Only been three weeks so far. Can share what’s been gleaned from parsing oodles of social media content on the subject.
Wife is approaching it from two different perspectives. One for me - give me the fat and sugar. One for her - lower fat content and lower sugar. She hasn’t consumed much processed sugar or sweets in years. Limiting it to low single digit desserts in a year’s time. Plus her coach had her drop dairy for a month to see how her body responded. So these weeks have fallen into that time window.
She’s primarily using it as a protein vessel or alternative to her evening shake/smoothie. In that arena she’s declared it a game changer. Much tastier than powder in water/almond milk or smoothie in the vitamix.
With her palate not used to tons of sugar a ripe banana is sufficient sweetness. She’ll do protein powder, almond milk, xantham gum or sugarfree instant pudding mix. Sweetness and taste are from ripe fruit or peanut butter.
For a treat on the weekend we have Ghost or Ryse protein powder that is flavored, like Oreo, nutter butter, chips ahoy or different cereal milk flavors they have. All are bangers and make it taste like regular ice cream. Of course they have sugar.
For me there are less restrictions. We use fairlife reduced fat chocolate milk, ON triple chocolate powder and the instant pudding mix(two teaspoons).
You can really stack the protein if you want by using the fairlife core power drinks and a scoop of protein. But those things are $5 a bottle…lol. Doesn’t make sense to make a $7-8 pint of ice cream at home…lol. But if you wanted that could be an easy way to down 70g+ of protein. The big bottle of the fairlife chocolate milk is like 5 pints worth bring the cost down closer to a dollar plus your protein scoop and whatever you add from there. At a reduction in protein consumed of course.
If you are good with the flavored protein powders like Ghost or Ryse then you can do it easily with a scoop plus whatever milk and either the xantham gum or instant pudding. Those last two are for smoothness on the tongue.
Couple of things we’ve learned early on with this is the mixture has to be prepped 24hrs ahead to be frozen. The machine will do the rest quickly when you are ready to eat. Costco is the best deal on the machine as they give an extra container for the price.
Btw Target has some protein powders on sale right now for half off. Good chance to try some flavors.
I’ll share more as we learn.