
Raining cats, dogs, and squirrels this morning in the Buckeye State. Good timing for the farmers who have already got their fields plowed and planted.

I remember about 15-20 years ago reading about the CEO of Pepsi. As I recall she was Indian-American and extremely liberal. Can't remember all the particulars but she had a lot of very liberal policies within the company that were way out there at the time....that are, unfortunately, becoming the norm today. So, since I don't drink Coke anymore (had a number of friends when I lived in Atlanta that were Coke I hate that Coke is out with me) and Pepsi is out....that leaves RC....or no colas which is best considering how much sugar they put it these products. Speaking of, stopped at Sam's on a recommendation a week or so ago from @warrior-cat to pick up some Sam's cola. They don't sell it around here so I'll have to check online.

Had a good visit/lunch with my bro' and SIL. The girls had fun digging plants while us guys sat in the gazebo talking. And went over a bunch of family matters. Looked at a bunch of old Ky. newspapers of articles of our family, and figured out that Cawood and I share the same GGG Grandfather (maybe 4G for me). Interesting tidbit, I think his Grandfather was killed in a family feud around Hazard/Harlan.

Well, need to rest and recuperate. Spent a little time on the Total Gym and not used to it unlike @warrior-cat
Picking up some of those Sam's Cola's that the wife ordered yesterday for outside pickup. My daughter and her like it. Probably going to go to RC's myself.

Did a little work on the total gym this morning in as much as my hurting ribs would allow. Sometimes, you have to modify to keep working out.
My close friend passed away in 1987. Carling Black Label was his main beer. He served in Vietnam and earned an Air Medal flying combat missions as an EW crewman during USN service in the late 60s. His fondness for Black Label makes sense now.
Yep, spent a lot of time in Germany and Belgium which is why they are my go to beers. Got a taste for them and most others will not do. Will on occasion go Japanese with Sapporo.

Wonder if that's just a Midwestern thing. They call any cola around here 'pop'. Don't know where it came from. When I moved to Atlanta I was quickly scolded that the correct term was 'coke'. Of course Atlanta is the birthplace and still corporate for Coke.

Up in more northern areas they call it Soda. (Maine, Vermont, New England...)
Yeah i sometimes see them closeup when i’m driving on rural roads, in a small tree or sometimes on the ground by the ditchline—ugly buzzards. i hear they stink to high heaven. i think the town you’re referring to is hinckley, ohio, between akron and cleveland.
Yeah, the Mrs always says they're migrating to Hinkley. Maybe...maybe not...IDK. But it seems they hang around our property in the Spring and we don't see them as much come May, June. Maybe they move on or just move around here somewhere where they can hunt better in the corn fields as they're growing taller.
I wish that was the red fox it is. I had 3 siblings get bitten by a rabid fox when we were kids so anytime a fox interjects himself into my personal space I don't like it.
My daughter in N. Georgia had a momma fox take up residence with her 3 little ones in the culvert at the end of her driveway years back when her kids were little. Even though they sat up on a hill and had a long driveway down to the road where the culvert was....she didn't even want the kids to go outside to play. And when they did, she made sure they were in the backyard in the pool or the trampoline under her watchful eye.
My daughter in N. Georgia had a momma fox take up residence with her 3 little ones in the culvert at the end of her driveway years back when her kids were little. Even though they sat up on a hill and had a long driveway down to the road where the culvert was....she didn't even want the kids to go outside to play. And when they did, she made sure they were in the backyard in the pool or the trampoline under her watchful eye.
I was pretty young when my siblings were bitten but if I recall correctly they had to get upwards of 100 shots in their stomachs. I guess that is why I don't have that warm fuzzy feeling for those furry little creatures.
Happy 88th birthday. My late father in-law practiced guitar with him when they were teens.

If you find yourself with nothing to do, or, if you find yourself in need of some blues, then check out this deal on Youtube. It's called Whiskey Blues.

Thank you.
Sorry D-League...I know you have been waiting around for my latest ALIEN stuff but dang I've been busy. Retirement was supposed to be easier than this! Anyway, the weather looks good for some scope time this weekend down at Nolin. I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully the skies will play nice and I can get some calm air. Anyway...You folks behave and I'll check in from time to time. 👽👽👽

And why do I have to dig down so far on the emoji's list to plug in an ALIEN emoji and apply it it to my extremely important post? Seriously MOD's, get your suff together!!!!!!!!!!!! GEEeeeeeZZZzzz
That the three little Mantids? Worthless Orthopterans.
I usually have two or three of those around my yard here in s ohio although i haven’t seen any this year. i haven’t seen as many brown squirrels either, or rabbits. i have lots of red tail hawks around my yard. they sometimes like to snatch a bird near my feeders. i watched one from my window devour a full grown rabbit leaving nothing but the feet, head and guts. pulled in my driveway last month and one was perched on a fence near my bird feeders with a big fat squirrel in his mouth. they’re vicious.

