Kentucky has a point guard. Duke does not.

That might not have hurt them tonight, but teams will now know all about Keels. Outside of a slightly better than average Wendell Moore and the great looking Banchero the Blue Devils still have Jeremy Roach as their point guard. Keels and Banchero arent going to be great every night.

We might not have the depth on the interior, but our guards will eventually gel together. We have a point guard. We have a 17 and 19 guy against the #9 team in the nation. UK has a higher ceiling.
I disagree, duke has a much higher ceiling. Doesn't mean we wouldn't beat them in March, but they have better talent at 4 positions and those guys are just scratching the surface.

They have some serious size, bulk and athletesism.
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Kentucky has a point guard. Duke does not.

That might not have hurt them tonight, but teams will now know all about Keels. Outside of a slightly better than average Wendell Moore and the great looking Banchero the Blue Devils still have Jeremy Roach as their point guard. Keels and Banchero arent going to be great every night.

We might not have the depth on the interior, but our guards will eventually gel together. We have a point guard. We have a 17 and 19 guy against the #9 team in the nation. UK has a higher ceiling.
That’s like being 5’9 and saying you’re tall. You are darn convincing though!
I hear ya. But I’m seriously considering not watching anymore until something changes. Just tired of the way he does things. Tired of watching guys like Juzang, Allen, etc unable to play in this playground offense.
Fear the beard alt?
Defensive lapses killed us. Duke getting too many uncontested attempts. Rushed offense. Forcing shots. We have a lot of room for improvement. As usual, Duke is not going to get a lot better. You gotta love the effort and intensity we showed at times.
Why aren’t they going to get better when they play a ton of freshman and we have a lot of older guys?
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Why aren’t they going to get better when they play a ton of freshman and we have a lot of older guys?
Maybe you haven't been keeping up. That was Duke. They do it every year.
Damn shame Cal wouldn’t even take a phone call from Cockburn all because some players didn’t want him here taking their minutes.
Something for which you have ZERO proof. Just saying.
UK has a higher ceiling than Duke?

No way anyone watched that game last night and legitimately thought or thinks that.
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UK has a higher ceiling than Duke?

No way anyone watched that game last night and legitimately thought or thinks that.
Duke was pretty much at mid-season form. It was pretty clear why. They were polishing various aspects of their game and not working on conditioning. Hence all the muscle cramps.

Kentucky on the other hand was doing a huge amount wrong on defense and offense. Some of it was fairly basic and the vast majority was fixable. Further, we were in better condition. We stand to improve a lot.

I like our chances at years end. One caveat. We better not lose Oscar.
Ok. Hard to tell you apart. Just saying.
What’s hard about it? I’m a blue through and through Kentucky fan that is sick of having a recruiter as a coach. Whose lost his recruiting touch and sucks at X’s and O’s that’s it.
If that makes me not a fan or suddenly a ul fan don’t know what to tell ya. I’m not enamored with Cal. He’s washed up IMO drawing a big check. Standing there laughing it up with coach K after the game made me sick. Do you think if the roles were reversed K would’ve acted the same way? Absolutely not, he wants to win no matter what.
But I guess Cal is more concerned on draft day.
What’s hard about it? I’m a blue through and through Kentucky fan that is sick of having a recruiter as a coach. Whose lost his recruiting touch and sucks at X’s and O’s that’s it.
If that makes me not a fan or suddenly a ul fan don’t know what to tell ya. I’m not enamored with Cal. He’s washed up IMO drawing a big check. Standing there laughing it up with coach K after the game made me sick. Do you think if the roles were reversed K would’ve acted the same way? Absolutely not, he wants to win no matter what.
But I guess Cal is more concerned on draft day.
Just saying. Hard to tell the difference between you and that Puke guy last night crapping all over the board.
That should’ve been a damn technical.
Of course no Dook technical foul on throwing the ball at Ware.
Might as well have been Laettner.
Why was that not a Tech on Roach?
Lol throws the ball at ware and no tech?
How is that not a technical? BS
I'm watching my recording and the fact Pat Adams of all people did not call a tech there shows you how much they want K to win. What a joke Pat Adams is.
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I'm watching my recording and the fact Pat Adams of all people did not call a tech there shows you how much they want K to win. What a joke Pat Adams is.
Pat sucks. Was he the one who gave Humphries a tech for spiking the ball against A&M or was that someone else?

Edit: was he the one who called the phantom foul on TyTy after the botched handoff? If so, that's a potential 4 swing with that call and no-call.