
Leftover from yesterday. Gotta love Southwest Airlines humor.

Hey y'all. Just got off from work. Hope all is well. FCC

Note back to starchief: Hey Man. Good to hear from a good generous friend! If you don't mind, and I'll go ahead and say I don't mind either, if you don't mind, and I'm sure you won't, but if you don't mind go ahead and get those cars, get 'em to me and I'll go ahead and let my three poor needy kids break 'em in for you. Great idea there you have. Say hello to the misses. Wishing you the best. FCC
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Hello! I think I got a little over 10 hours of sleep last night. Needed it after several nights in a row of about 5.

Played golf yesterday and found myself with some time today so I went over and knocked out another 9. I thought I was a little sore after playing yesterday but now I know I'm sore after playing today. I have a match on Wednesday that I should be able to win. The next after that? Not so much. I'll have to give 9 strokes to the next guy and that's a tall order right there against anyone. Especially a sandbagger. Is what it is.

Just cooked me up a half pound of jowl bacon for brunch. Was off my diet yesterday. WAY OFF. Ate a 1/4th of a chocolate cake, many chips with dip, 6 pack of beer, and 3 or 8 chocolate chip cookies.
I have two Garrett's A 350 and an AT Pro,the Pro is a great machine! I keep looking at the upgrade but can't see getting it, don't need anymore bells and whistles, the Pro is just easy and simple to use!!! Story about a car wash, my neighbor knew the owner of one here, so he asked him if he could get the dirt from there, so he some from him to put it in his wife's flower bed, he told me later that that dirt was full of change!

He may want to rethink using that soil. Most car washes will clean their catch basins a couple of times a year and take them to the landfill. That is one of the things I used to do, set testing criteria and then approve, or disapprove, the resulting analytical data for disposal. The results from most of these are ok, but some have heavy metals, and high amounts of benzene. You would be amazed at what people will wash off, or out of trucks, and what they will bring to dump into those drains, during the off hours.
Hello! I think I got a little over 10 hours of sleep last night. Needed it after several nights in a row of about 5.

Played golf yesterday and found myself with some time today so I went over and knocked out another 9. I thought I was a little sore after playing yesterday but now I know I'm sore after playing today. I have a match on Wednesday that I should be able to win. The next after that? Not so much. I'll have to give 9 strokes to the next guy and that's a tall order right there against anyone. Especially a sandbagger. Is what it is.

Just cooked me up a half pound of jowl bacon for brunch. Was off my diet yesterday. WAY OFF. Ate a 1/4th of a chocolate cake, many chips with dip, 6 pack of beer, and 3 or 8 chocolate chip cookies.

It is especially tough to give that many strokes, this early in the season. When you are a lower hdcp, you have less room for error, and this time of year, when most can't quite play to their hdcp because it takes a month or so to shake off the rust. Higher handicapper has those strokes built in.
I have been a tear lately eating fried pork rinds. They may be the healthiest snack food on the shelf with no carbs. The problem is they can be addictive. I buy them on the side of the road from a man who is frying them up in a big pot. Don't ask what else he has in that black pot. But his pork skins are to die for. Yes siree

They are to die for? If you don't know what else is in that pot, you just may.
I have crushed up a bunch of spicy pork rinds and used them to coat chicken tenders which I then fried to a crispy doneness. Pretty good.

Tonight I'll be making country fried steak for my wife along with gravy and rice. I'll be eating a cheap piece of meat with no breading and no gravy and no rice. Prolly slap a couple pieces of cheese on it and call it a meal. I will be frying mine in jowl bacon grease, so it's kinda gourmet.
I have crushed up a bunch of spicy pork rinds and used them to coat chicken tenders which I then fried to a crispy doneness. Pretty good.