The RTH is an opportunistic woodland foraging generalist. All white squirrels are not albinos but are vulnerable to increased predation pressures

Wonder if that's just a Midwestern thing. They call any cola around here 'pop'. Don't know where it came from. When I moved to Atlanta I was quickly scolded that the correct term was 'coke'. Of course Atlanta is the birthplace and still corporate for Coke.
Soda Pop is common here.
Picking up some of those Sam's Cola's that the wife ordered yesterday for outside pickup. My daughter and her like it. Probably going to go to RC's myself.

Did a little work on the total gym this morning in as much as my hurting ribs would allow. Sometimes, you have to modify to keep working out.
Soda Pop notes.
  • I lost 30 lbs by simply not drinking them. Replaced with water. Didn't do anything else. 205⇨175. 2 or 3 lbs a week. That was over two years ago. Weight has not returned.
  • RC Cola is owned by Green Mountain.
  • Coke owns 10 % Green Mtn. (Buying Keurig technology) So far that means I'm likening my morning Dark Magic 10% less creating product vulnerably to competitive replacement. Now I'm worried about Moon Pies.
  • Pepsi became acceptable in Arizona when God told the Mormon Bishops it was OK.
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I've heard, don't know for sure, that those shots are very painful.
I recall my brother saying the doctor was getting ready to start giving him the shots and as he was lying on the table he noticed a drop of water had landed on his belly. He thought it was a drop of water from the ceiling until he noticed the doctor had tears running down his cheeks and dripping on my brothers belly because he was so torn up over having to give them all those shots. Not many doctors have that much compassion these days.
Your rant on Pepsi reminds me of something. I was stationed at several places at different times in Viet Nam. If memory serves, this was at Phan Rang. The only beer we could get was Carling Black Label and we had it out the wazoo. It was all flat, hot, and in rusty cans. Read later a big shot general was taking kickbacks from Carling to push their beer. I think he was also taking kickbacks on whisky. I had Vietnamese kids in the middle of nowhere try to sell me Budweiser and all we could get on base was hot flat Black Label in rusty cans!
When I was very young -- like 4-5 years old -- we lived in upstate New York while my dad worked a job up there. And this Carlings Black Label commercial was on the air constantly. Maybe it was everywhere, but I associate it with the early 1960s watching NY Yankee games with my dad...Mabel! Black Label!
So that's what happened to me. ;) Yes, I do remember Pepsi being the only soda over there but just figured they out bid or made a deal with the military as has other companies like BK and Popeyes.

When you prepare to retire the army sends you to all kinds of appointments to prepare you after so many years of indoctrination. One of the appointments is counseling where they tell you (at that time anyway) that the life expectancy of a soldier after retirement is 5 years (living on borrowed time, it will be 24 years for me in July). I found that hard to believe but, 5 guys I knew in my last unit, (all were Gulf war vets) who retired in the same year as me died within 2 1/2 years of their retirement. One as early as 6 months. Now, they also factor in reserves and national guard retirees as well and those who spend 30 plus years in who could be in their 60's when they retire. When looking at that, with the afore mentioned guys I knew and factor in my years and average it out, it looks like it was true.

Austin and a few others, be careful out there.

Some are just knit together differently. I knew a vet that took a mortar hit and lived 50 years. Should've lived another 10, but the VA basically stopped giving him benefits they committed to many times. Lost one friend 5 years after he left active duty.

