Does the snow storm disprove climate change?

AFAIK, there are plenty of scientists who are politically aligned with the GOP in their private lives who agree with the scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming; it's not like every single scientist is a liberal. Yet every time i see some opinion in a well-respected publication like you linked, it is by someone who is directly involved with some conservative thinktank or would otherwise be expected to express they opinion they do since they work for Exxon or whatever. His argument essentially that the error of measurements is too large to have any validity in whatever standard models of climatology there are so therefore the predictions aren't valid or should be revised. That is a simple argument to make on any scientific experiment and not enough for me unfortunately. YOu are going to have to bring more to convince me that we have no effect on global warming, but that's just me.
Northeast still has had, generally speaking, no more than half a foot of snow, and in many places, less than 3 inches. That's a rarity, especially to watch the Mid-atlantic get blasted with the white stuff.

Make of it what you will.

Personally, we are just a pube on Planet Earth. I don't think anything we do, or don't do, is going to matter. The weather will change and so will landscapes and continents, just like it has for the past billion years, whether we like it or not, whether we survive or not.I just don't think any of this has to do with humanity..

And if we do want to blame someone.. blame China first.
Northeast still has had, generally speaking, no more than half a foot of snow, and in many places, less than 3 inches. That's a rarity, especially to watch the Mid-atlantic get blasted with the white stuff.

Make of it what you will.

Personally, we are just a pube on Planet Earth. I don't think anything we do, or don't do, is going to matter. The weather will change and so will landscapes and continents, just like it has for the past billion years, whether we like it or not, whether we survive or not.I just don't think any of this has to do with humanity..

And if we do want to blame someone.. blame China first.

Sweet post

1. Here's an anecdote about snow in one miniscule region.
2. I don't have any real knowledge, but don't think we have much of an impact because we're just little humans.
3. If humans are responsible, blame China

You running for office?
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Consuming energy was sexualized during most of the middle part of the 20th century. Cars were iconized along with service shops. Route 66 was exhalted as the epitome of americana, while 75% of it is driving along some of the most boring ****ing flat nothingness that the good ole U S of A has to offer. Another 20% is manufactured nostalgia.

Everybody threw making good cities to the ****ing hogs during the post war boom. Look at these ****ing 8 lane boulevards. Why the **** should we live within 10 miles of the nearest restaurant or supermarket? Hell, gas is $0.159 a gallon!

We deserve what we gots coming.
Consuming energy was sexualized during most of the middle part of the 20th century. Cars were iconized along with service shops. Route 66 was exhalted as the epitome of americana, while 75% of it is driving along some of the most boring ****ing flat nothingness that the good ole U S of A has to offer. Another 20% is manufactured nostalgia.

Everybody threw making good cities to the ****ing hogs during the post war boom. Look at these ****ing 8 lane boulevards. Why the **** should we live within 10 miles of the nearest restaurant or supermarket? Hell, gas is $0.159 a gallon!

We deserve what we gots coming.
Completely ridiculous
I enjoyed that crazyqx83 insulted me for muddying up the "debate" then immediately launched into a series of ad hominem attacks and sarcastic comments. You just don't get that kind of sociopathic hypocrisy in that pure of a form just anywhere so that was nice.

LEK is great on this topic. You can see he is just as tired as I am of pointing out over and over and over again the same tired old half-truths, lies, hack websites... just the withering number of recycled old discredited lies that the deniers insist on propagating. There is no point to trying to discuss this with them as if you are unwilling to listen to what amounts to the entire world's scientific body in as near unanimity is as possible among scientists nor even our own DOD then what can we possibly post here to make a difference?

DaBoss tried tact but that thudded over their heads like government cheese rolling off the back of the mail trucks. Just not happening.

So, in the end, we should just continue to insult and mock them. Really there are no other options remaining. Just be thankful we have people this dumb with which to entertain ourselves. That, pretty much, is my favorite thing about this place. The rich abundant fauna of imbeciles that are at the peak of ripeness.
yeah it's all a conspiracy of Big Climatology's greedhead researchers

this should be merged into the political thread so i don't have to look at it
You should be merged with the other idiots who read things they don't want to read but continue to do so and then complain that this should be elsewhere. Psssssssst, here is a little advice, DONT READ IT!
The global warming push is about the money pure and simple. The US tax payer has forked out billions on money not only here but abroad as well. I am not sure about the exact amount but, about 30 or so green companies have gone belly up shortly after receiving millions to billions on tax payer money. But, we keep on allowing ourselves to be duped.
The global warming push is about the money pure and simple. The US tax payer has forked out billions on money not only here but abroad as well. I am not sure about the exact amount but, about 30 or so green companies have gone belly up shortly after receiving millions to billions on tax payer money. But, we keep on allowing ourselves to be duped.
No. It's about the science. The after effects maybe something different, but the science is neutral.
I enjoyed that crazyqx83 insulted me for muddying up the "debate" then immediately launched into a series of ad hominem attacks and sarcastic comments. You just don't get that kind of sociopathic hypocrisy in that pure of a form just anywhere so that was nice.

LEK is great on this topic. You can see he is just as tired as I am of pointing out over and over and over again the same tired old half-truths, lies, hack websites... just the withering number of recycled old discredited lies that the deniers insist on propagating. There is no point to trying to discuss this with them as if you are unwilling to listen to what amounts to the entire world's scientific body in as near unanimity is as possible among scientists nor even our own DOD then what can we possibly post here to make a difference?

