Gas Prices Where You Live

Do you all really care? You’re going to pay for it either way so who gives a shit?

This message board isn’t going to change it. Unless you guys are so old you ACTUALLY care what gas prices are in places you’ll never go…
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Unlike roguemocha who never leaves his mom’s basement, the rest of us actually get out, even travel some (i.e. I will be driving through NC, SC, GA, AL, MS to LA in Feb).

In Raleigh the past week I’ve seen a few as low as $2.49, but still some have their cheapest at $3.19 (big range)
Drove from NKY to Michigan on Thursday, to my amazement, I saw several fuel stations with duesel priced below $4.00. I paid $3.85 at the pump, but with my open roads discount card, I ended up getting an additional $18.00 off.
I wish I was getting those prices over the summer when I was pulling my RV all over the place.
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Do you all really care? You’re going to pay for it either way so who gives a shit?

This message board isn’t going to change it. Unless you guys are so old you ACTUALLY care what gas prices are in places you’ll never go…
Yes, I care. Since I drive long distance 3-4 x annually, every little bit helps. @BGCATFAN2012 provided very useful advice, saving about $5 total over two tank fulls. I would have made another FL trip next month, but held off.
Yes, I care. Since I drive long distance 3-4 x annually, every little bit helps. @BGCATFAN2012 provided very useful advice, saving about $5 total over two tank fulls. I would have made another FL trip next month, but held off.
Come on ATX, we both know if $5 is what’s keeping you from traveling to Florida you probably shouldn’t go.

It’s like when I was bartending in KW and these older dudes would come in and first they’d tell you is how they’re retired, the next 20
things they said were questions about prices of everything. I would always reply that it sounds like they retired too early.
Come on ATX, we both know if $5 is what’s keeping you from traveling to Florida you probably shouldn’t go.

It’s like when I was bartending in KW and these older dudes would come in and first they’d tell you is how they’re retired, the next 20
things they said were questions about prices of everything. I would always reply that it sounds like they retired too early.
"A penny saved is a penny earned".
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No one uses Pennies anymore…

And it’s not earned when you’re taking time away from all the other customers by asking me the price of everything. Either buy a beer or beat it 😉.
"A penny saved is a penny earned".
Absolutely. Traveling back and forth between Ft Pierce and Kingsport a few times a year, if I can save 10 cent(s) a gallon, it'll come out to about $27 a year. Yeah, $27 isn't making an impact on my life/travel one way or the other, but would you stop to pick up $27 if you saw it laying on the ground? Of course you would. Gas prices haven't stopped us from going where we want to go, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try and find the cheapest gas stops. Why wouldn't you? It's like the CVS Care Pass program I mentioned a few pages ago, and the credit card benefits you can use if you pay attention. It all adds up, and while it's not life changing money, why wouldn't you do it?
No one uses Pennies anymore…

And it’s not earned when you’re taking time away from all the other customers by asking me the price of everything. Either buy a beer or beat it 😉.

I don't use pennies anymore, but if I see one on the ground, I pick it up, just like I do nickels, dimes, and quarters. They go into the "change box" in the console of my truck. Between my wife and I we'll pick up 10 bucks a year or more in change off the ground. When the change box gets full, I'll drop it by our bank when I'm out that way. I had over $33 in it once. Hell, back before using debit & credit cards to get stuff out of vending machines and using them at the cafeteria at work, I'd empty my spare change into a box when I came home from work. In 3-4 years time, I collected over $900.
I don't use pennies anymore, but if I see one on the ground, I pick it up, just like I do nickels, dimes, and quarters. They go into the "change box" in the console of my truck. Between my wife and I we'll pick up 10 bucks a year or more in change off the ground. When the change box gets full, I'll drop it by our bank when I'm out that way. I had over $33 in it once. Hell, back before using debit & credit cards to get stuff out of vending machines and using them at the cafeteria at work, I'd empty my spare change into a box when I came home from work. In 3-4 years time, I collected over $900.
Shit, in KW when people left change as a tip, mostly foreigners, we would throw it into the bight right in front of them and say yeah we don’t want change either. I’m not dealing with any change or any kind. You’d have thought they saw a ghost.

Even if you save it in your car console you then have to get it out take it to the bank where they take 10% or whatever. I’d rather just work a little harder and not deal with all that.
Cincy gas prices finally below $3.00 at several stations on the east side.
James, one of the Lexington morning news shows this morning reported that gas would be back to $4 or more per gallon by May. I’m guessing that more folks will be traveling when the weather warms up.
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I don't use pennies anymore, but if I see one on the ground, I pick it up, just like I do nickels, dimes, and quarters. They go into the "change box" in the console of my truck. Between my wife and I we'll pick up 10 bucks a year or more in change off the ground. When the change box gets full, I'll drop it by our bank when I'm out that way. I had over $33 in it once. Hell, back before using debit & credit cards to get stuff out of vending machines and using them at the cafeteria at work, I'd empty my spare change into a box when I came home from work. In 3-4 years time, I collected over $900.
Preach it. In fact, I've picked up $801.36 in loose change and bills since June 26, 2016 mainly around North Austin within 1 mile of our place. Never seen such careless folks in my entire life. Found $94,48 just over the past 6 months. Ha ha, inflation, I guess.