There's just no telling how a person will do coming out of service and there needs to be more accountability with regards to that. The country needs to step up like the vets did. It's going to take a lot of people to change this system to one that doesnt chew up and spit out its citizens
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Your rant on Pepsi reminds me of something. I was stationed at several places at different times in Viet Nam. If memory serves, this was at Phan Rang. The only beer we could get was Carling Black Label and we had it out the wazoo. It was all flat, hot, and in rusty cans. Read later a big shot general was taking kickbacks from Carling to push their beer. I think he was also taking kickbacks on whisky. I had Vietnamese kids in the middle of nowhere try to sell me Budweiser and all we could get on base was hot flat Black Label in rusty cans!
I drank some Carling while living in England......good beer......they keep it in the cellar and pump it up by the glass at the Munster Pub where I frequented......not cold but not very warm.......I hadn't had a drop in quite a few years and the bartender insisted I have a beer with him....we had became friends........I would stop in and get a cola on my walks....The Munster was built in the 900's for the monks to live in while they were constructing Ely the basement there are still the nooks in the walls that were where the monks slept on straw pallets..........not many tourist ever see that........
Every Spring we have (I believe) turkey vultures on our property. Notice them every year and first saw them about 3 weeks ago. Back of our property is all woods with a huge farm field behind it. Guess they like our woods due to field mice, etc? back in the corn/soy fields. Things are huge. Normally we have three but this year I've only seen two. Have a wingspan of about 6 feet. They like to sit up on the top crossbar (for lack of a better term) of a couple telephone poles. They'll sit there for hours occasionally spreading their wings like they're stretching or something.

There's actually a town in N. Ohio (maybe up in the Cleveland area) that has a special day...kind of like groundhog day in Penn.....for the return of buzzards/vultures marking the return of Spring.
These guys eat carion of the side of a road.......they don't eat fresh meat.....they roost on tall power poles a lot......they sit there in the morning and hold their wings up to warm up........once they start flying they pretty much stay on wing all day......sometimes they will roost over a carcass once they have their belly full.......this is a turkey vulture in the buzzards have reportedly been killing young calves......I guess they see them laying and start eating........
I usually have two or three of those around my yard here in s ohio although i haven’t seen any this year. i haven’t seen as many brown squirrels either, or rabbits. i have lots of red tail hawks around my yard. they sometimes like to snatch a bird near my feeders. i watched one from my window devour a full grown rabbit leaving nothing but the feet, head and guts. pulled in my driveway last month and one was perched on a fence near my bird feeders with a big fat squirrel in his mouth. they’re vicious.
The Red Tail and the Red shouldered hawks are hell around here........I know they were after my ducks and rabbits until I caged them back up........they don't pose any problems for my pigeons like the Cooper hawk and Falcon does.........they are vicious......I have watched falcons kill for practice..........
Picking up some of those Sam's Cola's that the wife ordered yesterday for outside pickup. My daughter and her like it. Probably going to go to RC's myself.

Did a little work on the total gym this morning in as much as my hurting ribs would allow. Sometimes, you have to modify to keep working out.
Back when I was a diet coke addict I switched to Sam's was great but after a few weeks they had a metallic taste to I quit cola......
Picking up some of those Sam's Cola's that the wife ordered yesterday for outside pickup. My daughter and her like it. Probably going to go to RC's myself.

Did a little work on the total gym this morning in as much as my hurting ribs would allow. Sometimes, you have to modify to keep working out.
I do this sit up thing.........I lay on the couch for maybe an hour and then I sit up and repeat.........usually twice is enough to make me feel are absolutely have to make modifications that fit your ability.....
That's weird and funny. Wonder why. Any clues to why it was called that?
My FIL told me that when he was a child that...........sugar was a rare was too expensive.....refined sugar was replaced by home made molasses and when they did get a dope on special occasion....... they would be bouncing off of the they was on dope........
I haven't seen that movie in years, but I still laugh at some of the stuff they did!!!!
My favorite was when Chong was with the girl in the back of the van,,,,,,,she was telling Chong about over hearing one of her friends having sex......they had the van rocking and the crowd was cheering when they came out the back door........
My FIL told me that when he was a child that...........sugar was a rare was too expensive.....refined sugar was replaced by home made molasses and when they did get a dope on special occasion....... they would be bouncing off of the they was on dope........

That makes sense. I was one of those kids and that's why I rarely ever got one.
However bad your day is going -- It could be worse.

My wife just texted me from her hospital job that she is helping prepare a guy for surgery who is having a Penectomy -- and yes, that is exactly what it sounds like. No details beyond that. Not sure I want to know...
However bad your day is going -- It could be worse.

My wife just texted me from her hospital job that she is helping prepare a guy for surgery who is having a Penectomy -- and yes, that is exactly what it sounds like. No details beyond that. Not sure I want to kWnow...
With all the trans crap, confused wacho thinking going on these days.........
Wouldn't surprise me, but I have no idea what a Penectomy is. Like you don't want to know.