You know, I think that's what burns me the most about this UNC debacle. I could understand it if there was some hint of genuine remorse. People make mistakes. You man up. Make it good. Take your licks and do better. I mean, we've been there, right? Take the Cats, after that fiasco with Sutton, everyone from the assistant coaches, through the coach, the AD, University President and the governor lost their jobs. We got hammered, damn near killed the program. I was fine with that. Who wants to win with a cheating program, even if the findings were trivial or non-existant compared to this UNC nightmare.
With UNC, there is ample evidence that the goal is to get away with as much as possible and suffer the least damage possible. Only damn thing I can tell they regret is getting caught. I take University academics seriously. I earn very comfortable living as a result of a fine education I gained in KY (WKU in my case). UNC could seem to care less. What the hell kind of attitude is that? Then there seems to be no regard for fair and level competition. Instead, its get every possible advantage, no matter how much cheating is involved. That's not competition, that's racketeering. And then where is the self assessment and penalization? WKU recently had some discipline issues on the men and women's swim teams. They NUKED both programs for FIVE FREAKING YEARS! Cancelled them! This was before the NCAA even considered the case. Conversely, UNC seems to accept only the discipline forced down their throat. They will be clearly happy to skate if allowed to do so. No accountability.
If it were up to me, I'd simply refuse to play the SOBs. They don't have a D1 basketball team. Its just some collection of athletes and coaches marching to their own rules. I regard them now as one of those teams we played last August.
Sorry for the rant. I just think the whole mess is disgusting.