FIT.Y.E.R.O. (Meathead, wellness, fitness, diet, exercise) Thread

Everything you just described (toss & turn, covers/sheets on and off all night) is me. Not to mention sweating profusely; I sleep VERY hot.

Might need to go ahead and take the plunge ourselves. Can’t be any worse than the $10k Tempur “Cool Breeze” (cool breeze, my ass) we’ve had for over a decade now.
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I don’t mean to be a dick here, but what if that sleep science stuff is pure crap? Our ancestors evolved sleeping on dirt floors in caves. There’s no f’ing way “optimal sleep” requires something that changes temperatures.
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I don’t mean to be a dick here, but what if that sleep science stuff is pure crap? Our ancestors evolved sleeping on dirt floors in caves. There’s no f’ing way “optimal sleep” requires something that changes temperatures.

So your suggesting we all by grounding mats and adjust our thermostats to average cave temperatures?
Not going to listen to a single bit of "insight" from UKO about my marriage bed.

Believe that.

Fine....I hope this fly by night product helps your sleep. My great mattress and great sheets plus 68 degrees room temp at night does wonderfully. Of course, I have sleep apnea and have a cpap but that is a secondary issue to the topic at hand.
I bet we sleep worse than cavemen ever did. The amount of overstimulation, unnecessary stress, processed sugar, and drugs we consume continues to make us shittier and shittier sleepers.
I'd be willing to bet most modern Americans don't even know what a good night of sleep is. I would hate doing this but I'd be willing to bet that living with the remaining hunter-gatherers there are on a planet would result in some unreal sleep.

Hopefully this is the last thing I say about the Eight Sleep --> it is absolutely NOT necessary. It is absolutely an extravagance and should only be purchased if your finances are in order, you're doing everything else basically correct with your fitness and sleep routine, and your spouse is on board.

And, in that case, I find it to be pretty damn awesome (especially my wife). Your mileage may vary. Except Wayne who probably insists on measuring in metric and doesn't believe that gravity has been fully explained or some other idiotic shit.
I bet we sleep worse than cavemen ever did. The amount of overstimulation, unnecessary stress, processed sugar, and drugs we consume continues to make us shittier and shittier sleepers.
Indeed. Been trying to stick to the 3, 2, 1 routine during the work week...

No food 3 hours before sleep.
No liquid 2 hours before sleep.
No screens 1 hour before sleep.

The times I follow that, I noticeably get better rest and often sleep through the night without waking.

On the flip side, if I have more than 1 drink in the evening, sleep pattern / score is diminished, resting heart rate is 8-10 beats per minute more and extrapolated over 7-8 hours, quickly realize why I don't feel as rested, even if I didn't get hammered, which has been a rarity for years.
If you think it's not an issue, or worth it, then don't buy it. I don't really care about cavemen as they lived 50k years ago.

My suspicions about my sleep seem to be confirmed now that I'm tracking it. Been researching 8S it for nearly a year. Got the whoop first to confirm the subpar recovery. Didn't even luck into a optimal night in first 6 months. Getting sufficient sleep like 25% of the time, so it's not end of the world, but if I can increase it, worth trying. Booze definitely plays a role but my consumption is basically to the lowest point it's been since I was 18. I'm routinely in bed, lights off, by 10:30. It's really the last hurdle for me.

“My sleep sucked last night because I drank water 30 minutes before I went to bed.”

If I:

- eat reasonably
- exercise
- abstain from booze

I sleep amazingly well. Close my eyes and I’m out in seconds.
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“My sleep sucked last night because I drank water 30 minutes before I went to bed.”
My 4 dogs wake me a couple of times each night to go outside to piss. Not good for sleep, but they give me so much joy, it more than offsets the sleep interuptions. I know I’ll live longer because of them.

If I:

- eat reasonably
- exercise
- abstain from booze

I sleep amazingly well. Close my eyes and I’m out in seconds.
I’m in Boston… didn’t do any of those today. Don’t need a sleep app to tell me I’m gonna feel like shit tomorrow.
Indeed. Been trying to stick to the 3, 2, 1 routine during the work week...

No food 3 hours before sleep.
No liquid 2 hours before sleep.
No screens 1 hour before sleep.

The times I follow that, I noticeably get better rest and often sleep through the night without waking.

On the flip side, if I have more than 1 drink in the evening, sleep pattern / score is diminished, resting heart rate is 8-10 beats per minute more and extrapolated over 7-8 hours, quickly realize why I don't feel as rested, even if I didn't get hammered, which has been a rarity for years.

No caffeine 6 hours before bed.
I mean, in bed by 9:30. No drinks. 2 hours after dinner. Not much if any screens before sleep. Slept through until 5a. 43 recovery score. Lower than when I had several drinks and lots of food Saturday night. HRV way off. Half of what it was the night before.

