
This is Bentley, she is 14 yrs old. We adopted her when she was just a puppy from the humane society.
In human yrs she is 85 yrs old and on some days she acts like a puppy then on days like today you can tell her hips are starting to bother her. Gonna be hard when the time comes to put her down..She is a real sweetheart.

Damn 55, hope you get to enjoy your dog for a while longer. Everyone always talks about how cute pups are, which they are, but I don't think anything is as good as an older dog which you can tell has been around a while. Dogs are so loyal and most people take them for granted. They don't care what you look like, what lifestyle you live, rich or poor or any of that stuff. If you're loyal and kind to them, they return the favor.
Blu - I'm not used to this forum. It's hard to see who everybody is. But I like you and I "liked" your post.

BlueRupp you are absolutely right about dogs. Greatest animal on earth. Our dog Norman has been a real blessing since my wife lost her job. Norman doesn't care about that stuff. Just rub his belly and go for walks. I've never met any person that even comes close to being as cool as a dog.

55 - what a great dog. Looks like a real sweetheart.
Good morning to the D. Tried to fix a picture for an avatar. Said my picture was too big. Don't know how to shrink it. The pic has the word Cats fixed in the last snow we had.

Hope all my friends have a good day. Grad, how's things going?

Willy my man.

Desper, Mash, 55, LEK, Austin, Mav, Hesh, Kooky, and others, Sure happy it's Thursday. Happy Thursday. FCC.
Ok D-nuts, I finally figured out how to "avatar"...let's see how good you are, who is mine?
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Crazy Guggenheim. Thanks Chrome, which has a right click feature that says "search google for this image!"

Cheater...did not know you could do that, now I can check to see if that is really 93...thanks LEK
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This is long. Skip if you want.

FCC - I ain't gonna lie. This shiz sucks. Waiting & not knowing. WIfe has applied for a dozen or so jobs. The only ones that she has heard back from were a quick no. She is a pediatric nurse practitioner, and most places want a family nurse practitioner (can cover more ages).

Her last few days at home, I can tell that she is getting more stressed. She is not used to being at home all day. She had given her cell number out to a few of her patients that she really cared about. One of them called her Sunday, because they are running out of medication, and she has always been able to get in touch with the pharmacy to make sure they have a supply (nation wide shortage). She not only misses going to work, but she misses the families that she helped. Told me about the anti-vax family that she had finally convinced to do vaccinations. Another family where the mom & dad couldn't be together, so she set up 2 appoointments for them.

Yesterday, she got the letter that unemployment has been denied. Said she violated a known workplace rule. Um yeah, her & another 2000 docs in the place.

I have acccess to a gym at work, so I go there on my lunch hour. Started talking to a guy in the sauna. He gave me some good advice. He said: keep your head up, don't look back, keep praying, and you will make it through this.

A few days ago, I passed by my wife's former boss in the hallway. He smiled & said hello 93. It seemed odd.

She is looking into travel nursing jobs. Hoping to take an assignment here in town. Maybe even the same hosptal that fired her. The travel companies generally pay a better wage, & it costs the hospital more.

My weight loss is slowing down. I've dropped 16 lbs. A mix of stress, eating less, & not eating out.

I'm anxoius to hear something on the grievance. On one hand, she was late with some documentation. On the other hand, the documentation policy lays out the discipline for being late. That part was not followed. It also turns out that in addition to her clinical duties, her boss had her managing the office and the nursing staff (regular nurses actually answer to a different department). It was a situation where she was setup to fail. Pisses me off.

Later today, I have to go into an area of the hospital near her old office. I'm not looking forward to it.

I am looking forward to her getting back to work somewhere. I'm gonna plan a trip to the beach for next summer.
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Cheater...did not know you could do that, now I can check to see if that is really 93...thanks LEK

My avatar is one that I somehow pulled from the Scout message board years ago. Some guy that went by Hort Elvison. He was always going on about the little pool on Garden Springs in Lexington.
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We're good LEK..I went to Reno twice to bowl in the abc tournament and was provided a voucher pass for their public transportation. It was actually pretty cool. Those vouchers were like gold. They were good for thirty days at a time. Several people the bus picked up looked as if it was all they could do to pay for the ride. Both times I was in Reno we were only there for about a week which meant there was 3 weeks left on those vouchers. I gave what was left to somebody and they thought they just hit lotto. Funny how the world works, what was such a "no issue" for somebody but absolute gold to someone else..
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My daughter in law went on the low carb kick and lost a whopping 117 pounds and just recently had surgery to remove that flabby skin..She looks absolutely amazing wish I had half that willpower.
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This is long.... Started talking to a guy in the sauna. He gave me some good advice. He said: keep your head up, don't look back...