One could argue my time is better spent working out. My counter-argument suggests I'm usually on my feet 3-5 miles per day. Decent little workout. This "junk change" adds up over time. Add interest and returns are much better.

James, one of the Lexington morning news shows this morning reported that gas would be back to $4 or more per gallon by May. I’m guessing that more folks will be traveling when the weather warms up.
And that's roughly where gasoline peaked last year. May/June more or less. Gas Buddy and gas retailers likely had a good year as a result.
Preach it. In fact, I've picked up $801.36 in loose change and bills since June 26, 2016 mainly around North Austin within 1 mile of our place. Never seen such careless folks in my entire life. Found $94,48 just over the past 6 months. Ha ha, inflation, I guess.

One could argue my time is better spent working out. My counter-argument suggests I'm usually on my feet 3-5 miles per day. Decent little workout. This "junk change" adds up over time. Add interest and returns are much better.

Picked up a glass water cooler jug back in the 80's that's now about 3/4 full. I'll pass this along to my kid before college. I recall for years only putting in quarters then just silver coins although it has pennies as well since. My in-laws collected silver dollars as well that will also help out.
Shit, in KW when people left change as a tip, mostly foreigners, we would throw it into the bight right in front of them and say yeah we don’t want change either. I’m not dealing with any change or any kind. You’d have thought they saw a ghost.

Even if you save it in your car console you then have to get it out take it to the bank where they take 10% or whatever. I’d rather just work a little harder and not deal with all that.
Sounds like you need another bank. Our bank doesn't charge for it, and I only take it when it's full and I'm going that way anyway. It's free money.
Preach it. In fact, I've picked up $801.36 in loose change and bills since June 26, 2016 mainly around North Austin within 1 mile of our place. Never seen such careless folks in my entire life. Found $94,48 just over the past 6 months. Ha ha, inflation, I guess.

One could argue my time is better spent working out. My counter-argument suggests I'm usually on my feet 3-5 miles per day. Decent little workout. This "junk change" adds up over time. Add interest and returns are much better.

It's amazing how GD lazy people are who won't pick up change, even when it's change they've dropped. I was in line behind a dude in a convenience store a few years ago who dropped some change, looked at it and evidently decided it was too much work to bend over and pick it up as he just looked at it and walked out. Took me less than 10 seconds to pick up 2 dimes and 3 pennies. People like that are probably a good candidate to be litterers too.
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It's amazing how GD lazy people are who won't pick up change, even when it's change they've dropped. I was in line behind a dude in a convenience store a few years ago who dropped some change, looked at it and evidently decided it was too much work to bend over and pick it up as he just looked at it and walked out. Took me less than 10 seconds to pick up 2 dimes and 3 pennies. People like that are probably a good candidate to be litterers too.
Maybe he just doesn’t need .23 cents? I honestly wish they would eliminate all change and just round up to whole dollars.

I mean, when I was in college or a teenager, sure I’d pick it up. Now I don’t want to walk around with change in my pocket. I don’t like have anything in my pockets besides a phone and a very slim wallet.

My next vehicle may be a Ford with the door code just so I can lock my keys in my car and not have to carry them.
James, one of the Lexington morning news shows this morning reported that gas would be back to $4 or more per gallon by May. I’m guessing that more folks will be traveling when the weather warms up.
"After a long year of pain at the pump, gasoline prices have come down to earth. That may seem a reason to be cheery as 2023 approaches, but retail prices are likely to remain elevated for a simple reason: America’s lack of refining capacity.

Consumers don’t buy crude oil. They buy gasoline, diesel and heating oil, which are produced in specialized oil refineries. Since the beginning of 2020, seven refineries, totaling almost 6% of U.S. capacity, have closed. A million barrels a day have been taken out of the market."

Given the White House’s stated desire to lead a transition away from fossil fuels, refiners are concerned that long-term demand for their products will dry up. You can hardly blame them for thinking twice about making new investments in the U.S.
The ability of U.S. refiners to process lower-grade crude into valuable products such as diesel and jet fuel is an asset in the global marketplace. Manufacturing jobs in oil refining provide economic stability along with energy security. Even on the environmental ledger, U.S. refiners perform better than those in other countries.
Rather than vilifying and undermining the refining sector, the Biden administration should find ways to encourage further improvements. Instead, badgering refiners seems to be federal policy. Investing some of the year’s profits in medium-term capacity can help U.S. consumers. Foreign countries are making these investments and hurrying to bring new, modern refining capacity online.
This holiday season may feel like a reprieve, but consumers shouldn’t bank on significantly lower gas prices in the future. Oil isn’t going away anytime soon. The world won’t stop using it for decades, which means that the pain at the pump will still continue indefinitely until Washington decides to get serious about expanding domestic refining capacity."

