Assistant coach man, keep up.I don’t even know who this guy is? Lol! What goes he do?
He usually just does the post-game pressers.Does Cal ever do any of these anymore?
Do you want him to?Does Cal ever do any of these anymore?
But we can play in the Maui Classic......Assistant coach man, keep up.If memory serves, Cal hired him for his help with international recruiting. Think he went over and scouted Big Z and played a big part in him committing to us.
Do you want him to?
No, he doesn't want him to, he just wants to be angry when Cal doesn't do them. See? Calipari is straight from the pit of hell, dontcha know? Pure evil! Death is too good for him. You know- standard UK fan support. 🤣Do you want him to?
Well I wouldn't watch/listen because I can never understand what he's saying, but it feels like he's offloaded quite a bit of his media responsibilities in the last couple of years.Do you want him to?
This is classic Rafters.Does Cal ever do any of these anymore?
Actually, other than saying that I don't understand what he's saying or maybe that he doesn't speak the whole truth, I really have no problem with how he talks to the fans. He can talk down to us, call us all idiots, backwards or just plain trash for all I care. It makes not one bit of difference to me.This is classic Rafters.
All the haters screech in every thread about how "Cal never tells the truth", "Cal doesn't understand basketball", they are "so tired of hearing Cal and all his Calisms", they "would be happy if they didn't have to listen to him again"
They also give all credit when something good happens to Cal's assistants (Welch,Antigua, Ulis).
And then Cal lets the assistants talk and ......"DoEs CaL EvEr dO tHesE AnYmoRe"'s satire at this point
UK fan doesn’t know the assistant coach… Hmm.I don’t even know who this guy is? Lol! What does he do?