For Those Upset About WCS's Final Game Performance . . .

I don't know what every single coach thinks about it in America, but most high level organized sport at any level not watching opposing game tape, is rare. In championships and final four games, it's rather unheard of. Not every coach is going to spend countless time he doesn't have on it, but they are going to review. And Cal himself said the players watched zero game tape. So yea, I know exactly how he prepares toward the sitiatuation in this conversation. What in the world are you talking about? He said it, and that wasn't "coach speak"; so you're just swerving out of bounds now.

Even where I coach in Shelby Co. our players are watching lots of opposing game film. It's normal and it always has been. Did you play sports in high school or college? if so, you know game preparation sometimes took hours and hours if not weeks depending on the team and situation. I would've been lost without game prep at times when I played.

I find it a bit rich that you are debating the notion that Calipari is unconventional here. The man is nothing but unconventional. How long have you actually followed him? 6 years seems to be the resounding figure around these parts. Now you just sound idiotic by suggesting I find articles where other coaches in the fraternity are openly criticizing his coaching methods, So I'll leave that aside. If you cannot see where it's unconventional, then I'm not sure anyone could argue anything else to you. You're set in stone.

If you want to debate whether film is overused or helps/ not, it's a stupid debate, but OK. However, you want to essentially debate whether or not it's unconventional to not use it in that case, or try and say he might have just been using coach speak, and I'm out. You are going to piggy cal's side of it, and if he came out and said he was changing that aspect and his teams were going to start watching more film, you'd just piggy that as well.

Also you're wrong about players not saying they gave everything they had. Lots of players will say they played their best, but someone out bested them. It's a correlation to harder work, and it is said. It doesnt mean his best can't get better as it's all relative. I too think the words he used is a window into how he felt about the game. The proof is right there in the game.

So, in the interest of brevity, I asked for just two quotes from well compensated D1 coaches that stated they disagreed with Cal's prep. You give me Shelby County. Gotta say, you guys must be paid well for a small high school. I've played at Shelby County, many long years ago. Your examples fall a bit short, actually. Nice place to visit, though. I'll give you this, you don't like what he said. That and 35 cents won't buy me a cup of coffee, even in Shelby County.

Don't think I made a statement about Cal being unconventional or not. If you say I'm arguing one way or another, I'm sure you have a similar ironclad argument or can read my mind.

That discussion regarding Stein's effort was with another poster. The vast majority of athletes I know that have been beaten want a rematch. Presumably, that means they really think they can do better regardless of what they say.

Dumpers gotta dump, I guess. Enjoy trashing the program. Do you dump on your own team too?
So, in the interest of brevity, I asked for just two quotes from well compensated D1 coaches that stated they disagreed with Cal's prep. You give me Shelby County. Gotta say, you guys must be paid well for a small high school. I've played at Shelby County, many long years ago. Your examples fall a bit short, actually. Nice place to visit, though. I'll give you this, you don't like what he said. That and 35 cents won't buy me a cup of coffee, even in Shelby County.

Don't think I made a statement about Cal being unconventional or not. If you say I'm arguing one way or another, I'm sure you have a similar ironclad argument or can read my mind.

That discussion regarding Stein's effort was with another poster. The vast majority of athletes I know that have been beaten want a rematch. Presumably, that means they really think they can do better regardless of what they say.

Dumpers gotta dump, I guess. Enjoy trashing the program. Do you dump on your own team too?

I never trashed the program. you are in fact saying cals preparation is conventional because you deny most coaches don't agree with lack of film preparation, thus wanting me to cite examples that don't exist. Cal is the only coach I've ever heard of that doesn't have players watching opposing game tape, especially in the final four. There's no examples needed and you know it. It's unconventional.

Willie never spoke about rematches. He said his play will haunt him. Now, unless willie is used to saying things he doesnt mean, then I'll take his word over yours on that topic.

We aren't going to find a common ground here because you're not going to see even a possibility of wrongdoing by our squad. That's cool, pump away. But just because I might disagree with lack of film prep or think Willie didn't play his best/hardest, doesn't make me a bad fan. You are way outnumbered in reality. Not many people will back willies play in that game. Not many people understand why cal would think it's wise for our players to be underprepared in a final four. it's my opinion not watching opposing game film cost us, and I'm not surprised by the outcome. Bad bad fan I know. I should probably stop spending all this cash on UK memorabilia or tickets every year. I make the 6 hour drive to catch games just to turn around and drive back because of practice. Yea, just a terrible fan. The worst. Lol.

Supporting the players and cal doesn't mean they are above reproach. I really wish the small segment that makes discussions on this board impossible understand that someday.

