Do you support the decision to reinstate the UK-IU series?

Do you support the decision to reinstate the UK-IU series?

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Someones going to need to explain what the "risk is" by playing Indiana.

Kids aren't going to any school these days based on a H2H record. It's all about the money now and your Head Coach.

Maybe some of you are scared Indiana returns to glory but thats highly unlikely even if they beat UK 10 years in a row. *Knock on wood*

Yes there fans are trash for how they treated us in Bloomington but what better way to punish a bully? Hit it where it hurts right in the fricken nose!
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No even though we royally screwed them on location and then giving us 2-1 I wish we never step foot in that arena again. You think those inbred losers were bad in 2012 imagine them after all this time, the game does nothing for us in the grand scheme... not a fan.
Let's not play Kansas, UNC, Duke. Don't give them a possible win to bolster their programs

Sure, because that’s totally the same thing. The teams you listed have combined to win 36% of the ncaa championships since 2001 and 31% of all the championships since Indiana last won one, 42 years ago.

Yup. Totally the same. A reasonable and fair comparison.
Them Yankee sons of bitches hate everything KY. Because we are looked down on by the great master race Indiana residents as stupid, backward southerners. I say we play them every year just to stomp a hole into their program.
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Sure, because that’s totally the same thing. The teams you listed have combined to win 36% of the ncaa championships since 2001 and 31% of all the championships since Indiana last won one, 42 years ago.

Yup. Totally the same. A reasonable and fair comparison.
Let's not play Louisivlle. Let's not give them anything to brag about
Everybody has their own opinion but I love that we are playing them again. I remember all those early 90’s games and they was nothing short of amazing. Just as good as the Duke/UNc rivalry back in the day.
Sure, because that’s totally the same thing. The teams you listed have combined to win 36% of the ncaa championships since 2001 and 31% of all the championships since Indiana last won one, 42 years ago.

Yup. Totally the same. A reasonable and fair comparison.

1987 isn't 42 years.

Or am I turning 42 next month? 🤔 damn last half of my 30s flew by.
Kentucky never should have gone back to this series. IU is not a quality opponent and their actions in the past have made it clear that they don't deserve to play Kentucky.
2020 KenPom:

UK 29th
IU 34th


UK 49th
IU 50th


UK 6th
IU 48th


UK 27th
IU 30th

Could you define "quality"?

IU is a Top 50 opponent.....IU would be a Q4 win, or loss. How much more quality do you want?
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We got 2 home games and they got 1 plus a fairly neutral site.

We won it all in 2012 and played them. Maybe it helps get us another title.

I went to the neutral site games and it was a great atmosphere
I don't like it because it lends a sense of credibility to that trash-ass program in Bloomington. It absolutely helps them, and I am adamantly opposed to anything that helps those turds.
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I don't like it because it lends a sense of credibility to that trash-ass program in Bloomington. It absolutely helps them, and I am adamantly opposed to anything that helps those turds.
I ma curious---How does it help IU, but not UK? What credibility does IU get, by playing UK? We play Kansas(2022 champs)---We also play UConn(2023 champs). PLay Auburn, who has a more recent FF, than UK...

What is UK "giving" IU, that a game vs Kansas is not?

I get, most of ya'll hate Indiana. Thats cool. But you are letting that hate get in the way of how meaningful of a game this is---for both programs. And FTR, neither team "needs" this game.
I'm hitting the big 40 next month. Not....dealing.....with it all.
40 is great man....I dreaded it. But tbh, It really wasn't a biggie. Now at 51, that kinda of "staggered" me---I was like, daaaaaaaamn, I'm gonna be 60 in less than 10 years. Then my sons b-day was last month---he turned 25. I was like----wat da ****. And now my grandson is about to turn 2.

Those munbers get me more than my own..
Everybody has their own opinion but I love that we are playing them again. I remember all those early 90’s games and they was nothing short of amazing. Just as good as the Duke/UNc rivalry back in the day.
Duke/UNC to me is overrated, tbh. That game doesn't come close to the intensity, the dislike, of an IU/UK, or UK/UL---Purdue/Indiana. Just doesn't give that vibe. More like a neighborhood, wiffle ball game, where everyone has a beer afterwards.
Sure, because that’s totally the same thing. The teams you listed have combined to win 36% of the ncaa championships since 2001 and 31% of all the championships since Indiana last won one, 42 years ago.

