
Been looking to plant some good maples for this very thing. Anyone know much about varieties of maple trees and where best to plant, soil and water requirements?
There's a number of places around us by the old-fashion German Baptist (like Amish) that make their own maple syrup. One guy used to have an out building on his farm where he boiled down the syrup and sold it. There wasn't a maple tree on his whole farm. He arranged with friends, or contracted with them to tap their trees.
Thing that always got me is that it takes something like 40 gallons of syrup from the tree to make 1 gallon.
I've observed over 200 vulture in a single committee. Most folks don't realize that the Turkey vultures forage by smell. They can see other vultures several miles distant. Their primary foraging strategy is to spread out as a scattered flock sniffing their way across the land scape. When they smell carrion they circle the odor. Seeing this other animals are then attracted. That is significant for several reasons. A committee is more efficient locating the food. Our testing showed that they could locate a buried carcass buried as deep as 10 inches and dig it up. Additionally the TV has a relatively weak beak leaving the nutrition of larger animals with tough hides unavailable. The circling also serves to attract more powerful scavengers capable of opening the carcass allowing access. In western rangelands, it might be Coyotes, bears or golden eagles. Avian scavengers will circle thousands of feet over the foraging vultures in dense jungle environs. The King vulture depends on the this to locate food. A case of interspecific cooperation.

Me too, that practice is important for falcon survival. An error at 200 mph likely to result in fatality. Mortality among raptor fledglings approach 80%. Accipiters (being true hawks) on the other hand are more efficient hunters and content as fearless hunters not afraid of a fight. Just as hazardous. Still not as vicious as weasels.
There's a park in a little town around here where this time of years the turkey vultures are all over. Trees are covered with them. Friend of mine counted/lost count at a 100 last year. Needless to say a lot of people don't go to the park when they're there.
I had a guy over to my house today to repair my AC unit. Mid 50's and was talking about how hard it is today to get younger people to work with their company. Had one about 3 weeks ago who was constantly on his phone with his wife and was not doing the job in a timely manner much to the displeasure of the customer. So, when they got on to him about it he said family is more important and quit. He said they had another youngster come in for an interview to work for them Monday and he wore a black lives matter T-shirt. He ask me what I would do. I told him I would not hire him. He said, they were not going to. In a job interview, you should dress for the occasion and if that was his attitude already, you can imagine the moronic conversation he would be brining up instead of working.
If I quit my job, my wife and kids would disown me. They wouldn't be happy with just window shopping.
Apparently Cal has learned and put in place how to "Un-Kneel".. (From reports read on the parent site.) I never thought he could do it. (Hasn't done it yet but it is trending in that direction.)
Where did you see this? Parent site? Looked but I don't see anything.
He can come up with a policy but I'm afraid the damage has been done (at least with me and a great number of people I know). And without a public apology I don't know how much traction any 'policy' would have.
And sadly, I don't expect said apology.
Possibly Corpus Christi Naval Air Station located 65 miles to the east.
FWIW, visited the National Museum of the Pacific War in of all places, Fredericksburg, TX, not far from you. This was the year UK played A&M. What, F-burg is 150 miles from any salt water? Only made sense it's there in that Nimitz is from there.

While the whole thing is great - and large - the highlight for me was the 3-4' long model of my Dad's ship, battleship USS PA, BB-38. I wasn't expecting that at all. We were there 2-3 hours.
Where did you see this? Parent site? Looked but I don't see anything.
He can come up with a policy but I'm afraid the damage has been done (at least with me and a great number of people I know). And without a public apology I don't know how much traction any 'policy' would have.
And sadly, I don't expect said apology.

I was talking about him bringing in Coach O and that Chin guy along with some to be named later recruits. It looks like many are ready to jump back on his wagon again. (That is what I was eluding to.)
In all probability because the earliest Coca Cola contained cocaine. "Col John Pemberton marketed his drink as a tonic for most common ailments, basing it on cocaine from the coca leaf and caffeine-rich extracts of the kola nut; the cocaine was removed from Coca-Cola's formula in about 1903."

Seems to me I remember reading that the original Coca Cola was actually an elixir......They used to have a museum in E-Town.....I had been there several times back in the day......I worked one time for about almost a year in their advertising department installing signs.........I was trying to get away from didn't work....
I've observed over 200 vulture in a single committee. Most folks don't realize that the Turkey vultures forage by smell. They can see other vultures several miles distant. Their primary foraging strategy is to spread out as a scattered flock sniffing their way across the land scape. When they smell carrion they circle the odor. Seeing this other animals are then attracted. That is significant for several reasons. A committee is more efficient locating the food. Our testing showed that they could locate a buried carcass buried as deep as 10 inches and dig it up. Additionally the TV has a relatively weak beak leaving the nutrition of larger animals with tough hides unavailable. The circling also serves to attract more powerful scavengers capable of opening the carcass allowing access. In western rangelands, it might be Coyotes, bears or golden eagles. Avian scavengers will circle thousands of feet over the foraging vultures in dense jungle environs. The King vulture depends on the this to locate food. A case of interspecific cooperation.