We're good. Next topic.
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I never trashed the program. you are in fact saying cals preparation is conventional because you deny most coaches don't agree with lack of film preparation, thus wanting me to cite examples that don't exist. Cal is the only coach I've ever heard of that doesn't have players watching opposing game tape, especially in the final four. There's no examples needed and you know it. It's unconventional.

Willie never spoke about rematches. He said his play will haunt him. Now, unless willie is used to saying things he doesnt mean, then I'll take his word over yours on that topic.

We aren't going to find a common ground here because you're not going to see even a possibility of wrongdoing by our squad. That's cool, pump away. But just because I might disagree with lack of film prep or think Willie didn't play his best/hardest, doesn't make me a bad fan. You are way outnumbered in reality. Not many people will back willies play in that game. Not many people understand why cal would think it's wise for our players to be underprepared in a final four. it's my opinion not watching opposing game film cost us, and I'm not surprised by the outcome. Bad bad fan I know. I should probably stop spending all this cash on UK memorabilia or tickets every year. I make the 6 hour drive to catch games just to turn around and drive back because of practice. Yea, just a terrible fan. The worst. Lol.

Supporting the players and cal doesn't mean they are above reproach. I really wish the small segment that makes discussions on this board impossible understand that someday.

We're good. Next topic.

Dumpers gotta dump. Yeah, you're trashing the program.

You made this statement: "Well guess what? There's plenty of championship coaches that DONT agree with that, including the one that walked away with the trophy last year." I asked you for just two quotes from D1 coaches that matter that said they don't agree with what Calipari does. You came back with Shelby County. I never made a comment one way or the other about whether he's unconventional or not. I will make this comment. HE IS OUR COACH!! He runs his program his way. He's paid handsomely to do that. His boss concurs with his decisions so heavily, he just extended his contract.

You are free to crap on the program all you like. Just don't start whining when folks disagree with the smelly nonsense you are slinging around. I see it this way. I can agree with a guy that has likely never coached a D1 basketball game in the NCAA tournament even once, never earned a dollar as a D1 coach and had ZERO idea as to the needs of the team on that day for that contest. Or I can support one of the highest paid coaches in the business, which is WIDELY respected, has enjoyed great success while coach of the cats, has put together a string of seasons as good as any group of seasons in my memory, has placed more kids in the NBA than at any point I recall, has a nearly undefeated season and I could go on and on. Oh, did I mention he won a NCAA championship? Oh, then there's that little thing about winning more games in a single season that any other coach in D1 history. He doesn't coach at Shelby County though. I guess that's one knock against him.

I'm sure you've played much better ball than Stein sitting right there in your lazy boy all the while coaching a perfect game, schooling Calipari on the wonders of game film while thrash Wisconsin. Probably even worked up a sweat. Bet you did even better the second or third time through. Meanwhile, Cal and the team didn't have the breadth and depth of your hindsight. They lost. Once. I'm sure he regrets those officials not watching more game film on a few occasions.

I'm at a loss to explain one thing though. Both Cal and Stein will easily earn well into 7 figures either coaching or playing basketball next year and for some years there after. You, on the other hand, will not, in spite of giving 100%, every single game. Yet you expect myself and others just to stand aside while the dumpers do their thing and trash a nearly perfect season. Life is just unfair like that I suppose.

Careful where you step. Must have been a team of horses through here.
Man, just stay down .S&.C. You're getting exposed and obliterated in here.

First, no one hated losing to Wisconsin more than I did. But I cannot put any blame on Willie or Booker for their play or lack of. Without them we would not have been there to begin with.
If you look at what happened, we must look at the FACT we got up by 4 with around 4 minutes to play by wearing them out. They were holding their shorts trying to catch their breath. We took the air out of the ball for 25 of the 35 seconds three straight times. 75 seconds of on court rest and momentum restoration was what sent us home that night. Plus a bad break or two.
Who made that call will be up to the individual. But to say Willie didn't shine and Devon hurt us is glossing over the real reason we lost that night.

This, wish i could hit like more then once.
Man, just stay down .S&.C. You're getting exposed and obliterated in here.


Naw, .S&.C is good. Heck, I really like Shelby County folks and I'm sure he's a good coach and does the best by his athletes that he can. I'm just makin' a point. There is more than one way to do things. Just because things go south doesn't mean everything that is different is bad. Sometimes you just get beat. When a good team plays their best and you play pretty good, you get beat. We got beat. No need to trash the team over it. It can happen to the best of us. This team was the best of us.

An athlete has to walk away from a loss with their head up and thoughts of doing better. We should honor and respect that as fans.