
Happy Saturday folks. Just completed a four mile run in a light drizzle. Enjoying my morning coffee. We're having a birthday party for my mother-in-law a bit later so I'm piddling around pretending to help clean up.

Relieved to have a quiet weekend after three straight where I was traveling for one reason or another. Hope it is a good one for all of you.
Good morning all,

I hope your morning has been pleasant. (Got up too early for a soccer game...). Heading to the Asian Markets in Annadale in a few minutes, several things to do once I return.... Too busy but "what ya gonna do..."

Have a great day...
I can't link on this device, but they have come up with a robot pitching machine which has been approved by MLB for use in batting cages. It is called Trajekt Arc. It can mimic any pitch of any MLB pitcher, so you can practice hitting against any pitcher. They are offering them to MLB teams on 3 year leases at up to twenty thousand dollars a month. Ohtani says he has used one to see what his pitches look like, so I guess a pitcher could also benefit from one.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F with light rain. Another storm moving within next two hours. Today's high may reach 78°F. We'll take it.

- Yeah, Wildcat baseball kicked some Hog butt. Let's see if they can take the series. Go Cats!

- Made reservations yesterday for planned July adventure. Stay tuned.

- Cinco de Mayo (aka "Drinko de Mayo" or "Stinko de Mayo") arrived. Should get rather active at our local Chuy's today + tonight.

Wishing y'all a peaceful Sunday.

Good Sunday morning.

It didn't rain here yesterday as much as expected so I ended up working most of the day. When it rained I did 4 miles on the treadmill. I'm hoping to be ready for a long hike the end of next month. We worked on a little garden some more yesterday...our first in 30 years. Retirement sometimes leads to more work but I'm loving it.

Good to hear KY beat the hogs in baseball. I still don't know who won the derby. lol This coming from someone who almost made a career in the T-bred industry.

Rest day for us on this welcome Sunday. I hope everyone has a great day.

Morning Legionnaires!

60° this morning with light winds and cloudy skies. High in the mid 80's expected with storms a possibility.

Coed games probably cancelled again today (3 weeks running). If so, Reds and Wildcats baseball games will be the order of the day.

Took my wife and daughter to a new Mexican restaurant yesterday for lunch. Actually, just new ownership from the one that was there before so, they wanted to see if it was the same. They liked the taste of the food better than the last one, but I was unimpressed (not a fan of Mexican food anyway). Looks like that will be the weekend go to for them along with Freddie's hamburgers (daughters favorite).

Enjoy the day folks and recharge those batteries and God Bless.
Good morning folks. Back from a long jog in a drizzle. My wife has it worse —she’s running a half-marathon today up in Frederick Maryland with a girlfriend and it looks likely to rain the whole way.

Enjoyed the Derby yesterday. I don’t bet the race, but always pick a horse somewhat at random to root for. Yesterday I picked Sierra Leone and was really into the photo finish. Glad not to lose any money.

My son is off to Arizona to work for USFW at a facility not far from the Hoover Dam. Should be a fun trip.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning all,

Sipping coffee, waiting for My Darling to come back from her choir in the first service. The BB is sleeping. He will wake up soon and when My Darling gets home and feeds him, we will go to the second service. No Sunday School during the first service.

Back and forth yeah but he is worth it, My Darling does enjoy singing in the choir and I sure love them so...

Only about 1500 feet down the road too. We are members now. Just me to find my niche. (I am trying and will...)

Getting ready for my first day tomorrow as well....

I am thankful. Love the life God has given you and do your best in it to give him the glory.....

Morning Legionnaires!

60° this morning with light winds. Today's high in the mid 70's with thunderstorms and possible tornadic activity later this afternoon/evening.

Monday, Monday. Normal workout this morning with the monster's walk. Going to batten down the hatches this afternoon.

No more movement (that we know of) in basketball recruiting this past weekend so...have a decent group it seems so far. Probably could use one or two more high caliber offensive minded players to complete the team. I can wait.

Go get it today you grinders and be careful out there.

God Bless.
Good morning D-League.

Foggy, misty and cool in the east. Enjoying a morning walk before another work week.

The weekend was nice and uneventful. I’ve fallen into a pattern of watching Perry Mason reruns before I go to bed at night. It’s not the plot twists i enjoy. It’s the characters, especially the stylish, totally female and sexy women and the glimpse of late 1950s early 1960s California. Damn, pre-Manson, pre-Haight Ashbury, pre-Watts riots, pre-OJ, pre-lunatic liberal politics, pre-illegal immigration tidal wave that place seemed like a paradise. That’s aside from the avalanche of murders of course. But Perry made sure that all got sorted out with Justice. Good show.

Heading back to the house. Need to check another Monday off the list, about 70 left until I retire. Have a good day.
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Good morning folks. I woke up to a thunder storm. It dropped .26 inches in about 10 minutes.

