Game of Thrones

"SHAME" Nun - Game of Thrones
I think they can say Jon is dead, because he is. I dont think his character is gone. We see him die, so they can say hes dead without lying. Semantics, but still.

I think he is probably Azor dude reborn. Millsandre rides back to Castle Black in the night because she sees Jon Snow in the flames. She went in the middle of the night not to leave Stannis, but to save Jon Snow, from what she saw in the fire. She has the power to rez the dead.

Right. Thats why hes been very specific in interviews in saying basically "John Snow is dead". We know that probably means he lives as Azor Ahai.
Yeah I'm pretty sure Arya will be blind but will still be able to function as an assassin. When Jaqen was giving Arya his speech about becoming no one, he mentioned something about sacrificing one's senses.
Maybe Stannis' daughters sacrifice will be how Jon Snow comes back

Since in the books Stannis, wife and daughter are all still alive that might be a possibility. Supposely Martin is working with the TV series producers advising how he plans on doing things in the next 2 books maybe her death could happen in the books to bring Jon back but I do not think that will occur in the books at least.
having read the books (it has been a few years tho) I really enjoy the tv show adaptation...I know this last TV season the show strayed from the book story more than ever but like many have pointed out the main characters and plot points ended close enough to the books for these guys running the show have only the main story the writer shared with them from the upcoming books to put together the biggest TV show in history for another 2-3 seasons...
Well I have a feelings that stannis' daughter would've bit the dust eventually in the books. What else would her purpose be?
Something Melisandre said to Arya when they met that I forgot about completely: "I see a darkness in you. And in that darkness, eyes staring back at me. Brown eyes, blue eyes, green eyes... eyes you'll shut forever. We will meet again."

Interesting note: Only two people on Arya's "list" are still alive on the show: Ceresi and Melisandre

She gets her sight back fairly quickly in the books
Well I have a feelings that stannis' daughter would've bit the dust eventually in the books. What else would her purpose be?

The show creators basically said that GRRM told them that Shireen will burn in the books. The circumstances will be completely different though, obviously, because Stannis' family and Melisandre are all alive and well back at Castle Black while he marches toward Winterfell.

It's a good time to note that "Book Stannis" and "TV Stannis" are almost completely different characters. "Book Stannis" would have never sacrificed his daughter just to gain the Iron Throne the way "TV Stannis" did. So here's what I think happens in the next book...

Stannis loses the Battle of Winterfell, but not as badly as he lost it in the show. He survives and retreats back to Castle Black just as the Others and their army are nearing The Wall from the north. With his army almost decimated by the Boltons and the White Walkers knocking on their door, Stannis finally breaks down and sacrifices his daughter in a moment of complete despair.
Did Sansa and Theon leap to their deaths or did they somehow survive? I did not see any mention throughout the thread since the final episode.
No chance they died from that jump. I mean, how pathetic would that be story-wise? I'm almost certain they'll join up with Brienne and Pod.
No chance they died from that jump. I mean, how pathetic would that be story-wise? I'm almost certain they'll join up with Brienne and Pod.
I replayed that scene several times because i wasn't sure if they died or not. At first i thought maybe they jumped into a deep snow bank but remember, the opening scene was the red witch telling Stannis that the gods had granted his wish by melting the snow.

Then i looked to see if I could tell how high it actually was. But there was nothing to judge by, just that it was high.

So, in my mind, they had to die or at the very least, be severely injured. And if injured, would be easy prey for ramsey. So my vote is, they died.
I replayed that scene several times because i wasn't sure if they died or not. At first i thought maybe they jumped into a deep snow bank but remember, the opening scene was the red witch telling Stannis that the gods had granted his wish by melting the snow.

Then i looked to see if I could tell how high it actually was. But there was nothing to judge by, just that it was high.

So, in my mind, they had to die or at the very least, be severely injured. And if injured, would be easy prey for ramsey. So my vote is, they died.

