Do we want UL to win tonight?


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2002
Can't believe I'm asking that but it would make our coming win over them that much sweeter if we knock them out of their no1 ranking. Don't know if we've ever beaten them that way and I want to beat them EVERY way , lol . It would be even MORE painful for their trash fan base .
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Is this a real question? lol

I mean it would be nice to knock off another 1 come December 28th, but I'm certainly not gonna root for the enemy for that to happen.

It's one of those things where "eh nice if it happens and we knock off number 1, but I'm not rooting for that to occur."
L's down FOREVER!
Can't believe I'm asking that but it would make our coming win over them that much sweeter if we knock them out of their no1 ranking. Don't know if we've ever beaten them that way and I want to beat them EVERY way , lol . It would be even MORE painful for their trash fan base .
Rooting for Michigan. UL is getting very solid betting support though.
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What if you live near the University of Michigan and you despise them just as much as there are thousands of annoying bandwagon Michigan basketball fans all around you??? Then what.
Is this a real question? lol

I mean it would be nice to knock off another 1 come December 28th, but I'm certainly not gonna root for the enemy for that to happen
It's one of those things where "eh nice if it happens and we knock off number 1, but I'm not rooting for that to occur."
Not really, lol . More like a thought. And evidently a stupid one ! lol
Go Blue!!!! Michigan is firing on all cylinders right now....peaking early. Hope they continue to do so by beating the Cards tonight..
Want UofL to win???

There is only one answer that any true UK fan can give to that question. If you take more than .0001 second to consider it, then I question your fandom.
What you said really hit home with me . I immediately went out and did a belly flop on the driveway. I'm thinking about sticking a sharp stick in my eye ! lol
Can't believe I'm asking that but it would make our coming win over them that much sweeter if we knock them out of their no1 ranking. Don't know if we've ever beaten them that way and I want to beat them EVERY way , lol . It would be even MORE painful for their trash fan base .
No. Never.
Can't believe I'm asking that but it would make our coming win over them that much sweeter if we knock them out of their no1 ranking. Don't know if we've ever beaten them that way and I want to beat them EVERY way , lol . It would be even MORE painful for their trash fan base .
Umm no, we never want UL to win. EVER!
Good Gawd NO. Why even ask such a stupid question? I hope the get embarrassed. I hope Michigan toys with them like they’re the Washington Generals.
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