Me too, that practice is important for falcon survival. An error at 200 mph likely to result in fatality. Mortality among raptor fledglings approach 80%. Accipiters (being true hawks) on the other hand are more efficient hunters and content as fearless hunters not afraid of a fight. Just as hazardous. Still not as vicious as weasels.
TI have read that the vultures and buzzards are said to be able to smell the gas that starts developing in a dead animal approximately an hour after the animal dies......(I guess temps have something to do with that).....Buzzards like fresh kill and vultures like it a bit more ripe.......
TI have read that the vultures and buzzards are said to be able to smell the gas that starts developing in a dead animal approximately an hour after the animal dies......(I guess temps have something to do with that).....Buzzards like fresh kill and vultures like it a bit more ripe.......

Need to get with some of these Gizzard eaters on this site. Got to have some Buzzard in them... (At least Buzzard tendencies...)
Buzzards like fresh kill and vultures like it a bit more ripe.......
All American vultures consume meat/by products as available. The blacks bully the larger turkeys using more aggressive mob strategies when competing for the same nutrient resources. Yes known to kill and devour calves. That would be just piss poor management by the way. That mobbing strategy is frequently used in the world of glorified lizards. Mob dominance determined in large part upon the participants body mass. For example, Golden eagles like to eat fresh meat and doesn't want to share. They'll give it up to maybe a bear, but more cantankerous with some reluctance to something less ferocious . They can and are ok with killing a condor over a carcass. A flock of condors another story. Mob rules. Eagle will watch from a distance with patience.
Two summers I worked on the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina. There are some wonderful folks up that way. I was engaged with a long legged girl from up there.

She dumped me like a bad habit. o_O
You have to know how to handle those mountain girls.........they are wily........46 yrs and the scars to prove it.....😉
Two summers I worked on the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina. There are some wonderful folks up that way. I was engaged with a long legged girl from up there.

She dumped me like a bad habit. o_O
You have to know how to handle those mountain girls.........they are wily........46 yrs and the scars to prove it.....😉
Yep, tell me about it. Both my ex-wives are mountain gals. Stubborn as heck.
OK, I have to admit that I couldn't help myself, so I had to read the article. According to some stupid study, it didn't matter how much money they made, or where they lived, people of color were breathing dirtier air. I guess pollution can distinguish your skin color and migrate to those who do not have light skin. Who would have thought?
When I was very young -- like 4-5 years old -- we lived in upstate New York while my dad worked a job up there. And this Carlings Black Label commercial was on the air constantly. Maybe it was everywhere, but I associate it with the early 1960s watching NY Yankee games with my dad...Mabel! Black Label!
Yep! I remember it.
Of course everybody changes with age, but Willie has changed more than most...not only in looks but lifestyle.
Younger pictures of him to now...almost unrecognizable.
Like he was on a downward slide in life...and never stopped. JMO.

Willie changed because of his audience. He used to be clean cut and wore a suit and tie when he sang. He said that he noticed his audience wasn't like him at all. I guess you could say he found his people by calling out to them. Willie is as genuine and giving as any celebrity could be.

However bad your day is going -- It could be worse.

My wife just texted me from her hospital job that she is helping prepare a guy for surgery who is having a Penectomy -- and yes, that is exactly what it sounds like. No details beyond that. Not sure I want to know...
According to the internet and certain political beliefs, about 87% of people are born with the wrong equipment. Turns out you can't trust DNA to produce the right sex. Hair color? Sure. Eye color? Certainly. Sex? No way!
OK, I have to admit that I couldn't help myself, so I had to read the article. According to some stupid study, it didn't matter how much money they made, or where they lived, people of color were breathing dirtier air. I guess pollution can distinguish your skin color and migrate to those who do not have light skin. Who would have thought?

Someone's going to swallow that bait with the hook, line, and pole. That's the brain freezing and confounding part
Willie changed because of his audience. He used to be clean cut and wore a suit and tie when he sang. He said that he noticed his audience wasn't like him at all. I guess you could say he found his people by calling out to them. Willie is as genuine and giving as any celebrity could be.

According to the internet and certain political beliefs, about 87% of people are born with the wrong equipment. Turns out you can't trust DNA to produce the right sex. Hair color? Sure. Eye color? Certainly. Sex? No way!

They will be unwilling to tie it to diet, food additives, medicine, or psychological environment. Pharmaceuticals in the water making people think stupid things? Naw...