Gary Parrish radio show ( great Calipari story)

I thought maybe it was Oregon and Jamal Murray. I know they were recruiting him for a long time and Cal just swooped in and took him.
little disappointed in KSR. I know everything on the Internet is fair game but how many people listen to local Memphis,radio? I emailed some folks and posted this thread after my trip home today. I now realize it's an older story but it's still funny as hell. Ms Tyler on KSR gave me props when I found the old r&b songs of Trey lyles dad but no mention of my emails to tell them about this today. Oh well. It's still a hilarious story and glad it got some pub.
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Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not knocking this guy or anything, but I was shocked by his grammar.

"Ain't" and "It don't matter" etc.

This guy is a national writer and he talks like that?

Sorry, I should not judge because I probably talk like that at times, but this guy was on the radio and is suppose to be a journalist. He should be a little more eloquent, IMHO.

Sorry, I know that it doesn't really matter, but I just had to say something.

No, it doesn't matter. Next.
Btw I thought it might be over Ulis, briscoe , Booker or wiltjer.....
It always amuses me to see that people just don't read a whole thread. If there's an OP with 40 responses, I guess people just skip the 40 and say what they're gonna say. Or maybe they start reading and response #6 makes them want to reply. Meanwhile, every few posts someone is giving the answer - it's Cronin and Teague......
I recall the original story being more along the lines of Cronin went all-in on Teague verrrrry early, like recruiting him since middle school. Then Cal comes in his senior year and basically wraps him up. Remember UL and IU were on him before UK.

Cal started recruiting Teague as soon as he took over at UK. That would have been spring of Teague's sophomore season. Louisville had been on him for a year already though and was considered the leader until the last few months and even hired his high school assistant.

Cincy was considered a dark horse I think because they took a commit from one of Teague's buddies.

At least that's how I remembered. But you know how memory works. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't ha ha.
I thought maybe it was Oregon and Jamal Murray. I know they were recruiting him for a long time and Cal just swooped in and took him.

We've done that with so many since Cal got here. Bledsoe, Kanter, Wiltjer, Davis, Ulis, Briscoe, Murray all fit that description to be honest.
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Word is it's Mick Cronin over the player Marquis Teague.

Except we really didn't steal Teague away from Cincy, it was more from Louisville.

And the article says he committed at the end of the Summer, Teague committed in April.

I think it's Mark Few and Gonzaga over Kyle Wiltjer.

Wiltjer committed out of nowhere at the end of August (AKA end of the summer). He only got recruited very briefly, and Mark Few has said it himself that he recruited Kyle since he was a sophomore in HS.
Except we really didn't steal Teague away from Cincy, it was more from Louisville.

And the article says he committed at the end of the Summer, Teague committed in April.

I think it's Mark Few and Gonzaga over Kyle Wiltjer.

Wiltjer committed out of nowhere at the end of August (AKA end of the summer). He only got recruited very briefly, and Mark Few has said it himself that he recruited Kyle since he was a sophomore in HS.
Iowa and Michigan State had both recruited Ulis for years. Cal literally recruited him for 3 months and signed the kid.
Except we really didn't steal Teague away from Cincy, it was more from Louisville.

And the article says he committed at the end of the Summer, Teague committed in April.

I think it's Mark Few and Gonzaga over Kyle Wiltjer.

Wiltjer committed out of nowhere at the end of August (AKA end of the summer). He only got recruited very briefly, and Mark Few has said it himself that he recruited Kyle since he was a sophomore in HS.

Wiltjer and Davis both committed at the end of the summer. Ulis was in September or October right? I know he came to the alumni game before he committed and that was in September.
guys on other site who know their stuff are saying Cronin about Teague, so it seems legit. I hope the NCAA pairs us up against Cincy every freakin year in the tourny now! AS if Cincy is in the same UK!
Coach Cal:

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Mick Cronin would make sense. He is a pitino descendent. It's his way of taking up for his boy since it was louisville we stole Teague from
Definitely about Mick Cronin and Cal swooping in and stealing Marquis Teague from UL. Although Cronin was at Cincy at the time, and I don't think Teague was ever seriously considering the Bearcats, but Cronin's still good buddies with Pricktino and began spreading some pretty vicious rumors that Cal had cheated to get him to switch and pick UK after he had been a UL lean for so long. The false rumors were very specific and that is what prompted Cal to confront him. Cal usually brushes that kind of stuff off as sour grapes, but I guess he had heard it from several different people and had gotten fed up with it and felt the need to put little Mickey in his place.

Funny Parrish repeated the story and refrained from mentioning the coaches name when he had told the story some time back and mentioned not only Cronin, but Teague as well.
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Used to like Cronin. Now he's dead to me. Is that thug still on their team next year?
Except we really didn't steal Teague away from Cincy, it was more from Louisville.

And the article says he committed at the end of the Summer, Teague committed in April.

