Good Lord, are you being intentionally obtuse. I already supported my statement about his NC winning percentage when reaching the final four. If you don't agree, grow a pair and prove me wrong. Your second statement is out of context. I do believe he protected the Harrison's when he had other options available. Describe that however you wish. Loading up on NOA and dines without developing a balanced team has been flashy, but in the end, it has only garnered 1 NC. I believe Cal builds a team wrong. That's the great thing about opinions, we're all allowed to have them but we don't have to agree on them.
Yes, that is a debate and both sides have a fair argument.
I did the research on this a month or two ago. They - the ones having at least 6 final fours - are all bunched up really close. To get a meaningful comparison, you have to compare the record of each thru his 6th trip. Otherwise, you're allowing for the later rehabilitation of the record - for example, Roy and Pitino each won a title in their 7th final four, and that 2-0 trip boosted the record they had thru 6, which looked very much like Cal's. And K, of course, has done much better in his last 6 final fours than he did the first 6. Easy enough to forget how he "couldn't win the big one" for a long time. I've never gotten around to posting that research, mostly because I couldn't decide how to condense a lot of numbers into an easily digestible post....He has the second worst NC winning % of any coach who has been to 6 final fours.
Oh my, I should be careful. I wouldn't want you to call me out to say this to your face, you may beat me up. Brian, thank you for your service, but please finish growing up. It is ok to disagree. You aren't always right, neither am I and neither is Cal. Just accept it.
please go find another team. One that never gets to final fours, so their coach won't be exposed for how bad he is.
Yes, that is a debate and both sides have a fair argument.
Wow. I QUOTED YOU. That is the point. Nice deflection. Ty for playing. Better luck next time.You didn't make a point, you reverted to the simple mindedness of cursing to talk over someone. Grow up. Brian, you should be ashamed for liking that nonsense.
To tone the rhetoric down a bit and get back to mutually respectful conversation, I would like to hear your reasoning on your takes in one post, to maybe better understand your point.
1. You disagree with Cal as to the components of a successful roster. You have suggested more Darius Miller types. I offered you the list of 17 players who were recruited and NOT expected to be OADs since Cal has arrived.
Please provide your rebuttal.
2. You have stated that Cal chose the the Harrison's draft value in playing them the last 5 minutes over winning against Wisc. I would say there is more evidence that the Harrisons proved to be clutch players at the end of big games as evidence of last years tourney run and the fact that Ulis and Booker were getting burned on the defensive end.
Please tell us why the draft stock in playing 5 minutes overrides the other possibilities and what proof you may have that he did this.
I would also add that if we had won that game the title game would have increased the Harrisons' stock more than those last 5 minutes.
3. You suggested that Cal is 2nd to last in winning NC with 6 or more FF's. Factual statement, however you neglected to mention that others above him had a worse % at the same time of their careers and all except K, Rupp and Wooden have only one more title than he does with 2.
Can you see how that may have been construed as a jab?
Just trying to get back to civilized conversation.
Very good post kybassfan, I think you hit the nail on the head. The fans of NC should be the very first to want their house cleaned of these violators. You cannot help your team by trying to make excuses for their violations of the rules.You know, I think that's what burns me the most about this UNC debacle. I could understand it if there was some hint of genuine remorse. People make mistakes. You man up. Make it good. Take your licks and do better. I mean, we've been there, right? Take the Cats, after that fiasco with Sutton, everyone from the assistant coaches, through the coach, the AD, University President and the governor lost their jobs. We got hammered, damn near killed the program. I was fine with that. Who wants to win with a cheating program, even if the findings were trivial or non-existant compared to this UNC nightmare.
With UNC, there is ample evidence that the goal is to get away with as much as possible and suffer the least damage possible. Only damn thing I can tell they regret is getting caught. I take University academics seriously. I earn very comfortable living as a result of a fine education I gained in KY (WKU in my case). UNC could seem to care less. What the hell kind of attitude is that? Then there seems to be no regard for fair and level competition. Instead, its get every possible advantage, no matter how much cheating is involved. That's not competition, that's racketeering. And then where is the self assessment and penalization? WKU recently had some discipline issues on the men and women's swim teams. They NUKED both programs for FIVE FREAKING YEARS! Cancelled them! This was before the NCAA even considered the case. Conversely, UNC seems to accept only the discipline forced down their throat. They will be clearly happy to skate if allowed to do so. No accountability.
If it were up to me, I'd simply refuse to play the SOBs. They don't have a D1 basketball team. Its just some collection of athletes and coaches marching to their own rules. I regard them now as one of those teams we played last August.
