Fundraiser for people killed and injured by anti Trump killer.

Agree. What's it gonna take to get people to be able to remove themselves from the theater we are witnessing
I mean, it ain't changing. When folks on social media began doing their own detective work on mass shooters just to find out if that person was a democrat or a republican, just to find a reason to blame the other side and never for a moment think of the victims, we crossed a point of no return for some and it became a game for them of sorts.

When politics becomes your whole identity, you get attention, but you don't actually seem like a happy person anymore, at least, not online.
I mean, it ain't changing. When folks on social media began doing their own detective work on mass shooters just to find out if that person was a democrat or a republican, just to find a reason to blame the other side and never for a moment think of the victims, we crossed a point of no return for some and it became a game for them of sorts.

When politics becomes your whole identity, you get attention, but you don't actually seem like a happy person anymore, at least, not online.

I agree to an extent but this goes deeper than that.

People are downright filled with hate towards each other now. This extremism that has enveloped the country the last ten years will tear this country apart the way it’s trending. Maybe it already has
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I think it's important to remember that while people are irrational and like to group millions of people into terms like "leftists", "rednecks" and <insert term here> that in reality Americans of all parties are friends, family members and in actuality care about each other more than the demagoguery we see on the internet.

When I look out my window, I see no leftists, neo-cons or beligerent assholes...I see a lady cutting her grass and someone walking their dog.

That to me is the real America.
I think it's important to remember that while people are irrational and like to group millions of people into terms like "leftists", "rednecks" and <insert term here> that in reality Americans of all parties are friends, family members and in actuality care about each other more than the demagoguery we see on the internet.

When I look out my window, I see no leftists, neo-cons or beligerent assholes...I see a lady cutting her grass and someone walking their dog.

That to me is the real America.
Thats a good viewpoint to have but it is not reality.

This is not just, as the kids say, Twitter beef. These are real consequences of real people’s actions.
I think it's important to remember that while people are irrational and like to group millions of people into terms like "leftists", "rednecks" and <insert term here> that in reality Americans of all parties are friends, family members and in actuality care about each other more than the demagoguery we see on the internet.

When I look out my window, I see no leftists, neo-cons or beligerent assholes...I see a lady cutting her grass and someone walking their dog.

That to me is the real America.
Right. You are the biggest lefty troll in the Political thread.
Thats a good viewpoint to have but it is not reality.

This is not just, as the kids say, Twitter beef. These are real consequences of real people’s actions.

I disagree. I think shitty takes are generally amplified on the internet. All social media is geared around engagement and algorithms are optimized around that. Unfortunately, the number one thing that draws engagement is controversy. Americans are addicted to this left / right RPG on the internet.

I do think that has led to a blurry line with reality. For example, I think that there are many who legitimately believe that anyone who opposes Trump has blue hair and supports communism. That's not reality. Why do we construe it as such?

There is no room for actual discourse or understanding other viewpoints. I think the political thread here is a great example of that.
I agree to an extent but this goes deeper than that.

People are downright filled with hate towards each other now. This extremism that has enveloped the country the last ten years will tear this country apart the way it’s trending. Maybe it already has
I disagree with you somewhat. I don't care how divided we might be on issues, the country isn't being torn apart. What happened yesterday was horrific and since 2020 we've had a global pandemic, rioting all over the country, an insurrection, and an attempt on a politician's life. That's nutty stuff but when I go into work tomorrow or to a store later in the week, people are going to be living their lives and there won't be fights and threats of violence all around me. I haven't seen one person yet in real life out in public yelling about a future civil war happening...but they do online lol. People crave likes and attention and we can't allow ourselves to be sucked into that constantly. I've certainly been sucked into it in the past and at the end of the night I'm thinking, "did I just allow myself to waste a couple hours trying to talk to trolls?"

Americans need to limit their internet use, block out cable news networks, find a couple SENSIBLE media outlets you trust (ones that occasionally criticize the guy you like and don't force alllll the bad things in life on the "other side" you've decided to dislike), and just be good people. And most people are good people.
Americans need to limit their internet use, block out cable news networks, find a couple SENSIBLE media outlets you trust (ones that occasionally criticize the guy you like and don't force alllll the bad things in life on the "other side" you've decided to dislike), and just be good people. And most people are good people.
I agree, the internet is making people live their lives with confirmation bias coming from every angle. The millennials are the first to grow up with internet, and everyone else says they can’t change a car tire or do real labor, but they are definitely some mass shooting motherf****ers.
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The kid was a registered Republican who had donated to a GOTV effort. Not exactly a crazy leftist.