I don't use pennies anymore, but if I see one on the ground, I pick it up, just like I do nickels, dimes, and quarters. They go into the "change box" in the console of my truck. Between my wife and I we'll pick up 10 bucks a year or more in change off the ground. When the change box gets full, I'll drop it by our bank when I'm out that way. I had over $33 in it once. Hell, back before using debit & credit cards to get stuff out of vending machines and using them at the cafeteria at work, I'd empty my spare change into a box when I came home from work. In 3-4 years time, I collected over $900.
I hand it out my window when it gets substantial enough to people asking.
Maybe he just doesn’t need .23 cents? I honestly wish they would eliminate all change and just round up to whole dollars.

I mean, when I was in college or a teenager, sure I’d pick it up. Now I don’t want to walk around with change in my pocket. I don’t like have anything in my pockets besides a phone and a very slim wallet.

My next vehicle may be a Ford with the door code just so I can lock my keys in my car and not have to carry them.
Nah, he was just being lazy. The 23 cents was just part of his change. He stuck the rest in his pocket. I mean, when you KNOW you've dropped something whether it's change, a gum wrapper or whatever, you're just a lazy POS if you walk away without picking it up.
I hand it out my window when it gets substantial enough to people asking.
I never hand out anything to anyone from my vehicle window. The last time I gave anything to "panhandlers" has been several years ago with a young couple in a beat up old truck who had an infant in a car seat asked if I could spare anything. When I saw the kid, I couldn't say no, so I gave them $20 and just hoped they used it for something for the kid. While I don't give money to panhandlers, I have bought meals and groceries for several. I don't like the thought of anyone going hungry.

The one that bothered me the most was a you girl who came into the Shell station in 2008 when gas was $3.78 a gallon and told the clerk she needed $2.00 on her pump. She was wearing a Cheddar's waitress uniform, had an infant in a carrier and couldn't even afford a touching gallon of gas. It broke my heart because my daughter was around that same age, in college and never had to worry about gas for her car. I went out and filled her car up and told her to do something nice for someone one day.
Penny wise and pound foolish.
I like that saying too, although I don't think it applies to anyone here unless they're driving out of their way to "save" a few cents on a gallon.

My favorite example of penny wise & pound foolish was when we had a drive on a piece of equipment at work that was going bad. The electricians would come to reset it and tell me that it was just a matter of time that it was going to be past resetting and that it needed to be sent off to be refurbished, since it was obsolete and couldn't be replaced. I told my boss, but he wanted to wait until it died, since it wasn't actually a production line, and was only used to produce samples and an occasional order that one of our resin customers were unable to fill on their lines.

It finally died. The electricians removed it and I sent it to a company in Virginia to refurbish at a quote of $4500 and a 2 week lead time. A few days later, one of our biggest resin customers called and said they had a great opportunity for new business, but their lines were already booked and couldn't fit in the 10K lb order that was quickly needed. So...I called the company in VA who is doing the work, and they tell me that we can pay $2K to expedite the work. My boss nearly cried, but his bosses were already irate with him for stalling on the repair because they wanted to do this for one of our biggest customers and we were a billion dollar company, yet my boss was pinching pennies. In the end, we paid $6500 for the repair, and I'd guess another $1K + for me to make a 12 hour round trip to pick it up including meals and hotel, and then pay me and the electricians overtime to install it, enter in the parameters and give it a trial run so it would be ready to go the following morning. So basically we wound up paying around $7.5K for a repair that originally was $4.5K, just because my boss thought it was better to put off the inevitable.

Penny wise and pound foolish? Yeah, I like that saying.
Chart of WTI crude oil vs gasoline. KY gasoline prices are closer to their 18-month lows than when the Ukraine war started.

We needed a few things at Kroger and also gas ($3.19) on the way home. Pretty dead tonight after 9:00 PM when my kid finds a gift card just lying in the aisle with nobody around. I check out the balance when I get home and it has $50 on it.
Absolutely. Traveling back and forth between Ft Pierce and Kingsport a few times a year, if I can save 10 cent(s) a gallon, it'll come out to about $27 a year. Yeah, $27 isn't making an impact on my life/travel one way or the other, but would you stop to pick up $27 if you saw it laying on the ground? Of course you would. Gas prices haven't stopped us from going where we want to go, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try and find the cheapest gas stops. Why wouldn't you? It's like the CVS Care Pass program I mentioned a few pages ago, and the credit card benefits you can use if you pay attention. It all adds up, and while it's not life changing money, why wouldn't you do it?
Other point with that should be if we did not care about paying only $27 more, what would stop them from raising it even more? Right now, it is going back up in my area. Got down to about $2.50 a gallon but is now nearing $3.00.
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Do you all really care? You’re going to pay for it either way so who gives a shit?

This message board isn’t going to change it. Unless you guys are so old you ACTUALLY care what gas prices are in places you’ll never go…
Rogue is posting on this message board only in ways he believes he can impact change. Noble warrior. Good luck!
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