
got lotsa yard work done yesterday and I'm feeling it today. Finished taking down and cutting up some trees. Got it all cleaned up, now I should get more sun for my garden this year. Spread about 15 bags of pea gravel along one side of my privacy fence to slow down or hopefully stop rain erosion. Pulled up three bushes. Drank way to much beer and not enough water.

Bout all I got...

got lotsa yard work done yesterday and I'm feeling it today. Finished taking down and cutting up some trees. Got it all cleaned up, now I should get more sun for my garden this year. Spread about 15 bags of pea gravel along one side of my privacy fence to slow down or hopefully stop rain erosion. Pulled up three bushes. Drank way to much beer and not enough water.

Bout all I got...

The CLOGGER!!!!!:boom:
got lotsa yard work done yesterday and I'm feeling it today. Finished taking down and cutting up some trees. Got it all cleaned up, now I should get more sun for my garden this year. Spread about 15 bags of pea gravel along one side of my privacy fence to slow down or hopefully stop rain erosion. Pulled up three bushes. Drank way to much beer and not enough water.

Bout all I got...

The artery buster!
got lotsa yard work done yesterday and I'm feeling it today. Finished taking down and cutting up some trees. Got it all cleaned up, now I should get more sun for my garden this year. Spread about 15 bags of pea gravel along one side of my privacy fence to slow down or hopefully stop rain erosion. Pulled up three bushes. Drank way to much beer and not enough water.

Bout all I got...

The artery buster!
got lotsa yard work done yesterday and I'm feeling it today. Finished taking down and cutting up some trees. Got it all cleaned up, now I should get more sun for my garden this year. Spread about 15 bags of pea gravel along one side of my privacy fence to slow down or hopefully stop rain erosion. Pulled up three bushes. Drank way to much beer and not enough water.

Bout all I got...


I'll have the Medusa burger, please. Hold the fries.

got lotsa yard work done yesterday and I'm feeling it today. Finished taking down and cutting up some trees. Got it all cleaned up, now I should get more sun for my garden this year. Spread about 15 bags of pea gravel along one side of my privacy fence to slow down or hopefully stop rain erosion. Pulled up three bushes. Drank way to much beer and not enough water.

Bout all I got...


My suggestions, cardiac burger, angioplasty on a bun, triple cholesterol burger, anti-statin burger.
got lotsa yard work done yesterday and I'm feeling it today. Finished taking down and cutting up some trees. Got it all cleaned up, now I should get more sun for my garden this year. Spread about 15 bags of pea gravel along one side of my privacy fence to slow down or hopefully stop rain erosion. Pulled up three bushes. Drank way to much beer and not enough water.

Bout all I got...

Too much bread burger.
A nation gone mad. As in crazy. Now I think I finally understand what a transgender is suppose to mean but what the heck is a non-binary? Please stop this train and let me off.


Non binary means neither male or female. Fake news. If I see a dude go in the restroom when I know my wife is in there, then he is going to be confronted. He is going to be told to wait until she comes out. As a binary man, I like my chances to prevail.

Good morning D. Looks like another cool, cloudy morning here! Got to go trout fishing yesterday for couple hours, didn't keep any seems like the trout they stocked are smaller this year than last year, but it felt good just to get out, fresh air and sunshine sure makes a man sleep good at night! Went to bed at 8:30 got up at 5:30 best night sleep I have had in a while! I hope every one has a great day!!!! Looking forward to the CATS playing Friday! It's been a while since the CATS have been in an easy bracket, maybe this year will be different, but I am not holding my breath!!!! I know there isn't an easy bracket but you know what I mean!

I'm going to get me a fishing license this year. Might not go much but I want to eat some fish for the free every now and then.

Back in the day, when I would complain about working in the garden to my mother, I would grab a couple of ears off the stalk and take them in to the microwave and cook em in the husk. Didn't use salt or butter because they were not necessary. Good eats!

Camp site on the Suwannee River near Live Oak, Florida, You in a heap of trouble boy.


"what are you, some kind of doomsday machine, boy?"
"JW, he's a secret agent"

Too much bread burger.

Attababy my keto brother! Make mine a lettuce wrap.


I've been down that river 3 times in a canoe, including once from Fargo, GA to the Gulf of Mexico. Helluva trip.

