
Good morning from ATX. Currently 81°F and humid. Possible thunderstorms incoming this morning. Guess I'll need the rain jacket.

We picked up the Schnauzer yesterday. She's trying to adjust to her new home. Barks a lot. We've separated her from our other dogs for now.


We'll check back later. Behave.
I'm playing golf again today. or dying trying

Just had breakfast of eggs, hash browns, sausage, and a big ole fluffy biscuit that grandma would have been proud of. Still working on my coffee.

Well, I typed that yesterday morning, didn't hit send til just now. Got hot out there at times, miserable hot. Storm rolled through right after we finished and cooled things off a bit.

Good Monday Morning D League

We are expecting a hot one today. The humidity is starting to pick up now and will be with us for the next 2 or 3 months. Our current temperature is 73° and it will get up to 87°. But inland it will be low 90's with high humidity. Summer is here. Have a great day and week

Monday, Monday.
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Good morning D from a very wet Berg!!! I have been out a couple days, been to a part of the state that I have never been before.
We took a weekend trip with my son's family to the ARK. That ARK is HUGH! I could never imagine it was that big!

We went up Saturday, went to the ARK spent the night in Erlanger. We went to get a bite to eat in Erlanger, then went to a strip mall there because my D-I-L wanted some ice cream at a Cold Stone. Erlanger seemed like a nice small town.

Got up Sunday morning headed out to Newport to the aquarium, spent a few hours there, grab a bite to eat at a Five Guys, first time I have ever eat there then headed back to the Berg!

When we left my son got a good head start on us, but we beat them home by 20 minutes or so. We went up 75? one way came back another 71?. Don't know how we got there but map, Seri, but it took us off there interstate on to highway 22 thru Peewee Valley and LaGrange then back on the interstate and back to eventually to 65 and Etown!!! Anyway we made it back ok but worn out!!!

Back to the ARK, I enjoyed it, but dang people a rude anymore!!! It would have been great to have a private tour of the ARK! There is just so much info to process!!!! Looking back I was told before we went to take a good two days to go thru it, go to the Creation Museum first then the ARK. IF we ever( and I doubt it) we will take more time!

Ok ya'll have a great and safe day!
When I was a boy having a Coke was a treat. Daddy didn't bring them home so the only time we got one was at a filling station or the General Store. A Coke was 6 oz., a Pepsi was 10 oz and an RC was 12 oz.and they all cost 5 cents, so I preferred RC. And most of the time I had a Moon Pie with it. Also 5 cents. We also had a 16 oz. Double Cola but I saved those for extra hot days and drank them with a pack of Tom's peanuts.

When I was a boy having a Coke was a treat. Daddy didn't bring them home so the only time we got one was at a filling station or the General Store. A Coke was 6 oz., a Pepsi was 10 oz and an RC was 12 oz.and they all cost 5 cents, so I preferred RC. And most of the time I had a Moon Pie with it. Also 5 cents. We also had a 16 oz. Double Cola but I saved those for extra hot days and drank them with a pack of Tom's peanuts.


I remember drinking Double Colas. We thought we were really smart getting the larger bottles still for a nickel.
Hey there! Not much went on here today besides the usual Monday clean up. Dishes are washed.

Weather has slowed the progress on my porch. I need to paint the top of the roof with reflective paint before I can put the screen on and I have to put the carpet down before the screen. Need it to not rain for a couple of days to give a chance to get things done.

Football news just keeps getting better. We took the three best players out of Louisville this year. That's what I hoped would happen after our recent explosion. The recent implosion at ul didn't hurt at all either.
Wife's new car got door dinged. Took it to a place called Ky dent guy, offered to repair it for 500.00 but he would do it for 400.00. Took it to a place on Newburg rd. called Acudent. They did a fantastic job ( and I am the pickiest guy you'll know ) for 150.00. Looks like the dent never was there, I couldn't believe how good it looked.

Also had my ac evaporator replaced on my SUV. Had to remove dash and upper engine plenum to get to it. Place on Taylor call automotive specialist, fantastic job as well AND 400.00 cheaper than my first estimate..

In between rains I been re-working my landscape lighting, all led low voltage power
My 46th wedding anniversary is Wednesday the 26th, told me if she had kilt me when we first married she would be outta prison by now, was she joking? yeah she was..
Great news on our football recruits, have not lost hope on Blackshear on basketball..
Been watchin a series on Netflix called Queen of the South ( I think maybe it's on the USA network) it's been pretty good so far..

Bout all I got...ya'll hold em down
Good Tuesday Morning D League

It is 76° at my house and clear skies. The moon is beautiful and bright this morning. Waiting for day break as the sun is set to rise in about 15 minute.. Not expecting any rain and the high should be near 90 today. Summertime in the Southland.

The man on the radio said the baseball team South of us is demanding a new billion dollar stadium or they will go to Montreal and play half of their games. Well, bye. Splitting up a season with half the games in Canada and half in Florida sounds like something Bernie Sanders would come up with. Spreading it around like peanut butter.


Have a great one D League.
What would happen in places like Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas and Florida if the entire car was made of plastic. In the 1970's I had a dash board melt and split in two parts because of the heat.

The hottest weather that I have ever been in was in Phoenix, AZ at the airport. We flew in and landed. They cancelled our flight out because the plane we were in was restricted to 120°F and it was 122°. We did not leave until late that night. As it was 122°F I decided to walk outside to experience it. It was hot enough to hurt. I had to walk about 100 yards to get back in the terminal.

But 122°F in Phoenix is no equal to a 95° day in Florida in the afternoon when the daily thunderstorm has moved out and steam is rising from the ground and the street and the effective humidity is about 98%. Your body sweats and instead of evaporating and cooling you down it just sits on top of your skin because the air can't take anymore water into it. Then to make matters worse you go get under a tree and go past a shrub and sand flees or no-see-ums get on you and bite.

A melted Kayak has never experience that! :joy: