FACTS for the Cal has underachieved crowd

I mean, the ultimate goal is to win a National Championship and win games. Cal has won games but has 1 title in his tenure. It doesn't matter if Coach K only made it to the final 4 twice. Him and Jay Wright has two titles, and Roy has another title, that's 3 for Roy. One came during Cal's tenure.

Sorry, but National Championships > All Time Wins > Everything else.

That is the measurement.

Cal has underachieved with his plethora of talent, but he shot himself in the foot. 60% of the guys who leave are 2-3 year players but leave because they feel pressure of money, family, left out, Cal pushing them out the door, etc. If his OAD didn't shoot himself in the foot, this MIGHT be a different conversation. If Cal won in 2015 with that team, these threads wouldn't exist.
Cal miss all those shots, get bad rebound position, double team in bad circumstances, make those turn overs, etc? This was on the whole team. Don’t fit your Cal hate agenda there CLODite?

As my dearly departed grandpa would say, "Super Coach" (which at the time was Pitino or Tubby) can't put the ball in the basket!