Gary Parrish radio show ( great Calipari story)

If it was Cronin and Teague, then it was definitely regarding UC's recruitment of Teague and had nothing to do with Louisville's recruitment of him. UC was up there with Louisville until Kentucky started calling.

I will say, that it is rather disappointing to see how the story changed in the past few years, however. Parrish initially said that Cronin was just pissed that Calipari came in the last moment to steal him. Now, the story has changed to Cronin calling Calipari a cheater. Given how few 5/high 4 stars that Cronin recruits, I think it is very clear he understands UC's place in the pecking order. But, yeah, he put A TON of time into Teague, I'm just hoping the word "cheater" wasn't mentioned by Cronin as that would have been a baseless accusation and proven him to be a whiner/sore loser/etc.

Do you like Cronin? My UC buddies aren't big fans.
There are other cases in sure, but this particular article was about Teague, no question about it. Cronin put a lot of his own personal time recruiting him while he was an assistant at UL, and I'm guessing he was the main recruiter for Teague at UL, and therefore thought that he had a chance, even though he didnt. Just because Cincy didn't really have a chance doesn't make it not true, and I'm sure that Teague was being nice and telling Cronin he was seriously considering following him to Cincy even if wasn't true.

As MANY have stated, this is the truth regardless if it doesn't seem right to some for some reason. Both logic, and numerous insiders, and the previous article that DID state it was about Teague should stop speculating.
This reminds me, we must start looking for Shabaka Lands, he's still missing isn't he, LMAO!
Louisville fans to this day have said Nike signed Teague's brother to a bigger than usual contract, which is why Teague supposedly signed with us. They also say Cal had LeBron James call him to get him to UK. Those dudes have conspiracy theories that would make a truther blush. They vehemently believe these things. Effin hilarious.
I think i remember Jeff giving Marquis advice to go to UK..Not sure, but i think i read that somewhere...
There are other cases in sure, but this particular article was about Teague, no question about it. Cronin put a lot of his own personal time recruiting him while he was an assistant at UL, and I'm guessing he was the main recruiter for Teague at UL, and therefore thought that he had a chance, even though he didnt.

Did you hear this nonsense from Matt Jones?

Cronin left UofL in 2003. So, unless Cronin was recruiting Marquis Teague as a 4th grader, he had no involvement with him while an assistant at UofL.
I was in Cincy at the time and it was cry baby Cronin over Bledsoe. He said on radio show that he was having trouble getting Bledsoe to Cincy with his poor academics. Said no way the kid can qualify at UK except for Cal.
There you have it . Never liked his punk ass after that.
Except we really didn't steal Teague away from Cincy, it was more from Louisville.

And the article says he committed at the end of the Summer, Teague committed in April.

I think it's Mark Few and Gonzaga over Kyle Wiltjer.

Wiltjer committed out of nowhere at the end of August (AKA end of the summer). He only got recruited very briefly, and Mark Few has said it himself that he recruited Kyle since he was a sophomore in HS.
That's the first thing I thought.
Living in NKY I hear the bearcats fan talk trash all year long. I love the notion that there coach acts the same way as the uc fans. " Cal is kicking our A$$ in recruiting, he must been cheating " haha
Louisville was certainly after Teague hot and heavy, and they were quite upset when Cal swooped in and snagged him. And its a common reaction for a lot of coaches get to butt hurt when Cal and the Cats come away with their prized recruit.

probably the best gif on here ever. and we got the title that year. epic.
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There are other cases in sure, but this particular article was about Teague, no question about it. Cronin put a lot of his own personal time recruiting him while he was an assistant at UL, and I'm guessing he was the main recruiter for Teague at UL, and therefore thought that he had a chance, even though he didnt. Just because Cincy didn't really have a chance doesn't make it not true, and I'm sure that Teague was being nice and telling Cronin he was seriously considering following him to Cincy even if wasn't true.

As MANY have stated, this is the truth regardless if it doesn't seem right to some for some reason. Both logic, and numerous insiders, and the previous article that DID state it was about Teague should stop speculating.

Wow is this ever completely wrong. Sorry, fella, but Cronin left UL in 2003--when Teague was still a little elementary school kid--so I'm pretty sure he had NOTHING to do with recruiting Teague at UL. You really oughta try first familiarizing yourself with the facts before blowing smoke out your ass in these posts.
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It's always funny to me that we have a few fans that will completely make up bs and write paragraphs about a situation they know nothing about thinking they will get away with it. Of all people, our fans should know better than anyone that you can't get away with that bs on here without getting called out. Check google before making up your own version of a story.
It's always funny to me that we have a few fans that will completely make up bs and write paragraphs about a situation they know nothing about thinking they will get away with it. Of all people, our fans should know better than anyone that you can't get away with that bs on here without getting called out. Check google before making up your own version of a story.
I am going to have to defend the Kentucky fans here. From what I have gathered in this thread, the part of the story about it being Teague (which I assume is what you are referring to) was started by Matt Jones.
The only thing I ever liked about cincinatti was Huggins. Can't stand Cronin and still think he's one of the dirtiest coaches in basketball, if not "willing" the be the dirtiest.

Teague was thought to be Louisville's to lose in 2010. Is that being argued? Because it's a fact. Louisville fans collectively jumped off a bridge when he switched. I was on the Louisville boards back then before he committed and all I kept seeing is "Cal can have whoever but Teague is ours."

Edit: As far as Cronin recruiting him for UL, lol, pretty far out.

Stop listening to Matt Jones UK. At least for recruiting info the guy is useless.
This makes me think about a few things.

I love this. Cal is such an Alpha dog and the PC "everyone gets a trophy" crowd goes nuts over these things. I love sports haven't taken the bait, yet.

