Dan Wetzel - State Governments Now Pushing NIL

Aloha All,

I don’t know about you, but, to me, this has potential to get totally and completely out of control…

With Aloha,

Already is.

Thank you NCAA.

All they had to do was agree to some small restitutions a few years ago for using names and likeness in games and/or promotions. They said no. Whelp......
Smart move by Missouri lawmakers and I'm sure this will continue in all states. One area the article might be incorrect though, is where it says that a kid who signs at Mizzou would have 8 months of NIL that they could not get had they signed with an out of state school. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if a kid signs with a school in December and is not playing any other high school sports, he can start getting NIL money at that time since he's done playing high school sports, correct?
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The fatal flaw in the Missouri legislation is that it is a step back... it takes advantage of the athlete to the benefit of the in-state schools. It flies in the face of the Supreme Court's decision. While in-state schools may be businesses, the kids are individuals... and that is who they are putting at odds. All Missouri did is move the the bureaucracy up a level, from the state school to the state legislature... at the expense of the athlete.
All this does is create more of burden for the local kid to get to the school he/she wants: e.g.
a) NIL doesn't have to be reported, except to the state and federal IRS. A Missouri kid that had his heart set on playing at UK, would just have to come to UK and establish residency.
b) pay NIL through the parents/guardians/third-party
The NCAA created an animal they couldn’t contain even if they wanted to. This is gonna turn into a complete shit show and nothing more than a new professional league at the college level. They have killed what college sports was all about. The only thing left to do is let the government get in on the action that way it is totally f#€cked.
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