I just dont see anyway they die there. Would make zero sense in terms of the story. No way I see 2 major episode 1 characters suffering such an unceremonious death. Not that I would complain. Im not a fan of either character.
They landed in a huge snow drift and Ramsay was just returning from battle when they jumped. He doesn't know they're gone. Yet.
I demand Wyman Manderly next season, I'm sick of the Boltons being comic book villains with nothing bad happening to them ever.
They landed in a huge snow drift and Ramsay was just returning from battle when they jumped. He doesn't know they're gone. Yet.
As I said before, the snow had melted. There was no HUGE snowbank. But lets just say there was and they jumped with no injuries (highly unlikely), how far do you think they'd get? True, ramsey had just returned but his last words were about going to see his wife. It wouldn't take long for him to realize they were gone. And probably less time to track them down.

You may be right but that they lived is really far fetched.
As I said before, the snow had melted. There was no HUGE snowbank. But lets just say there was and they jumped with no injuries (highly unlikely), how far do you think they'd get? True, ramsey had just returned but his last words were about going to see his wife. It wouldn't take long for him to realize they were gone. And probably less time to track them down.

You may be right but that they lived is really far fetched.
You mean like fire breathing Dragons and raising people from the dead far fetched?
Im telling you 100% they lived. You think they're gonna start season 6 showing their dead bodies on the ground? No. I mean come on man, if they're gonna kill a big character off do you think they're gonna make it as anticlimatic as that? I never said they didn't get injured. And clearly there was still snow on he ground.
As I said before, the snow had melted. There was no HUGE snowbank. But lets just say there was and they jumped with no injuries (highly unlikely), how far do you think they'd get? True, ramsey had just returned but his last words were about going to see his wife. It wouldn't take long for him to realize they were gone. And probably less time to track them down.

You may be right but that they lived is really far fetched.

Here's the thing, this is a television show adapted from a book. In the book Theon and Ramsay's wife jump off the wall at Winterfell and survive by landing in a huge snow bank. So, I am correct. They survived the fall. Now the editing on the show may not have made that clear, but that's exactly what happens. Plus it really wouldn't make any GD sense for them to just jump to their deaths.

Anything else on the subject would be spoilers, so
Ramsay does not catch them, because they're immediately found by a northern lord, Mors Umber, who is sympathetic to the Starks, who then takes them to Stannis. Since Stannis is already dead on TV and there is no northern lord outside Winterfell's walls (although the next season's casting calls indicate this may be changing), they will likely be found by Brienne who will serve as the conduit to rescue them from potential immediate recapture by Ramsay.
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Blind guessing on my part so no spoiler, but I suspect the 6th season will show Brienne & Pod rescuing Theon & Sansa, then the 4 of them go on a quest in search of Bran & Rickon.

Since the TV morons think that is just swell entertainment, GOT characters teaming up as buddies to wander around aimlessly with pointless unimportant quests. See Jamie this season, Brienne last season, Arya & Hound for a damn season & a half. Hell have Ser Davos join in the gang, since that is what he is supposed to be doing in the books anyway.

Ser Jora & Dario (or is he Euron? or Benjen!!) will be doing this same nonsense most of next year on TV as well. Meandering through the Dothraki sea (although really looked like the Dothraki Vale) until they find Danny's dropped ring. Then mount an improbably rescue effort that will go about as well as Jamie & Bron's adventures in Dorne.
I would have to agree that it makes the most sense having Brienne and Pod rescue Sansa. As for danny and the Dothraki... I think we saw that she can summon Drogon and once that bad boy gets rested up he's the only rescue she needs. I hope they turn the other two dragons loose, talk about a rescue party.
The Dothraki will "bend the knee" to Dany because they will declare her and/or Drogon to be "the stallion who mounts the world"

She will march the Dothraki into Mereen, obliterate the Sons of the Harpy, then head toward Westeros with both Dothraki and Unsullied at her disposal. I think all of Dorne will rise for her, and maybe the Tyrells too (they seems much more likely to do so in the show than in the books given that Margery and Loras are still apparently locked up).
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More (possible) huge news for next season...

It looks like Arthur Dayne is being cast. If we're getting Arthur Dayne then we are almost certainly getting a flashback to the Tower of Joy. And if we're getting the Tower of Joy, then we are almost certainly getting R+L=J
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Meh, it didn't work.

No one has mentioned Arya's fate yet. The line from Jagen H'ghar "to someone the faces are as good as poison" She screwed up putting a face on while seeking revenge for her former self. That made the face poisonous and caused her to be blind.