There's like-against-like blowback in a lot of assassination attempts. Huey "Kingfish" Long was shot by a member of his inner circle. A lot of times, these people just feel resentment against the world at large. Arthur Bremer who shot George Wallace noted in his diary that Wallace wouldn't be buried with snobs. He didn't seem to hate Wallace: the guy just wanted to shoot people. Squeaky Fromme famously was a Manson cultist who shared an apocalyptic view of the times. (I'd think an apocalyptic assassin was just being impatient. The end is coming anyway. What's the rush?)

Trump himself has done a bizzaro amount to inflame civil tensions. He infamously urged the death penalty on the Central Park Six whose confessions were later revealed to have been beaten out of them. Trump not only refused to apologize, he doubled down. Staffers reported he wanted leakers killed. There is a published list of 500 people Trump intends to prosecute were he to win in November.
The company that makes the AR-15 used by the registered Republican in the gun worshipping shirt has lot more money. They should do all the donating.
20 year old which means I can register and hide my crazy politics. Only a fool would put any credance in registaring to vote or wearing shirts that say nothing. Lets call this guy what he is. A killer who has read only hate on facebook. Social media hates everyone.
This site is the only “social media” I’m on, and I don’t go to the political thread. I work with the general public and quite a few younger people. For a while there (2021 and 2022) people were acting a little odd and tense. It’s mostly gone back to normal now other than the general public being general aholes like always, but I think it’s gotten better now that people are back outside and off the internet. TWITTER IS NOT REAL LIFE. Its actually poison
I disagree. I think shitty takes are generally amplified on the internet. All social media is geared around engagement and algorithms are optimized around that. Unfortunately, the number one thing that draws engagement is controversy. Americans are addicted to this left / right RPG on the internet.

I do think that has led to a blurry line with reality. For example, I think that there are many who legitimately believe that anyone who opposes Trump has blue hair and supports communism. That's not reality. Why do we construe it as such?

There is no room for actual discourse or understanding other viewpoints. I think the political thread here is a great example of that.

The way people act on anonymous message boards isnt indicative of reality.

I’m a democrat. 95% of my friends are republicans. It literally never comes up in conversation. Only a small percentage on each side are true nuts. The drivel we see on this board is pure projection and fantasy. For every Willy and front runner and ida cat, there are 100k normal republicans in the country.

Someone in the other thread asked why I post laugh emojis on posts. I laugh at every idiot from both sides. It’s great entertainment while taking a dump or killing a commercial break during a sporting event.
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Funniest thing about the Paddock is you'll see someone's really angry and dramatic post in the political thread that makes you think their day is ruined and America is done but then their next post is in the D-League about what a wonderful morning it's been, how they rose from bed to see a beautiful sunrise, and they plan to go fishing today lol. It's comedy hour how when talking politics, there's an invisible rule of EVERYTHING MUST TO GO 11!!!!!!!.

But that's a form of radicalization. An obsession with politics just isn't healthy. Every election is now seen as literal life and death. I've been told the past four presidential elections that's the last election we'll ever have and the current POTUS will be America's last. Sure thing, dummy. That's usually the poster accusing others of being sheep so go figure.

Don't be the unhinged idiot online wanting death and vengeance like you're a Marvel villain. The posters really wanting us to know this is only happening on one side are the same posters who laughed about Nancy Pelosi's husband getting violently attacked in his home, with one poster telling me he wished the intruder would've finished the job, while the rest made up a conspiracy theory that the man attacked was gay. If a violent home invasion or a politician being shot at is funny to you or acceptable in any way, you've become radicalized and I have no desire to ever speak to you here or in real, actual life.
Funniest thing about the Paddock is you'll see someone's really angry and dramatic post in the political thread that makes you think their day is ruined and America is done but then their next post is in the D-League about what a wonderful morning it's been, how they rose from bed to see a beautiful sunrise, and they plan to go fishing today lol. It's comedy hour how when talking politics, there's an invisible rule of EVERYTHING MUST TO GO 11!!!!!!!.

But that's a form of radicalization. An obsession with politics just isn't healthy. Every election is now seen as literal life and death. I've been told the past four presidential elections that's the last election we'll ever have and the current POTUS will be America's last. Sure thing, dummy. That's usually the poster accusing others of being sheep so go figure.

Don't be the unhinged idiot online wanting death and vengeance like you're a Marvel villain. The posters really wanting us to know this is only happening on one side are the same posters who laughed about Nancy Pelosi's husband getting violently attacked in his home, with one poster telling me he wished the intruder would've finished the job, while the rest made up a conspiracy theory that the man attacked was gay. If a violent home invasion or a politician being shot at is funny to you or acceptable in any way, you've become radicalized and I have no desire to ever speak to you here or in real, actual life.