I think it's Mark Few and Gonzaga over Kyle Wiltjer.

Wiltjer committed out of nowhere at the end of August (AKA end of the summer). He only got recruited very briefly, and Mark Few has said it himself that he recruited Kyle since he was a sophomore in HS.

You guys keep throwing out names of guys with whom Calipari is good friends.

It's NOT Izzo or Few. Cal's close with both of those guys.

Wouldn't surprise me if it's Cronin, especially with his Pitino ties. Plus, Weber is a known whiner.
Definitely about Mick Cronin and Cal swooping in and stealing Marquis Teague from UL. Although Cronin was at Cincy at the time, and I don't think Teague was ever seriously considering the Bearcats, but Cronin's still good buddies with Pricktino and began spreading some pretty vicious rumors that Cal had cheated to get him to switch and pick UK after he had been a UL lean for so long. The false rumors were very specific and that is what prompted Cal to confront him. Cal usually brushes that kind of stuff off as sour grapes, but I guess he had heard it from several different people and had gotten fed up with it and felt the need to put little Mickey in his place.

Funny Parrish repeated the story and refrained from mentioning the coaches name when he had told the story some time back and mentioned not only Cronin, but Teague as well.

Now we know what U of L fans meant by "the right people".
For some reason my memory is that Teague had verbal to Louisville or Indiana then Cal swooped in and took him. i Don't remember Cincinnati being involved
Cronin has always seemed like a whiny little female dog.

It would be funny if it was Cronin sticking up for Rick and spreading cheating rumors, when Pitino hired Teague's high school/AAU(can't remember) coach to try to get Teague.
Always love it when Cal swoops in at the last moment and steals away a recruit that another program has been heavily recruiting for years and thought it had locked up, because it 1) always stirs up a hilarious firestorm with the opposing fan base; and 2) perfectly demonstrates the power of the UK and Calipari names.

As for who it could be, who knows, it could be any number of coaches with as many times as a scenario like that has played out (a few examples that come to mind are Kansas State with WCS, MSU and Iowa with Ulis, UL with Teague, Arkansas with Goodwin, Zaga with Wiltjer, UW with Terrence Jones, Missouri with Booker, etc.).
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Cronin has always seemed like a whiny little female dog.

It would be funny if it was Cronin sticking up for Rick and spreading cheating rumors, when Pitino hired Teague's high school/AAU(can't remember) coach to try to get Teague.
It has to be about Cronin carrying Pitino's water if this story is accurate in that he was spreading rumors about Cal and how he recruited Teague. I don't recall UC ever being a serious player.

Also, it shows you how shit like Eric Bledsoe's transcripts getting leaked are likely traced back to Pitino's minions.
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For some reason my memory is that Teague had verbal to Louisville or Indiana then Cal swooped in and took him. i Don't remember Cincinnati being involved

I don't think he ever formally verballed, but it was widely believed Teague was a UL lock.

I seem to recall Pitino even admitted that he recruited Teague harder and longer than any recruit he'd ever pursued, he had assistants practically living near the Teague home in Indy for years, gave a job to Teague's AAU coach, etc. But then Cal jumped in at the last moment and snatched him away from UL with virtually no prior effort at all--and the UL fan reaction to that was glorious.
UC was listed with Teague. I'm sure, as has been said, most of it was Cronin being a Pitino cronie.
Louisville was certainly after Teague hot and heavy, and they were quite upset when Cal swooped in and snagged him. And its a common reaction for a lot of coaches get to butt hurt when Cal and the Cats come away with their prized recruit.

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If it was Cronin and Teague, then it was definitely regarding UC's recruitment of Teague and had nothing to do with Louisville's recruitment of him. UC was up there with Louisville until Kentucky started calling.

I will say, that it is rather disappointing to see how the story changed in the past few years, however. Parrish initially said that Cronin was just pissed that Calipari came in the last moment to steal him. Now, the story has changed to Cronin calling Calipari a cheater. Given how few 5/high 4 stars that Cronin recruits, I think it is very clear he understands UC's place in the pecking order. But, yeah, he put A TON of time into Teague, I'm just hoping the word "cheater" wasn't mentioned by Cronin as that would have been a baseless accusation and proven him to be a whiner/sore loser/etc.
I don't think he ever formally verballed, but it was widely believed Teague was a UL lock.

I seem to recall Pitino even admitted that he recruited Teague harder and longer than any recruit he'd ever pursued, he had assistants practically living near the Teague home in Indy for years, gave a job to Teague's AAU coach, etc. But then Cal jumped in at the last moment and snatched him away from UL with virtually no prior effort at all--and the UL fan reaction to that was glorious.
Louisville fans to this day have said Nike signed Teague's brother to a bigger than usual contract, which is why Teague supposedly signed with us. They also say Cal had LeBron James call him to get him to UK. Those dudes have conspiracy theories that would make a truther blush. They vehemently believe these things. Effin hilarious.