that Biden's mental faculties haven't been on a sharp decline for quite some time, or whatever else it is you're talking about.

On the other hand, there are most definitely people who have posted in this thread who believe that the universe was spoken into existence, that our planet's only a few thousand years old, and that the tale of Noah's Ark actually happened. "Some of that critical thinking being bantered around" indeed. ;)
So we're devolving into politics. OK.

Biden's mental faculties were on a sharp decline before he was elected. It was obvious. We told you in 2019.

Men can get pregnant is a pRoGrEsSiVe idea that all of their political candidates push along with the other doctrines of the woke mind virus. This is currently a much more wide-spread impact on society than that relatively small bunch of YEC that are so lazily easy to ridicule and dismiss.

But I would guess you and/or your comrades in this thread voted for Biden and plan to vote for Harris.

See, you really DGAF about your own poor judgement or the mental corruption your party pushes on society or how it affects critical thinking. It's your religion and somehow justifiable.

So please, drop the highly sophisticated and intelligent bullshit. You're no better than anyone else. Given the current leftist insanity, I would say you need to adjust your priorities. wink wink.
I know that men can't get pregnant and that Joke Biden's been declining for years, IdaCat. I'm also not a Democrat, and I'm not voting for Harris. I'd love to vote for a Republican candidate, but there isn't one since that position was stolen by a cult leader (one that's a far, far more obvious scammer than Harris is).

In my opinion (as a guy with a bachelor's in history), this election should've been a slam dunk for Republicans, considering how weak Harris is on most issues. But she has a shot because the Trumpers have pushed a lot of reasonable people light years away from their party with complete nonsense (that Gateway Pundit article in the second post in this thread's a good example -- it reads like it was composed by a below-average grade-school student). So if America does wind up with President Harris, we'll have a unifying disgust for the MAGA cultists to thank for it, not "the woke mind virus" or whatever other conspiracies the great golden god's commanding his disciples to blame their woes on this week.

I wonder what good we could be accomplishing in this country right now if people weren't brainwashed from birth into eagerly voting for either a giant douche or a turd sandwich. Man it'd be awesome.
