
Have you checked your wheels for wheel ants lately? I admit I haven't but will do so before I head out to chruch.

Good morning to all on this beautiful Sunday. Got great news Friday, as my wife's mammogram results came back negative. Definitely slept better the last couple of nights.

Good for you and your wife. I know how upcoming tests can stress you out. My wife is having her MRI coming up for her melanoma. She worries about it for 30 days before the test. I pray. She does too, but she can't help but worry.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 83°F on this cloudy Sunday morning. We received more beautiful, cooling rain earlier.

Brother in-law's ex-wife died yesterday from cancer. She was 64, concealed her illness until late last week and worked until nearly her last few days of life. Her and brother in-law had a son together. We're leaving here at noon to go pick up her dog, a little Schnauzer. New addition to our family.


We'll check back later. Behave.
We're leaving here at noon to go pick up her dog, a little Schnauzer. New addition to our family.
Condolence for your family. The dog will grieve, so bring his (her) stuff; toys, bowls, kennels, beds whatever then rotate out at your discression. Treats are golden and the treater is then held in high esteem and adjustment is quick. Dogs are fun and deserve our respect.
There is a modest little Chinese place in DC called the Wok and Roll. What’s interesting about it, aside from decent egg rolls, is that it is in the boarding house that in the 1860s was owned by Mary Surratt and the Lincoln assassination was plotted there - it’s where she was arrested along with co-conspirator Lewis Payne before both were tried and hanged.
There is a modest little Chinese place in DC called the Wok and Roll. What’s interesting about it, aside from decent egg rolls, is that it is in the boarding house that in the 1860s was owned by Mary Surratt and the Lincoln assassination was plotted there - it’s where she was arrested along with co-conspirator Lewis Payne before both were tried and hanged.

There used to be some carry out Chinese places around Lexington called Wok and go. On their signs they had, "I know it's only Wok and Go, but I like it."
That happened to me once...I was sick as a dog...or cat. [sick]
A restaurant in a large city near here was busted with cases of rats, ready to become chop suey. On second thought if it was legal to serve rats in restaurants it might take the rats off of the streets. Truth is there isn't any telling what we get served to us in a restaurant.
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A restaurant in a large city near hear was busted with cases of rats, ready to become chop suey. On second thought if it was legal to serve rats in restaurants it might take the rats off of the streets. Truth is there isn't any telling we we get served to us in a restaurant.

I know the last time I was in Tijuana, Mexico, you didn't see any stray dogs roaming the streets. I ate at a chain restaurant.

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