Yup. Totally the same. A reasonable and fair comparison.
Then maybe those teams shouldn't play Kentucky? Cats have one title since 2001.
No even though we royally screwed them on location and then giving us 2-1 I wish we never step foot in that arena again. You think those inbred losers were bad in 2012 imagine them after all this time, the game does nothing for us in the grand scheme... not a fan.
How? This was basically the same deal Glass offered 10 years ago. Also the game at Lucas is a scheduled home game for Indiana...Meaning they control ticket allotment--i.e.---no split. And yes I am well aware of of how BBN travels, and "gets in"---Have seen it with me own eyes to many of the road games wife and I have attended. UK will get people in the doors at Lucas---but make no mistake, the crowd will be very much pro-Indiana.
Duke/UNC to me is overrated, tbh. That game doesn't come close to the intensity, the dislike, of an IU/UK, or UK/UL---Purdue/Indiana. Just doesn't give that vibe. More like a neighborhood, wiffle ball game, where everyone has a beer afterwards.
Its ESPN manufactured. Real hated rivalries are Cincy/Xaiver UK/IU, UK/UL, Purdue/Indiana. Hell, UK/UNC was heated in the 90s too.
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I ma curious---How does it help IU, but not UK? What credibility does IU get, by playing UK? We play Kansas(2022 champs)---We also play UConn(2023 champs). PLay Auburn, who has a more recent FF, than UK...

What is UK "giving" IU, that a game vs Kansas is not?

I get, most of ya'll hate Indiana. Thats cool. But you are letting that hate get in the way of how meaningful of a game this is---for both programs. And FTR, neither team "needs" this game.
I think it's more about what happened to many UK fans in Bloomington the last time Cal took a team there to play. The attitude and behavior of the fans was just simply unacceptable. Several UK fans were hurt badly because of it and the primary reason Cal wouldn't continue the series. It's just a game and honestly, I simply have no real desire to play IU in Bloomington ... at all. Play it at a neutral site maybe, but not home and home and even then, I would prefer to not play when UK could pick and choose any credible opponent we want. IU needs the game more than UK. That bullshit debacle that happened the last time did it for me.
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Yes. Of course they deserve an annual old fashion beat down... Don’t be a stingy fan. Let them, at least, have that.
Then maybe those teams shouldn't play Kentucky? Cats have one title since 2001.

We also have one title since 2011, which is 30 years more recent than Indiana. However, if Duke, Norrh Carolina, or Kansas fans said they shouldn’t play Kentucky because we are a has been lately, I wouldn’t argue with them. We’ve been mostly garbage for the last 6 or 7 years. They would have a good argument.

That’s still a lot better than being mostly garbage for the last 30 years. Seriously, I know you will never see it because you’re an Indian fan, but your team has made it beyond the Sweet Sixteen ONE time since 1995. In that same timeframe Kentucky has:

3 Championships
2 Runner-ups
2 Final Fours
5 Elite 8s

Oh, and I still think Kentucky has sucked lately. If that’s your only argument then you’re wasting time because I already agree with you.
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It’s fantastic for the Commonwealth of Kentucky that the rivalry is being resumed, despite Calipari’s wishes to the contrary. It’s basically another unofficial holiday back on the calendar. Go Cats! 🏀
Don’t like it, they don’t deserve to play us, but it’s about money and television. Big time Hyped Up Game, will draw millions.
The university cares more for money anything any opinion the fans have during the season. They are about greed in 2020
I still don't understand the distaste. It's a P5 school with whom we share a rivalry tradition.
It will be a fun game. I'm not wild about a four year series, but two would've been plenty.

We still owe them for that BS in 2016 so I'm fine with this.
Because the IU fan base is at least 75% absolutely vile ignorant assholes. I have lived in Indiana for most of my life. You just cannot fathom the irrationality/hatred of the majority of that fan base.
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Duke/UNC to me is overrated, tbh. That game doesn't come close to the intensity, the dislike, of an IU/UK, or UK/UL---Purdue/Indiana. Just doesn't give that vibe. More like a neighborhood, wiffle ball game, where everyone has a beer afterwards.
It’s a great rivalry but I agree, ESPN over hypes it. They play two to three times a year where as UK/UL or UK/IU plays one time unless they meet in the tourney. Not at all trying to take anything away from the Duke/UNc because it is a fun rivalry but the hate in the UK/UL/IU rivalry is real. Nothing like it in my book.
No, we don't owe them anything. They haven't been relevant in years. The last time we were in Bloomington, their fans acted like complete heathen asshats. They don't deserve any attention from us.
No, we don't owe them anything. They haven't been relevant in years. The last time we were in Bloomington, their fans acted like complete heathen asshats. They don't deserve any attention from us.
I would rather see it on nuetral courts but it’s Indiana and Kentucky. The state teams mean something. I’d rather do away with Louisville. Even though I think they should keep both. 🤷🏻‍♂️