Sorry for the rant. I just think the whole mess is disgusting.
Me too, sorry for getting irritated earlier.
1. Yes, many were expected to be, well, two and thrus, but our success changed that. Worked out for some, didn't for others. I have never waivered since Cal has been here, I don't believe a group of elite freshmen and sophomores can win the NC. They NEED those solid role players beside them. Much like you don't see an NBA champion with 5 all stars starting. Cal does a brilliant job of bringing these kids together but at crunch time, it hasn't been enough. Only once has it sort of worked and that was with a freak player in AD which we may never see the likes of again and a very solid senior in Darius. Perhaps you can show me the evidence of when Cals approach has ever actually worked for winning titles.
2. Hmm, well, this one is all opinion. I'll stand by mine. As for your final statement, that has been my argument about Cals "goals" statements all along. Nothing gets the NBA's eye more than winners. It confounds me why Cal doesn't say our goal is to win a title so he can showcase his players at the highest level and get X drafted.
3. This one will be answered in our next final four. I think we may have a better shot at winning this year as opposed to last. You are incorrect, only Dean Smith had a worse record after his 6th final four appearance. It isn't a jab but a criticism. That is still allowed, correct? For twenty years I ranted on K, the coach who did less with more than any coach out there. We are dangerously close to that now.
Ok, maybe I am dense, but how exactly is Cal supposedly caring more about NBA drafts than titles supposed to be manifesting itself? Outside the debatable issue of playing Ulis more in the Wisconsin game, what is he doing that hurts our chances of winning titles in favor of helping players' draft stock? Just curious what I am missing.
Well, I think it was Larry Brown who told him if he picked a 7 man rotation from this last team, they wouldn't be beatable. I was for platooning, but in hind sight Browns comments make sense. That core rotation should be more efficient due to their time on the court and together. Cal didn't do that and stated clearly that it wasn't fair to the other guys. Which way is right? I don't know but Cal opens the door of doubt when he states his pre season goal was 8 draft picks, not a NC. He lost out on both.
This was for Silents.
I am curious as to what lesser player you would choose and what 5* you would have replaced for us in 2011, 2014, and 2015 that would have propelled us to the victory?
All we ask of you is to give yourself up to the team during the season, don't be selfish, and be the best teammate you can be."
I'm not sure I share your opinion on my question. I think Cal will put a player before the program at any opportunity, program be damned. That is the simple difference of opinion you and I have.
Look no further than the Harrison's, love the kids but Ulis and Booker were better. There is no dispute there. That is the problem with having too many elite players.
All four are talented and brought different attributes to the court. I don't think we win 38 straight games without all 4 of them.
Making blanket statements like, "there is no dispute there" further highlights your narrow-minded, agenda driven posting.
All four are talented and brought different attributes to the court. I don't think we win 38 straight games without all 4 of them.
Making blanket statements like, "there is no dispute there" further highlights your narrow-minded, agenda driven posting.
So... the five minutes of one game is all you have?
And the twins leading us to the title game last year carrying us to so many close victories had nothing to do with it?
The fact that Ulis was being backed down by both UW point guards and Booker getting decimated on switches had nothing to do with it?
You think Cal said I have to leave the twins in 5 more minutes to help their NBA stock? Damn the title game, these boys are going to play these last five minutes.
I didn't say that either. You have a bad habit of putting your words in other posters mouths..
I didn't say that either. You have a bad habit of putting your words in other posters mouths..
saying there is no not an debatable opinion ...that is a "fact" in your head...All four are talented and brought different attributes to the court. I don't think we win 38 straight games without all 4 of them.
Making blanket statements like, "there is no dispute there" further highlights your narrow-minded, agenda driven posting.
If I had to choose, I'd take Ulis and Booker on offense and let our bigs help on defense. If Cal chose that route, it would have brought doubt into the equation with the Harrison's. He didn't choose that and I expected nothing different from him. I appreciate loyalty, but loyalty isn't always your best friend.
Look no further than the Harrison's, love the kids but Ulis and Booker were better. There is no dispute there. That is the problem with having too many elite players.
I'm not sure I share your opinion on my question. I think Cal will put a player before the program at any opportunity, program be damned. That is the simple difference of opinion you and I have.
I am stating my opinion, not fact. Please get that right in your head. I would not recruit 6 5*'s. It's great from a talent perspective and draft night perspective. Not so great on the NC perspective. What happens when they all leave early? You are so blind by your love of Cal, you refuse to see what is right in front of you. Again, name the NC teams who have done it without significant upper classmen contributions. Since I have answered your questions, I will wait for your answer.