I mean no offense here, but whether you realize it or not, you come off like one of the people that’s very emotionally invested in political talk. You’re always advocating for the democratic position almost without fail, you typically type out like 5 paragraphs each time, and you’re always really concerned with how people live their lives. I remember you randomly came at me making up Disney World stories about my kids because you were upset that people were still discussing COVID and you felt that people should stop talking about it. You remind me of Will Ferrel in Old School when he’s telling the team to keep it together and stay calm while he’s burnt in his underwear screaming and throwing chairs at the lockers.
The way people act on anonymous message boards isnt indicative of reality.

I’m a democrat. 95% of my friends are republicans. It literally never comes up in conversation. Only a small percentage on each side are true nuts. The drivel we see on this board is pure projection and fantasy. For every Willy and front runner and ida cat, there are 100k normal republicans in the country.

Someone in the other thread asked why I post laugh emojis on posts. I laugh at every idiot from both sides. It’s great entertainment while taking a dump or killing a commercial break during a sporting event.
I also like reading the polticial thread. It's pretty hilarious.
The kid was a registered Republican who had donated to a GOTV effort. Not exactly a crazy leftist.

There's like-against-like blowback in a lot of assassination attempts. Huey "Kingfish" Long was shot by a member of his inner circle. A lot of times, these people just feel resentment against the world at large. Arthur Bremer who shot George Wallace noted in his diary that Wallace wouldn't be buried with snobs. He didn't seem to hate Wallace: the guy just wanted to shoot people. Squeaky Fromme famously was a Manson cultist who shared an apocalyptic view of the times. (I'd think an apocalyptic assassin was just being impatient. The end is coming anyway. What's the rush?)

Trump himself has done a bizzaro amount to inflame civil tensions. He infamously urged the death penalty on the Central Park Six whose confessions were later revealed to have been beaten out of them. Trump not only refused to apologize, he doubled down. Staffers reported he wanted leakers killed. There is a published list of 500 people Trump intends to prosecute were he to win in November.
He donated to act blue.
Lol a father and husband died yesterday. Attending a rally on a nice saturday evening. And HMT just cares that the shooter was on the ''other side''. So he has ammo to say ''other side bad and violent, my side good, vote my side''.

Pure homosapian tribalism.
I disagree with you somewhat. I don't care how divided we might be on issues, the country isn't being torn apart. What happened yesterday was horrific and since 2020 we've had a global pandemic, rioting all over the country, an insurrection, and an attempt on a politician's life. That's nutty stuff but when I go into work tomorrow or to a store later in the week, people are going to be living their lives and there won't be fights and threats of violence all around me. I haven't seen one person yet in real life out in public yelling about a future civil war happening...but they do online lol. People crave likes and attention and we can't allow ourselves to be sucked into that constantly. I've certainly been sucked into it in the past and at the end of the night I'm thinking, "did I just allow myself to waste a couple hours trying to talk to trolls?"

Americans need to limit their internet use, block out cable news networks, find a couple SENSIBLE media outlets you trust (ones that occasionally criticize the guy you like and don't force alllll the bad things in life on the "other side" you've decided to dislike), and just be good people. And most people are good people.
There's a difference between living your life and being willfully ignorant of facts. Like the saying goes... "You can ingore reality but not the consequences of reality. " For instance, this is the fourth time a gunman has tried to kill a conservative politician in the last few years. By just ignoring it and not addressing it, you make it more and more likely it continues to happen.

I'll bet if this went the other way you'd have plenty to say.
Lol a father and husband died yesterday. Attending a rally on a nice saturday evening. And HMT just cares that the shooter was on the ''other side''. So he has ammo to say ''other side bad and violent, my side good, vote my side''.

Pure homosapian tribalism.
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I also like reading the polticial thread. It's pretty hilarious.

My favorite is the one poster who, regardless of the situation, ALWAYS knows somebody who is an authority on the subject. The dude would literally have to be friends with a few million people to cover all the BS stories he has told. But his cronies lap it up like their hero Kid Rock with Bud Light.
There's a difference between living your life and being willfully ignorant of facts. Like the saying goes... "You can ingore reality but not the consequences of reality. " For instance, this is the fourth time a gunman has tried to kill a conservative politician in the last few years. By just ignoring it and not addressing it, you make it more and more likely it continues to happen.

I'll bet if this went the other way you'd have plenty to say.

I’m sorry but you can’t call out one side because it fits your narrative and ignore the other side for the same examples of extremism and calls to violence.

Political violence is fundamentally wrong and not how a democratic, civil society should operate.
My favorite is the one poster who, regardless of the situation, ALWAYS knows somebody who is an authority on the subject. The dude would literally have to be friends with a few million people to cover all the BS stories he has told. But his cronies lap it up like their hero Kid Rock with Bud Light.
Don't forget UK1856. Always telling others he has guns, and he's ready to use them when civil war 2 kicks off.
I mean no offense here, but whether you realize it or not, you come off like one of the people that’s very emotionally invested in political talk. You’re always advocating for the democratic position almost without fail, you typically type out like 5 paragraphs each time, and you’re always really concerned with how people live their lives. I remember you randomly came at me making up Disney World stories about my kids because you were upset that people were still discussing COVID and you felt that people should stop talking about it. You remind me of Will Ferrel in Old School when he’s telling the team to keep it together and stay calm while he’s burnt in his underwear screaming and throwing chairs at the lockers.
You're a solid dude, Ron.

