Dick makes a good point. Nevermind its a school most would like to see burn. Replace them with us or any other team out there. I mean pay to cheat is how the rest of the world operates why should we punish colleges? Politicians pay their way (or corporations pay for them), Rich folks buy their way out of DUIs, murder, rape, embezzlement etc. Corporations cheat daily and do so based on already knowing the fine if they get caught (say illegally dumping chemicals that they then claim was due to an unknown leak). -
The NCAAs way of doing things is old and archaic. It makes no sense to punish 15 kids for a crime that was committed 4 years ago and only one person on the roster was even remotely connected to it. The schools need to pay and be punished. As usual the NCAA isnt looking out for the kids. At least they dont pull the SMU, Tulane and UK punishments out anymore. Talk about not making any sense.
I think the NCAA is being forced into a corner with all the new realities. Players getting paid, royalties and many more changes headed our way. The NCAA must either adapt or they may see the P5 break away and do their own thing. I think thats the end game. Break off the top 80 or so schools, split the pie less ways and let the greed drive the change. Much needed change.