- There is little need to directly train your traps if you deadlift/row regularly. I have struggled with tension headaches/migraines for years and any direct trap training (and a lot of shoulder work) sets those off in a bad way. I power through, but that's never gotten better for me. My traps stay overdeveloped even as a washed up powerlifter, though. Of course, if you love shruggin', knock yourself out, but even barbell RDL or heavy DB RDL is going to get you plenty of trap action while working your posterior chain.
That said, if you want an interesting shrug variant, try these MFs: sweatt shrugs
- supps: prenatal complex (since husband and I are on the clock to pop out a kid), fish oil, magnesium, probiotic, coQ10. And glucosamine chondroitin, which I ran out of like a month ago and forgot to reorder til just now. That and fish oil have made the biggest difference in how my joints feel day to day. Maybe that's placebo, but I do notice a difference when I take them. This is pure anecdata, but I started coQ10 when I was prescribed ADHD meds and my blood pressure started trending high(ish) for the first time in my life. Adding coq10 solved that lickety split and BP stays low 120s/mid-70s (unless I get sick, and then the BP reading is a good indicator I'm actually sick and not just run down).
I have taken creatine in the past and I have no reason to refute what Bonz and others have said about it. I just don't use it, or I haven't in ~5 years or so. Probably should but I haven't noticed any difference not using it. No preworkouts/protein powders at this point either. I like the prime energy drinks if I'm dragging, but otherwise I just roll in and start working with no extra stims.
That said, if you want an interesting shrug variant, try these MFs: sweatt shrugs
- supps: prenatal complex (since husband and I are on the clock to pop out a kid), fish oil, magnesium, probiotic, coQ10. And glucosamine chondroitin, which I ran out of like a month ago and forgot to reorder til just now. That and fish oil have made the biggest difference in how my joints feel day to day. Maybe that's placebo, but I do notice a difference when I take them. This is pure anecdata, but I started coQ10 when I was prescribed ADHD meds and my blood pressure started trending high(ish) for the first time in my life. Adding coq10 solved that lickety split and BP stays low 120s/mid-70s (unless I get sick, and then the BP reading is a good indicator I'm actually sick and not just run down).
I have taken creatine in the past and I have no reason to refute what Bonz and others have said about it. I just don't use it, or I haven't in ~5 years or so. Probably should but I haven't noticed any difference not using it. No preworkouts/protein powders at this point either. I like the prime energy drinks if I'm dragging, but otherwise I just roll in and start working with no extra stims.