Keeping your head up and not looking back is always sound advice when a guy is talking to you in the sauna (oh, and I'm really glad you didn't accidentally juxtapose "this is long" and "keep your head up" :eek:

Kidding man.
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some things you never forget..I lost my virginity when I was 15 to a gal who was 22 at the time AND had a prosthetic eye ( yeah glass)..A one eyed hottie..I was trying to make some money at the time doing yard work, mowing and so on..I was invited in for a glass of iced tea, one thing lead to another well, you know the drill. After my "5" minute round of massive copulation I had to leave but told her I really wanted to come back. Her reponse to me was she would like that as well and she would keep an eye out for me..never will forget that..
Dear Penthouse,

I never thought it would happen to me, but ...

some things you never forget..I lost my virginity when I was 15 to a gal who was 22 at the time AND had a prosthetic eye ( yeah glass)..A one eyed hottie..I was trying to make some money at the time doing yard work, mowing and so on..I was invited in for a glass of iced tea, one thing lead to another well, you know the drill. After my "5" minute round of massive copulation I had to leave but told her I really wanted to come back. Her reponse to me was she would like that as well and she would keep an eye out for me..never will forget that..
some things you never forget..I lost my virginity when I was 15 to a gal who was 22 at the time AND had a prosthetic eye ( yeah glass)..A one eyed hottie..I was trying to make some money at the time doing yard work, mowing and so on..I was invited in for a glass of iced tea, one thing lead to another well, you know the drill. After my "5" minute round of massive copulation I had to leave but told her I really wanted to come back. Her reponse to me was she would like that as well and she would keep an eye out for me..never will forget that..

I was leaving the grocery store once with 2 carts. A guy working there asked if I could use a hand. I looked down and saw that he was missing one.
UKgrad, you can appeal, and claim the same standard has not been employed evenly across the board. You must cite examples. Its a weak claim with out evidence, but you can win it. The biggest issue will be going through your union. Ultimately, there are little protections one has in employment, and most can be fired with out cause, as long as not discriminatory or illegal.

As I said, my wife is CRNA, and most of our friends are NPs. One is neo-natal (sp?) and is limited to one job really. We know some people on the home care management side in Louisville. Good money, but hard work. We could make some calls. Just throwing that out there. Networking is important.

LEK - I agree about appealing the decision. Like you say, the hard part is proof. Everybody that we talk to that works in the hospital says the doctors that they work with are behind on documentation. I'm hoping that the union will be able to request some of the numbers like that. The union claim is that the contract was broken, since there was a discipline policy spelled out. They are also arguing that more weight should be given to someone with a nearly 20 years working there with a clean record.

At this point we are trying to stay in the area. But if things don't eventually turn around, we will consider a move back to KY as long as we find good jobs. The biggger issue may be finding work for me. I've got 21 years in a pretty narrow field (radiation safety). The major employers in KY would be UK or UL. Or I could branch out into general safety. I do have a masters in industrial hygiene.
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LEK - I agree about appealing the decision. Like you say, the hard part is proof. Everybody that we talk to that works in the hospital says the doctors that they work with are behind on documentation. I'm hoping that the union will be able to request some of the numbers like that. The union claim is that the contract was broken, since there was a discipline policy spelled out. They are also arguing that more weight should be given to someone with a nearly 20 years working there with a clean record.
I forgot to wish you luck earlier 93.
This is a screenshot from some stupid ladder safety tutorial that we have to take EVERY TOUCHING YEAR ..... In all of these years, I've never noticed that Mr. Webster has had his eyes on his custodian. I like to think that, despite he baggy khakis, mullet hairdo and eyes that are just a bit too far apart, that he got her back to the janitors closet and just wore it out. Good for you, Albert.

Mrs. 93 called with an update. She had an hour long telephone interview with the college of nursing. Sounds like they want her to be clinical faculty for them starting in the fall. She would be at a lecturer rank (non-tenured), but could work her way into a tenured position. The position is a joint deal, 85% college of nursing, 15% hospital. So she would be back to some bedside nursing in the hospital on the unit where she started 16 years ago. Not as much money as her ARNP job, but a lot less stress and liability - & summers off.

Grateful to have some good news.

-- I always loved that thread about the little pool. Still remember driving past it when I lived in Lexingtion.
Lol, FunKY and 93, did you all post on the scout board too? I remember that thread to this day and even mentioned it over here. I never posted in it though. I think my username over there was like "trueblueky" or something.
Mrs. 93 called with an update. She had an hour long telephone interview with the college of nursing. Sounds like they want her to be clinical faculty for them starting in the fall. She would be at a lecturer rank (non-tenured), but could work her way into a tenured position. The position is a joint deal, 85% college of nursing, 15% hospital. So she would be back to some bedside nursing in the hospital on the unit where she started 16 years ago. Not as much money as her ARNP job, but a lot less stress and liability - & summers off.

Grateful to have some good news.

-- I always loved that thread about the little pool. Still remember driving past it when I lived in Lexingtion.

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