Tonight I'll be making country fried steak for my wife along with gravy and rice. I'll be eating a cheap piece of meat with no breading and no gravy and no rice. Prolly slap a couple pieces of cheese on it and call it a meal. I will be frying mine in jowl bacon grease, so it's kinda gourmet.
Never thought of that. It would be very difficult for me to pass on chicken fried steak and gravy over white rice. That is a meal I grew up on and crave. I know your wife is going to eat good tonight And you are too because hog jowl's made every meal gourmet.
I have crushed up a bunch of spicy pork rinds and used them to coat chicken tenders which I then fried to a crispy doneness. Pretty good.

Tonight I'll be making country fried steak for my wife along with gravy and rice. I'll be eating a cheap piece of meat with no breading and no gravy and no rice. Prolly slap a couple pieces of cheese on it and call it a meal. I will be frying mine in jowl bacon grease, so it's kinda gourmet.

I love country fried steak, but a few years ago, I opted to get round steak, and lightly brown it. Then bake it. Then make my gravy and let it bake with it for the last part. It comes out fork tender and the gravy is really nice and thick. I wish I could eat some. I hate this diet.
Never thought of that. It would be very difficult for me to pass on chicken fried steak and gravy over white rice. That is a meal I grew up on and crave. I know your wife is going to eat good tonight And you are too because hog jowl's made every meal gourmet.

I read about it on some keto recipe site. Buying all the things that are used in low carb cooking is like stocking a bar. I might have chicken fried steak and gravy on my next cheat day. Cracker Barrel will be good enough.

I love country fried steak, but a few years ago, I opted to get round steak, and lightly brown it. Then bake it. Then make my gravy and let it bake with it for the last part. It comes out fork tender and the gravy is really nice and thick. I wish I could eat some. I hate this diet.

I breaded mine in carbquik. Not exact, but a reasonable facsimile. Of course I breaded hers with flour. She made her own gravy, so I didn't have to do that, but I used 2 skillets.
I read about it on some keto recipe site. Buying all the things that are used in low carb cooking is like stocking a bar. I might have chicken fried steak and gravy on my next cheat day. Cracker Barrel will be good enough.

I breaded mine in carbquik. Not exact, but a reasonable facsimile. Of course I breaded hers with flour. She made her own gravy, so I didn't have to do that, but I used 2 skillets.

As badly as this diet sucks, I am transitioning in some carbs. For dinner, I had a Cajon seafood dish, with blackened tilapia with grilled shrimp over it, in a light Cajon sauce. Had about a cup of dirty rice with it, so that took care of my carbs. In about a week, I will be strictly maintenance and I will eat anything, just watching the amounts, and cutting out most sweets.
Good morning D-League

Listening to local radio and the weather girl says we are currently 64° with a high in the 70's. Nice and pleasant.
Well the snow birds are preparing to head home and that means crowded highways on I-75 and I-95. It also means gas prices will rise at least 5 cents a gallon. They do that every year when the Yanks go home. Once they clear out the prices will fall until the summer when families with kids come down headed to Disney World. Keeping Florida green $$$$$

Drinking a black cup of coffee and slowly coming back to life. The man on the radio is now talking about California and their human feces on the streets. Piles of it. Are those people out there totally out of their mind. Filth and rats over running the big cities. I want no part of that.

Oh well I have no time to worry about that I have much to do. I need to sit down and figure up how much my quarterly payments to the IRS will be this year. I overpaid big time last year and need to correct that.

Have a good one.
Good morning D. Looks like another cool, cloudy morning here! Got to go trout fishing yesterday for couple hours, didn't keep any seems like the trout they stocked are smaller this year than last year, but it felt good just to get out, fresh air and sunshine sure makes a man sleep good at night! Went to bed at 8:30 got up at 5:30 best night sleep I have had in a while! I hope every one has a great day!!!! Looking forward to the CATS playing Friday! It's been a while since the CATS have been in an easy bracket, maybe this year will be different, but I am not holding my breath!!!! I know there isn't an easy bracket but you know what I mean!

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