Earned not given

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And now we know the real reason why Cal was shopping around during the season. He knew UK and its fans had enough of his crap and there was no way he could convince us that Brad would be a good hire. Arkansas OTOH, is desperate for relevancy and think taking the king of OAD’s will make their program relevant. That model is broken and will win nothing of significance in the current climate of college basketball.
I always felt uneasy about Brad being around the program, after his playing days. It was very nepotistic of Cal, punchable face, dressed like a mobster from Chechnya. Didnt seem to do anything of note and it literally looked like it was someones kid on the sidelines. Always thought it was kind of a bad look, but never made much of it.
Really just can’t figure out this kids choice of dress? What he going for? So odd.

Haven’t you heard? Nowadays dressing like a complete dork makes you a “trendsetter” and anyone who thinks otherwise are just ignorant boomers lol.

NBA players show up to the arena now looking like Steve Urkel wearing a propeller beanie and they actually think they are cool.
I always felt uneasy about Brad being around the program, after his playing days. It was very nepotistic of Cal, punchable face, dressed like a mobster from Chechnya. Didnt seem to do anything of note and it literally looked like it was someones kid on the sidelines. Always thought it was kind of a bad look, but never made much of it.

I wish I could love and laugh at this post at the same time, but alas, The rafters emoji selection is like Highlander: there can be only one.
Cal knew better than to bring Brad here as an assistant. He knew he’d be blasted like he’s never been before. Wonder what the 🐷’s think about 🐮 bringing an unqualified family member onto the staff… 😆
Can’t be any worse than us having to watch the little douchebag play actual game minutes while real players watched from the bench. It wasn’t just cigar minutes, either. I still can’t believe that kid played in games for UK. But, I’m not surprised in the least by his arrogance & lack of self awareness on the tattoo choice, either.

He would’ve been lucky to see the floor playing for Georgetown, much less UK. Disgraceful. And, no, I wouldn’t have done the same thing at a place like UK unless my kid was at least in the same stratosphere as a typical D1 player.
A face you want to slap but feel bad about it. Don’t want to be a bully and all that. He would be the guy you feel bad about even open hand slapping because “awwwww he is just trying too hard to be cool or whatever, let it go”.

At the same time you want an autistic and / or insane person to hug him waaaay too hard for waaaaay too long. Out of love of course. He earned it. Then see him get slapped to wake up. Multiple times maybe.

He ain’t fat anymore yet still fat with the most “I don’t care what this dude says I don’t like him” face of all time. Legs looking like some dumb a$$ midget trees that never grew a branch yet he dresses like he is a star in some 90’s movie. He literally rolled his shorts up when his legs had no muscles in them at all. It was like someone made a stick figure out of clay and just made solid short round legs and the ankle matched the quad.

Whaaaaaaaat?!?! And he played for US?! KENTUCKY?!

He can’t even sniff cigar status.

Assistant coach??!!!!

Have fun everyone that plays Arkansas from now on. Looking forward to all the signs that only insult a 5’8” midget that looks fat but isn’t fat anymore that dresses like a turtle necked bitch that has nothing to do with the game.

I personally never cared for his hair or clothing choices. But he grew up with a Dad who has a BIG personality, sister has her doctorate, etc. I suspect he's just trying to find his own way, get acceptance from his peers, be his own guy, all that stuff. Then he chooses Dad's business .... gonna be a tough act to follow.

I hope he is a good guy when the smoke clears. His Mom seems well grounded. But he has chosen not just a tough path to walk, but a public one. Good Luck.
That’s what Cals staff has always been, nepotism rules, good coaches be dammed, and it shows. Sometimes it looked like our staff didn’t know X’s and O’s, just run and go.

I remember saying it constantly and getting nowhere. Calipari was in this business for his circle somewhere in the middle of his Memphis days. Get the best players who can create, hire cousin Benny and best friend Paul, form your circle of millionaires, push players out to continue cycle. That’s why he only wanted legit talent to stick around as it was necessary to actually perform to keep the cycle going. The team has to be good enough to win to a point as to keep the job, but he was never concerned with winning to an elite standard after the title. You really can’t win big with that system to an elite level, but you can keep the best young players coming which allows for major programs to keep coming after you.

Nothing said Calipari doesn’t care about “winning” and was in this to “keep checks rolling” like Bruiser Flint. In all reality he should have been shown the door the second he made that move. I’m just glad UK showed to be way too above the nonsense than to put up with it. For a second I was becoming worried.
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Is Cow gonna get a tattoo this year??? Of a Razorback Hog???


Cow will have to do that BEFORE the Hogs win anything though...

Cow Ooozes this...


The GO Tat...