Very frustrating.
I mean, in bed by 9:30. No drinks. 2 hours after dinner. Not much if any screens before sleep. Slept through until 5a. 43 recovery score. Lower than when I had several drinks and lots of food Saturday night. HRV way off. Half of what it was the night before.

Very frustrating.
But do you feel any different? Like do you feel you are worse off?
I've felt like my sleep wasn't great for awhile, hence this journey. Not like apnea or insomnia. Just a lot of toss and turn and wild unexplainable swings.

It's kinda in my head right now. I didn't feel bad for sure, but probably not where I should've from a really good night sleep. Crushed a big leg workout this morning. I think I get a sleep coach with whoop. May check that out.
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Are you naturally a morning person. As in, would your normal sleep cycle be set for a 9:30 AM to 5:30 AM?

I'm a natural night person... I sleep my best when I go to bed at 1 AM and wake up at 9.
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For me, my sleep score is generally the same or similar between whoop and 8 sleep. The recovery score for whoop, however, tends to be lower and much more useful.

I can get a good night's sleep and still not get a great recovery, depending on workout, work stress, etc. The biggest thing I've found to consistently increase my recovery score is drinking a gallon of water a day -- which I absolutely hate doing.
Most nights I'm in bed 9:30-10:30p and up around 7-7:30. Couple days a week I get up at 5-6a to work out.

I'm fine in the mornings. Not a morning person, per se, but not bothered by an early wake up call. I could stay up all night if I wanted to. No chance of me falling asleep sitting up on the couch watching TV.
For me, my sleep score is generally the same or similar between whoop and 8 sleep. The recovery score for whoop, however, tends to be lower and much more useful.

I can get a good night's sleep and still not get a great recovery, depending on workout, work stress, etc. The biggest thing I've found to consistently increase my recovery score is drinking a gallon of water a day -- which I absolutely hate doing.
Interesting. Fairly certain, especially with my long cardio, workouts, and sauna use, hydration could be a big issue. That makes a lot of sense.

My sleep efficiency score is typically really good.
Well sounds to me Anthony you need to go over to
A friends house sit by the pool and listen to some tunes while enjoying a fresh beverage.

Of course, going fishing with a couple of your buddies might help as well.
- FWIW, sleep quality can take a big hit if you're overtrained or not getting enough calories. I rarely cut, but I always sleep like crap when I do.

- I sleep like the dead once I fall asleep, usually after scrolling Reddit or reading on my Kindle. I know screen time isn't advised, but it always knocks me out. My brain has too much noise in it if I get bored, including if I'm just trying to lay there and fall asleep, and scrolling stupid memes is enough stimulation to keep the brain chatter to a minimum. I wake up sheathed in sweat a couple times a week now and did before I got pregnant, but it doesn't seem to hit my sleep quality. I am not a morning person, never have been, and I cannot remember a single morning in 35 years of life on this planet I have awoken "refreshed." It's not a thing for me, so...I just don't ever expect it. But there is a ton of overlap between ADHD and delayed sleep phase disorder. I know I have the former, and I check ALL the boxes on the latter. My brain also sometimes interprets "bored" as "sleepy," so if my dopamine regulation is whack, I feel tired even if I'm well rested.

After kid arrives and I'm up 17x times a night, I'll probably still sleep like the dead. I'll just be a zombie always. But that's to be expected.

- After losing weight in trimester one, I have now gained ~11 lbs at 20 weeks. I have now matched my highest ever weight from my peak condition right before I competed last. lol at the difference between photos from then and now, haha. Wild how 188 lbs can look like She-Hulk or like Pregnant Tits McGee (still jacked, tho, my top abs are still visible on my baby bump haha).
Like pretzsloot, I’m not one of these “OMG BLUE LIGHT BEFORE BEDTIME IS A SIN!” people. F that noise.

If anything, when I wake up in the middle of the night and my ADHD/OCD is roaring (the actual, diagnosed, clinical version; not “erp, I like my stationery in vertical lines” mainstream media kind, so kindly go ahead and STFU about your opinion on it UKO), it genuinely helps my mind stop thinking about everything else and to calm down again.

I throw on Cheers (my usual go to) or any other old school sitcom I’ve seen 1,000 times and pretty much know the dialogue by memory, and I’m out in minutes.
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Like pretzsloot, I’m not one of these “OMG BLUE LIGHT BEFORE BEDTIME IS A SIN!” people. F that noise.

If anything, when I wake up in the middle of the night and my ADHD/OCD is roaring (the actual, diagnosed, clinical version; not “erp, I like my stationery in vertical lines” mainstream media kind, so kindly go ahead and STFU about your opinion on it UKO), it genuinely helps my mind stop thinking about everything else and to calm down again.

I throw on Cheers (my usual go to) or any other old school sitcom I’ve seen 1,000 times and pretty much know the dialogue by memory, and I’m out in minutes.
This is so true. I have OCD and probably ADHD too. Getting on my phone when my thoughts start racing, really helps. Just reading this forum or something else etc.