Every Spring we have (I believe) turkey vultures on our property. Notice them every year and first saw them about 3 weeks ago. Back of our property is all woods with a huge farm field behind it. Guess they like our woods due to field mice, etc? back in the corn/soy fields. Things are huge. Normally we have three but this year I've only seen two. Have a wingspan of about 6 feet. They like to sit up on the top crossbar (for lack of a better term) of a couple telephone poles. They'll sit there for hours occasionally spreading their wings like they're stretching or something.I usually have two or three of those around my yard here in s ohio although i haven’t seen any this year. i haven’t seen as many brown squirrels either, or rabbits. i have lots of red tail hawks around my yard. they sometimes like to snatch a bird near my feeders. i watched one from my window devour a full grown rabbit leaving nothing but the feet, head and guts. pulled in my driveway last month and one was perched on a fence near my bird feeders with a big fat squirrel in his mouth. they’re vicious.
There's actually a town in N. Ohio (maybe up in the Cleveland area) that has a special day...kind of like groundhog day in Penn.....for the return of buzzards/vultures marking the return of Spring.