Does KU pass us in wins AGAIN this season ????

Will KU pass us again in wins this season?

  • Yes

    Votes: 42 36.2%
  • No

    Votes: 74 63.8%

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This season?

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Yeah imif UK wins the matchup it won't happen this year. If they win, then I guess maybe?

Let's not forget that a BIG reason for Kansas making ground on us was our disastrous year back in 2020. And while we haven't been exceptional or anything since, you won't see a +15 win swing like that ever again.
It's 7 games. They will beat up on the Big 12 and we will take several losses. Cal doesn't care about the SEC tournament so they are likely to gain a couple on us in theirs. Then they will likely advance further than us in the NCAA tournament. If they don't get within a game or two at least I will be surprised.
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Yeah imif UK wins the matchup it won't happen this year. If they win, then I guess maybe?

Let's not forget that a BIG reason for Kansas making ground on us was our disastrous year back in 2020. And while we haven't been exceptional or anything since, you won't see a +15 win swing like that ever again.
That was a big year to pick up games. I put this in another thread previously. Here is the +/- for UK coaches from Rupp onward in terms of losing or picking up games on Kansas:

Cal: -28 (-2 per year average)
BCG: -24 (-12 per year average)
Tubby: -13 (-1.3 per year average)
Pitino: -9 (-1.125 per year average)
Sutton: -18 (-4.5 per year average)
Hall: +61 (+4.7 per year average)
Rupp: +173 (+4.22 per year average)
I really don’t understand why this matters since they’ve played more games than us.
Because "best percentage" is a loser's argument.
It is a contrived statistic.. it takes math past simple addition to compute.
History length counts, but only because they've played basketball several years before us.
Since we lost the lead, some of us put the winning percentage above All-time Wins. It's embarrassing.
Yeah imif UK wins the matchup it won't happen this year. If they win, then I guess maybe?

Let's not forget that a BIG reason for Kansas making ground on us was our disastrous year back in 2020. And while we haven't been exceptional or anything since, you won't see a +15 win swing like that ever again.
If Cal's goal remains to get the best HS kids to the NBA ASAP... then yeah, we're going to see many +15 win swings.
Some of you people could be given a brand new Mercedes-Benz Maybach and your reaction would be "gee, the tires are going to have to be replaced some day, and they'll cost a fortune."

Kentucky was just restored to All Times Wins leader yesterday. Enjoy it for a while. At least a day.

Kansas, meanwhile, is taking down a Final Four banner for cheating, while still dealing with having to cut Self's hand-picked woman-battering point guard Arterio Morris after he got busted (again) this time for rape. Don't act like that's the model anyone would want for our basketball program.

And for the record, no. Kentucky has a tougher schedule, especially in conference, but will hold the lead and gradually widen in over the next few years as Self runs out of felons to recruit.
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Because "best percentage" is a loser's argument.
It is a contrived statistic.. it takes math past simple addition to compute.
History length counts, but only because they've played basketball several years before us.
Since we lost the lead, some of us put the winning percentage above All-time Wins. It's embarrassing.

Thank God you don't work in finance and stats.
Because "best percentage" is a loser's argument.
It is a contrived statistic.. it takes math past simple addition to compute.
History length counts, but only because they've played basketball several years before us.
Since we lost the lead, some of us put the winning percentage above All-time Wins. It's embarrassing.
Math does, in fact, matter past simple addition. I mean, we're only talking about simple division here. When athletes are running the 100-meter dash, does one runner get a head start? No. Winning percentage equalizes things if there has in fact been a head start (which in this case there has been). It's an even bigger accomplishment to have the wins lead when you are the one that hasn't been given a head start. You are right that it is easier to simply look at a win total and see who has more, but that obviously doesn't tell the whole story.
That was a big year to pick up games. I put this in another thread previously. Here is the +/- for UK coaches from Rupp onward in terms of losing or picking up games on Kansas:

Cal: -28 (-2 per year average)
BCG: -24 (-12 per year average)
Tubby: -13 (-1.3 per year average)
Pitino: -9 (-1.125 per year average)
Sutton: -18 (-4.5 per year average)
Hall: +61 (+4.7 per year average)
Rupp: +173 (+4.22 per year average)

Nice post
KU (aka Convict Coven or CC) has more wins than Ky ever will. They have won more games with rapists and other felons while they cheat their way through college basketball than any team in college history.

That said, KY leads in legitimate wins and CC has no hope of ever catching us.
If we lose 10 or more games this season it's a possibility.
Apparently it is only a 5 game lead. We don't even need to lose very many games. If we don't advance far in the SEC and NCAA tournaments that alone could wipe out the lead.
If Cal's goal remains to get the best HS kids to the NBA ASAP... then yeah, we're going to see many +15 win swings.

How many wins did we lose when he tried to get Wall, Cousins, and Bledsoe to the NBA? How many times has Kansas ever gained more than 10 wins on Cal in a season?

I don't see them gaining more than 5 or 6 on us, at worst this year.
No, but given even if we expand it this year (say we are better than everyones best hopes), we will still have bad years. I say 4 to 6 years tops. Unless Kansas joins (SEC) or BIG10 or ACC. If BIG 12 stays the way it is, they will hardly lose games in the future. No Texas and No Oklahoma.
No, but given even if we expand it this year (say we are better than everyones best hopes), we will still have bad years. I say 4 to 6 years tops. Unless Kansas joins (SEC) or BIG10 or ACC. If BIG 12 stays the way it is, they will hardly lose games in the future. No Texas and No Oklahoma.
That’s the main difference, I mean Cal hasn’t gotten it done against good teams the last 5-6 years for sure but their conference whistle and luck is crazy compared to what we get even at home in conference.