FCC repeals net neutrality.

Yea whatever fuzz. Mere days after trump ends Obama’s draconian bs, the Lexington internet scene explodes. You can write 10 paragraphs about it, but you can’t change the facts.
LOL that you think 100mbps service equates to "internet scene explodes...". Available infrastructure determines what ISP speed can be offered. I can promise you that the infrastructure in Lexington didn't change over a matter of a few days or even months.
And billions of e-infrastructure is coming to Lexington because of Trump. YOURE WELCOME PODUNK TOWN. GO WORRY BOUT RAINBOW CROSSWALKS AND PANHANDLERS.
net neutrality gives the government power. The more they have the less we have. It's as simple as that.
How so?
The FCC regulates the internet within the US regardless of net neutrality. Making statements like that shows me you have no understanding what net neutrality means.
Net neutrality means that ISPs cannot pick and choose what data is given preference over their network. The government can still sniff data and mine it for information as they have for decades.
Why should an ISP not be allowed to treat data differently over a network they own, maintain, and invest in? Why is it ok for google, Facebook, Twitter to actually manipulate data, but an ISP isn’t even allowed to prioritze traffic?
Why should an ISP not be allowed to treat data differently over a network they own, maintain, and invest in? Why is it ok for google, Facebook, Twitter to actually manipulate data, but an ISP isn’t even allowed to prioritze traffic?

Right now your access to the internet is unfettered. You have the same connection speed no matter what website you go to and you can go to any website you want.

Now imagine your ISP dropping your current pricing to 10 bucks a month, but you can only access certain websites they've picked out. Your only news site is CNN, your only streaming site is Hulu. You want to stream Netlfix? Well that will be an extra 10 bucks a month. Oh you want Fox News instead of CNN? That'll be another 5 bucks a month. Don't like that kind of internet? Well good luck with that, I have only one option for broadband internet and that's true for the majority of the U.S. They'll have you over a barrel.

Overturning NN does NOTHING to help the consumer.