For all you who constantly are I sufferable about this notion that the school doesn't matter, you'll need to exain that to john Calipri who seems to believe schools and programs help make the man. Let's not avoid that.

Cronin and Teague is probably it. Cal has always had a strange relationship With the Huggins camp.

I've never understood why Memphis writers and journalist are so much better than Kentucky's or Lexingtons. Our best writers trash us and never leave. Memphis beat writers go national and stay with great articles for college basketball. Stuff like this makes the down time manageable. Why are our writers so garbage? Who is Kentucky's Parrish? Who's our DeCourcy? Pat Forde?

At least with Cal being at UK and Memphis being dogshit again, they all write about the former coach they love so they constantly talk UK. I'll take it.
It wasn't IOWA Fran M is a big guy with a hot temper! You call him out in a crowd and things would have gotten ugly!
I remembered this from Cals days at Memphis. Go to the 43 second mark. Cronin Cal handshake. They played it a lot during the hiring.

Always looked to me like Cronin was gonna kiss ass and joke around but cal says something serious to
Him that seems to concern him to an extent. Probbaly nothing but I found it interesting on the topic.

[smoke]Parrish talked about it again today. He was baffled it became such huge news and didn't know how.
I heard today that the coach was Bruce Weber and it was over Anthony Davis.
Do you like Cronin? My UC buddies aren't big fans.

Yes and no. Great defensive coach and he did a phenomenal job rebuilding in the Big East after Huggins wrecked the program, but I'm not sure he can take the program any further. He hasn't recruited very well (and yes some of that is due to garbage facilities/conference affiliation) and that cripples his team's offensive firepower (or lack thereof). I think we'll be really good this year (top 10-15), but it's been a tough transition moving to this level of success from Huggins at his peak.
Yes and no. Great defensive coach and he did a phenomenal job rebuilding in the Big East after Huggins wrecked the program, but I'm not sure he can take the program any further. He hasn't recruited very well (and yes some of that is due to garbage facilities/conference affiliation) and that cripples his team's offensive firepower (or lack thereof). I think we'll be really good this year (top 10-15), but it's been a tough transition moving to this level of success from Huggins at his peak.

How exactly did Huggins ruin that program?
I remembered this from Cals days at Memphis. Go to the 43 second mark. Cronin Cal handshake. They played it a lot during the hiring.

Always looked to me like Cronin was gonna kiss ass and joke around but cal says something serious to
Him that seems to concern him to an extent. Probbaly nothing but I found it interesting on the topic.

Don't know how you found that, but yeah, it is an interesting little catch. First they're doing the usual fake laughing/back slapping bit, but then Cal says something and Cronin's face instantly switches to an expression somewhere between pissed off or worried or.. I don't know, but he definitely ain't happy with whatever Cal just said.
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Don't know how you found that, but yeah, it is an interesting little catch. First they're doing the usual fake laughing/back slapping bit, but then Cal says something and Cronin's face instantly switches to an expression somewhere between pissed off or worried or.. I don't know, but he definitely ain't happy with whatever Cal just said.

No doubt man. Pretty hilarious. Id pay to hear what was said there.
How exactly did Huggins ruin that program?

His DUI and contined player/recruit legal problems made it impossible not to fire him. But you certainly have to blame university president Nancy Zimpher as well. She fired Huggins in September, I believe, and by the time Mick was hired he only had one scholarship player on the entire roster (a juco bench player). It was definitely a group effort in destroying the program...
His DUI and contined player/recruit legal problems made it impossible not to fire him. But you certainly have to blame university president Nancy Zimpher as well. She fired Huggins in September, I believe, and by the time Mick was hired he only had one scholarship player on the entire roster (a juco bench player). It was definitely a group effort in destroying the program...

Look, Huggins certainly had problems at the end of his UC term, but to say that he "ruined the program" is utter dimwitted hogwash, considering he took over a program that was in shambles and converted it into a national power.

I suggest you go back and look at UC's records throughout the 80s before Huggins got there if you don't believe me. Yeah, I'm sure UC fans during the Huggins era were longing for those good ole days like that 3-25 season in 1984 before Huggins came in and "ruined" things.
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Look, Huggins certainly had problems at the end of his UC term, but to say that he "ruined the program" is utter dimwitted hogwash, considering he took over a program that was in shambles and converted it into a national power.

I suggest you go back and look at UC's records throughout the 80s before Huggins got there if you don't believe me. Yeah, I'm sure UC fans during the Huggins era were longing for those good ole days like that 3-25 season in 1984 until Huggins came in and "ruined" things.

This was the point I was going to make. Huggins is what amounts to one of the best personalities and coaches that cincinatti will ever have. He's a hard ass so when friction happens, watch out, so I understand the turmoil. But to say he ruined the program is totally in left field.

UK fans are nowhere near the craziest and unreasonable. Not even close. People just highlight UK, and our fans buy in too easily.
UK fans are nowhere near the craziest and unreasonable. Not even close. People just highlight UK, and our fans buy in too easily.

I agree with you on a lot of things, but come on. Two years ago right before "the tweak" UK fans flooded the call-in shows saying Cal had to go. We have the most smart fans in the country, but we also have the most dumbasses, too. If we go 7-3 in our first 10 games next year just watch the idiots come out of the woodwork.
Well this is new. Rick Barnes is putting his name into consideration for this story. Apparently he wants everyone to believe he's a big time college coach.
UK fans are nowhere near the craziest and unreasonable.

Sorry, but can't agree with this. Yeah, we do have the craziest fans anywhere, and often the most unreasonable, and the most passionate, and ....well, just about the most everything that fans can be. Because the fact is college basketball fans in this state simply take this shit way more seriously than anywhere else--which manifests itself in ways that are both good and bad.