@BBUK I can tell you that you never have to worry about how I take things, I am thick skinned, But I also post things that could be taken the wrong way all of the time. Never meaning to be disrespectful or hurtful, just honest and in good fun most of the time.
Thanks, as with several of you here, I know we'd be real good friends. That thought keeps me here hoping one day we get a chance to meet. If not the joy this thread has brought me is worth more than any of you can realize. I am thankful!
I will tell a story... (From today..)
I was at the men's breakfast at my church. We have them about every two or three months. What I call a large church but decent people. (Won't go into it further.) I am stand-offish some but do enjoy people and am a people person. Only because any time I have free, I spend with my wife, children, and grand-children. I enjoy people but do not take time too much away from my family except for work and a few functions that come up.
Anyway at our meeting they served breakfast and a goodun. (I estimate about 65 to 70 men total with a few younger men as well.)
I sat next to an older gentleman I assumed to be in his late 60's. I struck up a conversation with him once I saw his name tag. "Warren". I told him a friend that I had in High School that was three or four years older than me and really good to me was named Warren. We went to the same church too. His name was Warren as well. He stated: My name is Warren P. I pulled my facebook up on my phone and showed him the name of my friend..... Warren P. I was just amazed....
It turns out this guy was giving a talk in front of the group and I didn't know it. The guy to my left was too and I didn't know that. When he started talking he stated he was 80. In a short time, I made another fine friend. (I knew it already.) He has been attending this church since the mid 80's. Told me 45 years.
My church has a lot of people, we have three services and a Hispanic service. Me not meeting people was not surprising. My Darling and I have been going there since just before covid. We joined the church less than a year now.
Anyway, when I got home I had taken a few pictures. and this guy let me take a picture of his facebook page as well. This guy has a lot of followers and it seems does some serious work in a few areas.
I contacted my old friend Warren on facebook and sent him the pictures and explained the above.
I think, i do not know yet but I think they are related. I knew my friends Dad and Mom too as they were so good to me growing up. They were from North Carolina as this man was but I knew them in Michigan. His Mom and Dad were fine, fine people. This guy was nice to me when there was no reason to be. He was the cool kid and older than me.
Just blew my mind today and I have been in a mood I needed to be in for a while. With the things happening at work it has not been fun to state the least.
Anyway, I stated this because, God is in control. Even if you do not know, God knows what you need. I needed today. God Bless the D-League...