DaBoss tried tact but that thudded over their heads like government cheese rolling off the back of the mail trucks. Just not happening.

So, in the end, we should just continue to insult and mock them. Really there are no other options remaining. Just be thankful we have people this dumb with which to entertain ourselves. That, pretty much, is my favorite thing about this place. The rich abundant fauna of imbeciles that are at the peak of ripeness.
With all due respect, you're the only thing that is entertaining here...

Or something like that.
No. It's about the science. The after effects maybe something different, but the science is neutral.
The science isn't neutral when it changes the historic record. It is well documented and the people you worship as your religion admit to it. Emails were found that prove data was manipulated exaggerate the threat. You can call me stupid all you want, but for you and Z to not even question the validity of the claims at this point is remarkable.

When Dr. Judith Curry stands in front of Congress and tells them the science is not settled, who are you two to disagree with her?
Ok, last attempt. Bill Nye very briefly gives you 5 simple things to understand about climate change. It's like an abbreviated version for the simple. So if you can at least digest this and then promise never to discuss this topic in public again, then you will at least have made some small step in evolving beyond the stage of a neanderthal:

Bill Nye is a ****ing kids' show scientist. He's like the barney the friendly dinosaur of science.
Judith Curry isn't a global warming denier though, she just thinks that due to natural variability the impact won't be that bad.

The obvious problem is that the same natural variability could make the impact that much worse. So doing nothing is again not a solution.
The coastlines are going to change, and there isn't anything man can do about it.

You can look the world over and find towns that were once on the coastline that are now miles from it. It's all cyclical.

Climate change has turned into a political stance much like abortion and gun control. It's something to divert the masses attention during election years.
Z, the climate is going to change, Miami will be under water if all Carbon emissions stopped today.
It's political at this point, surely you can see that.
It's not outside the natural variance.

We've already established that the historical record has been manipulated to further a cause.
Why do you deny what the scientists you cite have already admitted to? Do you think if you don't acknowledge it, it doesn't exist?

Why haven't the climate models made accurate predictions? Admit it. Direct some of your superior intelligence toward the truth for once.
My superior intelligence is joined and shared by the greatest thinkers on this subject the world over. From the most brutal corners of darkest hole in communist China to the most liberal ivory towers of Europe. Every single advanced institution of modern thinking all brought to bear on a single subject and with a level of unanimity that is normally reserved for only the very cornerstones of science.

That's the company I stand in. Where are you? With Big Energy and paid hacks. People that are not even interested in answers. Only confusion, propaganda, lies, and deceit. For money. For profit. What lower more callously irresponsible heathens could you possibly call allies?
The science isn't neutral when it changes the historic record. It is well documented and the people you worship as your religion admit to it. Emails were found that prove data was manipulated exaggerate the threat. You can call me stupid all you want, but for you and Z to not even question the validity of the claims at this point is remarkable.

When Dr. Judith Curry stands in front of Congress and tells them the science is not settled, who are you two to disagree with her?
Nope, we've linked article and study after study disproving this, as you have made same post for years. Every year we smash your argument. You're trolling or its willful ignorance.

It's like talking to a wall. Doesn't matter, rest of the world moves ahead without you, and we deal with consequences. We're used to carrying people like you and taking care of you.

Another difference, we care, and provide for you even though you destroy resources all while screaming nu uh. We foot the bill for your ignorance. But it's ok, it's a democracy, which liberals care more about. You have the right to be willfully ignorant. I support your right to be wrong.
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LEK is onto something. ymmot31 and his kind are little more than welfare recipients of our good will. We have to shove them aside and do what is right. Taking care of them whether they appreciate it or not. They benefit and depend upon our good will to exist. They are, for all intents and purposes, parasitic succubi attaching themselves to our good graces.
You share your "modern thinking" with China? The most filthy place on the planet? Really? China? Really? The most single contributor to "climate change"? Really? China? Really? The asshole of the planet? The U.S. could become greenhouse gas free tomorrow and "climate change" (if one were to believe in such nonsense) would progress unabated because of China and its sister-state-in-filth India. You talk all this shit and take some sort of intelligence stance with China? Well, at least we know where you stand.
So you would just shove people to the side instead of letting people govern themselves if you believe you are right?
You share your "modern thinking" with China? The most filthy place on the planet? Really? China? Really? The most single contributor to "climate change"? Really? China? Really? The asshole of the planet? The U.S. could become greenhouse gas free tomorrow and "climate change" (if one were to believe in such nonsense) would progress unabated because of China and its sister-state-in-filth India. You talk all this shit and take some sort of intelligence stance with China? Well, at least we know where you stand.
We're not debating the after effects. We're telling you the science is fact, which you refuse.

Also, if someone else is committing crime, does that mean you should? If your friends jump off a bridge, would you? Same argument you're making with China. Most kids learned that at an early age. Guess you did not. Explains your stunted intellect. Don't worry, we will take care of you though.
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Don't ask them questions Roger. Both of them are incapable of individual thought. All they are able to do is parrot the company line. There are plenty of brilliant scientists that assert man's effect on the climate is negligible. These scientists are shouted down just like everyone else that goes against their religion.

If the science is settled, and the science is founded on truth, why haven't the models made accurate predictions?

I'm surprised you guys still use the fact the AMA, and ADA, and 99% of the other agency's you cite agree with AGW, as proof of it being as it has been proposed. LEK with yet another logical fallacy. Z still unable to refute my words without using admittedly doctored data.