Didn't happen to meet any banjo players on that trip did ya?
Ok Mr. Ben you have peaked my interest here with the explosive business you mentioned. What did you do? I worked for Dyno Nobel, handled explosives a lot.

Well, I handled demolitions in the military, but I used to use binary's in power plants. Whenever a tube in the superheat would spring a leak, the steam would cause the unburnt coal to slag up. The longer it went, the more slag would accumulate, until it would finally shut itself down. We would go into the superheat section and detonate binary charges and the concussion would make the clinker break off and fall the bottom of the boiler, where grinders would chew it into smaller pieces, for disposal. I have seen clinkers the size of a school bus. Sometimes we would have to set off 60-75 charges, and then use shotguns to shoot off the remaining small stuff. There were times we would be in and out in 8 hours. Other times, on big jobs, we would be there for a week. Power plants were losing millions of $ each hour they were down, so if it was an emergency job, in peak season, they would fly us in, at their expense, to get them back up and running. If it was a planned outage, it was either in the spring, or fall, when the demand for electricity was at its lowest. We used binaries because they were the safest, and we could fly them in the airplane, since they were two separate compounds that only became active upon mixing. Plus, only a blasting cap could detonate it. Very safe.
Non binary means neither male or female. Fake news. If I see a dude go in the restroom when I know my wife is in there, then he is going to be confronted. He is going to be told to wait until she comes out. As a binary man, I like my chances to prevail.

I'm going to get me a fishing license this year. Might not go much but I want to eat some fish for the free every now and then.

Back in the day, when I would complain about working in the garden to my mother, I would grab a couple of ears off the stalk and take them in to the microwave and cook em in the husk. Didn't use salt or butter because they were not necessary. Good eats!

"what are you, some kind of doomsday machine, boy?"
"JW, he's a secret agent"

Attababy my keto brother! Make mine a lettuce wrap.

Didn't happen to meet any banjo players on that trip did ya?

Clifton James.
I'm going to get me a fishing license this year. Might not go much but I want to eat some fish for the free every now and then.

Crappie bite when the Dogwood bloom. Take a kid who doesn't know. Use a 15' jointed cane pole or similar. Flip a fly about 1' below a split shot another 6 to 8' below a 1" float. Cheap and fun.
Non binary means neither male or female. Fake news. If I see a dude go in the restroom when I know my wife is in there, then he is going to be confronted. He is going to be told to wait until she comes out. As a binary man, I like my chances to prevail.

I'm going to get me a fishing license this year. Might not go much but I want to eat some fish for the free every now and then.

Back in the day, when I would complain about working in the garden to my mother, I would grab a couple of ears off the stalk and take them in to the microwave and cook em in the husk. Didn't use salt or butter because they were not necessary. Good eats!

"what are you, some kind of doomsday machine, boy?"
"JW, he's a secret agent"

Attababy my keto brother! Make mine a lettuce wrap.

Didn't happen to meet any banjo players on that trip did ya?

So, ymmot, is a non-binary what we used to call a eunuch?

Crappie bite when the Dogwood bloom. Take a kid who doesn't know. Use a 15' jointed cane pole or similar. Flip a fly about 1' below a split shot another 6 to 8' below a 1" float. Cheap and fun.

That is how we used to fish for them at Ky Lake. When the water got up, it wasn't very deep in some of the inlets and we would jig fish. The water temps would start to increase. It was fun. You could catch your limit pretty easily.
Well, I handled demolitions in the military, but I used to use binary's in power plants. Whenever a tube in the superheat would spring a leak, the steam would cause the unburnt coal to slag up. The longer it went, the more slag would accumulate, until it would finally shut itself down. We would go into the superheat section and detonate binary charges and the concussion would make the clinker break off and fall the bottom of the boiler, where grinders would chew it into smaller pieces, for disposal. I have seen clinkers the size of a school bus. Sometimes we would have to set off 60-75 charges, and then use shotguns to shoot off the remaining small stuff. There were times we would be in and out in 8 hours. Other times, on big jobs, we would be there for a week. Power plants were losing millions of $ each hour they were down, so if it was an emergency job, in peak season, they would fly us in, at their expense, to get them back up and running. If it was a planned outage, it was either in the spring, or fall, when the demand for electricity was at its lowest. We used binaries because they were the safest, and we could fly them in the airplane, since they were two separate compounds that only became active upon mixing. Plus, only a blasting cap could detonate it. Very safe.
Thanks Mr. Ben I enjoyed working for DN until the last year I was there, then things went to pot and from what I hear it's sliding downwards! I made dec cord any where from 2.5grns all the way up to 400grns! When you drive down an interstate if you see the rock walls with the groves drilled down I have been told that the 400 we made was used in them to blast away the rock. Dyno has some good videos of some of the stuff I helped make. I also used to make some that we would put 500 ft. on Styrofoam trays in a figure 8 pattern that they shipped out on airplanes!
Thanks Mr. Ben I enjoyed working for DN until the last year I was there, then things went to pot and from what I hear it's sliding downwards! I made dec cord any where from 2.5grns all the way up to 400grns! When you drive down an interstate if you see the rock walls with the groves drilled down I have been told that the 400 we made was used in them to blast away the rock. Dyno has some good videos of some of the stuff I helped make.