Me being long-winded at times has no bearing on what we're discussing. I can't speak in memes or get thoughts out in a couple sentences. If that bothers you, please skip over any future posts I make. It's fine. I skip over lots of posts.

I once posted a clip of someone harassing a doctor at his home over covid, which is insane behavior. You took it as some sort of slight towards the homeowner while telling me covid had screwed with you mentally. I suggested if that was the case, perhaps leaving the subject in the past for awhile might be best for your mental health. If you felt I came at you in any way then I do apologize. In the last few years, posters have called me every -ist you can think of to goat me into constant arguments and you won't find a post of mine that's outrageous or crazy in any way. It is what it is and sometimes I fall for it. Currently, I've had a stalker on ignore for the last couple years, so that's enjoyable.

I've said many times in the political thread that liberals largely suck and there's extremism on both sides, but I am a democrat so naturally I'm going to give that position more than a right-leaning one. Shocker, I know. I've already said what happened yesterday was horrific, but it's fair to point out that posters who want to turn this into a "everything bad that happens is because of the left" have dabbled in the same hateful, partisan talk here, sometimes daily. Do you want me to ignore when a poster says he'd like to shoot liberals or when a poster says he wishes a politician's husband should've been killed? You don't see those posts because you're smart enough to stay out of those types of threads lol.

Lastly, what have I said today that's incorrect? The OP at four this morning already concluded that leftists are killing republicans again! At this point and time, that's false and agenda-driven. Appreciate your post, but maybe don't put me on a gotcha pedestal as some here are posting nothing but "IT'S THE LEFT AGAIN...THEY'RE ALL TRASH AND WANNA KILL US!" It might not be your fault though, you may just have those posters on ignore so all you're seeing is me pointing out the occasional hypocrisy. Honestly, that's probably it. Anyway, have a good one!
He donated to act blue.
As I said in a previous post, on one ballot I've voted for a democrat, a republican, and an independent. People are complicated, esp. dipshits who think doing this was correct in any way. Right now, we don't have conclusive evidence one way or another. Registered republican, donated to a cause on the left, knew explosives and firearms well, etc. Before the sun came up, you were ready to blame leftists in general. Like, millions of people because this nut chose to do this. I'm relieved you don't work for the FBI with how badly you wanted to paint this as "leftists are killing republicans again." Thank god Trump is okay but you're not going to make people who feel differently than you politically feel guilty as if this happened because someone out there is a liberal.
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As I said in a previous post, on one ballot I've voted for a democrat, a republican, and an independent. People are complicated, esp. dipshits who think doing this was correct in any way. Right now, we don't have conclusive evidence one way or another. Registered republican, donated to a cause on the left, knew explosives and firearms well, etc. Before the sun came up, you were ready to blame leftists in general. Like, millions of people because this nut chose to do this. I'm relieved you don't work for the FBI with how badly you wanted to paint this as "leftists are killing republicans again." Thank god Trump is okay but you're not going to make people who feel differently than you politically feel guilty as if this happened because someone out there is a liberal.
The shooter in Skokie was painted as MAGA.

That was absolutely false.

You sure do believe what the MSM tells you rather quickly? You have no idea the political leanings of this person. You see his voter registration and assume he's like the Skokie shooter.

Clear-Handed critical thinking would tell you that this person did not support Donald Trump. Maybe try up there in that big bulbous brain of yours.

This person may be completely apolitical. I do not know. That does not excuse all the calls for Donald Trump to be eliminated from people on the left. People in power. Yeah I hate to tell you but his voter registration is not your sides get out of jail free card.
I’m sorry but you can’t call out one side because it fits your narrative and ignore the other side for the same examples of extremism and calls to violence.

Political violence is fundamentally wrong and not how a democratic, civil society should operate.
Agreed. You show me where democrats are getting shot by the right and I will immediately call it out and anyone who called for it.
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The shooter in Skokie was painted as MAGA.

That was absolutely false.

You sure do believe what the MSM tells you rather quickly? You have no idea the political leanings of this person. You see his voter registration and assume he's like the Skokie shooter.

Clear-Handed critical thinking would tell you that this person did not support Donald Trump. Maybe try up there in that big bulbous brain of yours.

This person may be completely apolitical. I do not know. That does not excuse all the calls for Donald Trump to be eliminated from people on the left. People in power. Yeah I hate to tell you but his voter registration is not your sides get out of jail free card.

Do you denounce the extremism on the right as well?