To me it seemed like Arya's actual mission was to kill that guy all along. Didn't they start her "training" in that weird castle by smacking her around and getting her to stay quiet? Then the Meryn guy does the same thing to her in the brothel, and her being quiet is what gets his attention.

Maybe they were testing her, but it seems like somehow they knew that would come in handy for her.
Sansa and Theon jumped from an 80 foot wall to my estimation. One of them probably broke a leg or something.

Now what pissed me off the most re: the finale was where the EF was Ghost? He's there whenever anybody sneezed around Jon much less threatened him (the wildling scene when he saved him after they scaled the wall).

Bad writing there imo unless I missed something.
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Sansa and Theon jumped from an 80 foot wall to my estimation. One of them probably broke a leg or something.

Now what pissed me off the most re: the finale was where the EF was Ghost? He's there whenever anybody sneezed around Jon much less threatened him (the wildling scene when he saved him after they scaled the wall).

Bad writing there imo unless I missed something.
D&D have been absolutely terrible about inconsistencies and plotholes that wouldn't exist if they just followed the god damn books better.
That body double for Cersei should be used as a body double for all characters -- women, men, dwarfs, giants, and so on. And a plot twist should involve a poison that makes wearing clothes potentially deadly.
Now what pissed me off the most re: the finale was where the EF was Ghost? He's there whenever anybody sneezed around Jon much less threatened him (the wildling scene when he saved him after they scaled the wall).

I thought Bran warged into Summer and helped Jon, I don't think Snow was there since they had just finished climbing the wall.
I second that body double take man.

I went back and reread some of book 5 and Ghost was locked up due to a wildling's big pig being around which Jon didn't want them tangling, huge mistake, esp. pissed how cowardly the bros. were in sending that idiotboy and lying about Benjen's return, etc.

2) The Red priestess road hard to get back to CB due to Stannis getting EF'd by the sellswords and losing the battle of Winterfell for a readon huh? Maybe to resurrect Jon as many of you have said, correct? Of so, can't wait to see his revenge on them sumbitches next season/book 6!!!

Some more takes...

1) Dany, I don't care about her acting skills or the horrid cgi...she's by far the hottest poa on TV. Today. 'nuff said.

2) Rewatched the wrights/others attack on the wildling's camp at the endof Ep8. Imo some of the best TV action EVER. Can't imagine how in the hell the 7 kingdoms are gonna compete...its gnna be a bloodbath regardless.

3) when is book 6 due out?
I second that body double take man.

I went back and reread some of book 5 and Ghost was locked up due to a wildling's big pig being around which Jon didn't want them tangling, huge mistake, esp. pissed how cowardly the bros. were in sending that idiotboy and lying about Benjen's return, etc.

2) The Red priestess road hard to get back to CB due to Stannis getting EF'd by the sellswords and losing the battle of Winterfell for a readon huh? Maybe to resurrect Jon as many of you have said, correct? Of so, can't wait to see his revenge on them sumbitches next season/book 6!!!

Some more takes...

1) Dany, I don't care about her acting skills or the horrid cgi...she's by far the hottest poa on TV. Today. 'nuff said.

2) Rewatched the wrights/others attack on the wildling's camp at the endof Ep8. Imo some of the best TV action EVER. Can't imagine how in the hell the 7 kingdoms are gonna compete...its gnna be a bloodbath regardless.

3) when is book 6 due out?

I like how the red witch RODE out of Stannis' camp. Rode out of camp after the sell swords deserted and took all the horses. All the horses but one??
2) Rewatched the wrights/others attack on the wildling's camp at the endof Ep8. Imo some of the best TV action EVER. Can't imagine how in the hell the 7 kingdoms are gonna compete...its gnna be a bloodbath regardless.

3) when is book 6 due out?
the prevailing theory on the story's grand conclusion is Danny & 2 others riding her 3 dragons to the rescue and turning all the wights/others into piles of ashes. might not happen until most of Westeros is pillaged and dead.

6th book I guess could be announced anytime now. allegedly it is finished enough that the show writers have read it in prep for them making the next season. maybe in time for Christmas sales?
Still a pretty good episode. Except, what happened to the dogs that were ready to rip Stansa apart when the big blonde saved her? She killed the men but the dogs just disappeared?