We only used det cord and fuse lighters in the military. You watch some movies and they do all this unrealistic stuff with det cord and it really wasn't used that way. I put some around a tree once, and stripped all the bark off it. On TV, they would have cut the tree in half with it. Hollywood just isn't realistic.
So, ymmot, is a non-binary what we used to call a eunuch?

I wish it was that easy. A eunuch is a castrated male who identifies as a castrated male. A non binary is neither male nor female and merely "is". In simpler times they dressed differently and had unique hairstyles to identify themselves as different to all the people who were dressed the same way and who had the same hairstyles.

Now they feel a need to be different to the extreme point that they create a sexuality for themselves that is different from every accepted norm. Look for their number to double in the near future.
I wish it was that easy. A eunuch is a castrated male who identifies as a castrated male. A non binary is neither male nor female and merely "is". In simpler times they dressed differently and had unique hairstyles to identify themselves as different to all the people who were dressed the same way and who had the same hairstyles.

Now they feel a need to be different to the extreme point that they create a sexuality for themselves that is different from every accepted norm. Look for their number to double in the near future.
The things I have learned since I checked out the D-League. I have gone 75 yeas without having a clue people like this walked the earth and breathed the air. Does an "is" reproduce? Mercy
I wish it was that easy. A eunuch is a castrated male who identifies as a castrated male. A non binary is neither male nor female and merely "is". In simpler times they dressed differently and had unique hairstyles to identify themselves as different to all the people who were dressed the same way and who had the same hairstyles.

Now they feel a need to be different to the extreme point that they create a sexuality for themselves that is different from every accepted norm. Look for their number to double in the near future.

Yuk. I can hardly wait.
Non binary means neither male or female. Fake news. If I see a dude go in the restroom when I know my wife is in there, then he is going to be confronted. He is going to be told to wait until she comes out. As a binary man, I like my chances to prevail.
So, ymmot, is a non-binary what we used to call a eunuch?
I thought non binary fission was asexual reproduction all by yourself like a lonely paramecium.
A non binary is neither male nor female and merely "is". In simpler times they dressed differently and had unique hairstyles to identify themselves as different to all the people who were dressed the same way and who had the same hairstyles.
People like these have always been among societies. A Heyoka might ride their horse backwards so you would know they were special. I'm sure the binaries took notice.
Non binary means neither male or female. Fake news. If I see a dude go in the restroom when I know my wife is in there, then he is going to be confronted. He is going to be told to wait until she comes out. As a binary man, I like my chances to prevail.

I'm going to get me a fishing license this year. Might not go much but I want to eat some fish for the free every now and then.

Back in the day, when I would complain about working in the garden to my mother, I would grab a couple of ears off the stalk and take them in to the microwave and cook em in the husk. Didn't use salt or butter because they were not necessary. Good eats!

"what are you, some kind of doomsday machine, boy?"
"JW, he's a secret agent"

Attababy my keto brother! Make mine a lettuce wrap.

Didn't happen to meet any banjo players on that trip did ya?

People like these have always been among societies. A Heyoka might ride their horse backwards so you would know they were special. I'm sure the binaries took notice.

If someone were to stand on a street corner and profess to everyone that walked by that he was Abraham Lincoln, then he would eventually be picked up and sent for examination. If someone stands on a street corner and states they are no sex and every sex, then they are called brave. How else will we know how brave they are if they don't show us? Hell, we might not notice them at all and that would be their ultimate tragedy.