Duke @ U of L at Noon

Coach K really not enjoying his saturday afternoon, thats the reason they should never have to play a game out of the state of North Carolina. [jumpingsmile]
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Douche bag ALLEN says "that's f'n bs" K runs a top class program right up there with pitino
Allen's last two fouls iffy at best. I guess I'm okay with that.

Now find a way to blow this Louisville ... create the Luke Kennard legend!
Maybe let the one on the inbounds go but he did shove off. But the 5th was definitely a charge. He was out of control and left his feet right into a set player.
Dick there will always be innocent kids. They can transfer. Shut your mouth.
As I've said before, as Kentucky fans, we should be for Louisville just as we are for any other in state directional school, unless they're playing UK. If not, then don't care what they do at all. They're fanbase doesn't reciprocate this because they're little brother, just as the other in state schools are too. If you'll notice, they act no differently than any other in state schools fans towards UK.

If we say that Louisville winning isn't good for the Commonwealth, than neither are any of the other in state directional schools in Kentucky. You can't have it both ways, in my opinion.
Anyone saying we should pull for that ghetto school has been dropped on their heads.. And more than just as a child.. Man cards should be revoked for saying this..
Anyone saying we should pull for that ghetto school has been dropped on their heads.. And more than just as a child.. Man cards should be revoked for saying this..
Nobody, I repeat, nobody is rooting FOR UL. What we are doing is rooting against Duke.
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Dickie V letting selection committee know that this is Louisvilles National Championship game so when Duke loses it won't hurt and should they win in this environment they should get overall number 1 seed.