@MdWIldcat55 I remember watching Perry Mason with my grandmother and she would try to explain to me the details when I got confused. I graduated high school in 1964 and in the next 6 to 10 years the girls dress drove me batty. I was in constant rut.

I went to work for the railroad in the summer of 1968 and at the North side of our floor was the "steno pool". Most of them were late teens or early twenties and each one tried to wear a shorter mini skirt than the one sitting next to her. All of us were sneaking around for a better shot.

In those day, before word processors you would dictate your positions papers, objections and concurrences to submittals (a formal change in price structure for railroads) through a phone system to the steno pool. I would always stumble in my words or submit a complex number just to force the girl to come out and ask me for a clarification. It was usually worth the artificial problem.

Many of the guys ended up married to one of the steno girls. One of our Presidents, Richard Sanborn, married Heilda from Bowling Green. She had some long legs and Dick could not resist.

Girls dresses in World War II are wonderful also. Woman dressed to enhance their attractiveness and that is the way it should be to keep us men juiced up!
Good morning folks. I woke up to a thunder storm. It dropped .26 inches in about 10 minutes.

@MdWIldcat55 I remember watching Perry Mason with my grandmother and she would try to explain to me the details when I got confused. I graduated high school in 1964 and in the next 6 to 10 years the girls dress drove me batty. I was in constant rut.

I went to work for the railroad in the summer of 1968 and at the North side of our floor was the "steno pool". Most of them were late teens or early twenties and each one tried to wear a shorter mini skirt than the one sitting next to her. All of us were sneaking around for a better shot.

In those day, before word processors you would dictate your positions papers, objections and concurrences to submittals (a formal change in price structure for railroads) through a phone system to the steno pool. I would always stumble in my words or submit a complex number just to force the girl to come out and ask me for a clarification. It was usually worth the artificial problem.

Many of the guys ended up married to one of the steno girls. One of our Presidents, Richard Sanborn, married Heilda from Bowling Green. She had some long legs and Dick could not resist.

Girls dresses in World War II are wonderful also. Woman dressed to enhance their attractiveness and that is the way it should be to keep us men juiced up!
Yeah, through the early 1970s and the real arrival of feminism women knew how to dress to get under the skin of young men. My high school days through the early and mid-1970s were the era of the very short skirt, incliding the " jumper skirt" with straps over the shoulders. My high school girlfriend and several I dated in college really had the legs for that short skirt look.
I can report that our club's second race of the year is in the books. We flew from Cornersville, TN......209 miles for me........I didn't get any returns in race time.......I got six birds but they were very late...........I have lost more birds on our first two races (10) than I did in a 7 race schedule last always bewilders me when a bird that has flown multiple races over three or four years doesn't come home from a short race.........back to the drawing board.......we have a 250 mile race up on 5/11..........I think I waited too late to get started with my pre-race season training.......I have a bad problem with Cooper Hawks catching my I waited until the song birds were nesting to get started......

Morning Legionnaires!

60° with light winds. Today's high expected to be in mid 80's.

Normal workout this morning with you guessed it, the monster walk. Couch potato status the rest of the day until tonight as I have 2 games unless it rains again.

Tuesday, Tuesday la, la, la, la, la, la, nope, just doesn't have the same sound.

Be safe out there today folks and God Bless.
Good morning folks. Raining like a tall cow pissing on a flat rock in suburban Maryland.

Austin, thanks for that update on the central Texas flooding. My son is TDY as you folks used to say to a F&W facility in Arizona, near the Hoover Dam. As long as the floods subside by two weeks from yesterday he’ll be able to get back to Burnet from Austin.

Heading into work on the subway. Running a bit late. Hope you all have a great day.
There are several John Wayne fans here. It is not a great movie (The Quiet Man), but Victor Mclaglen co-starred in that movie. Victor was quite a character. He joined the British army at 14 to fight in the Boer War, but was kicked out when they found out his true age. He joined again to fight in WW1. He was the heavyweight boxing champ of the British army, toured with a circus doing the last 3 rounds with me and win money thing, became a pro wrestler and pro boxer. He once fought Jack Johnson in a 6 round exhibition match. Pretty tough guy.
Good morning everyone

Well, the age difference with most of you all is showing up now. It wasn't short skirts when I was in was short shorts. Mmmm, Mmmmm. I ran track and pole vaulted and triple jumped. So I hung out at the high jump and long jump pits........goodness.
I used to pole vault out of bed every morning, but now I low crawl.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and cloudy. May reach 90°F today. Spring nearly over.

@MdWIldcat55 : Y'all left here with ample time to spare. Some roads closed due to flooding going into Marble Falls.

Wishing y'all another great day.


Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and cloudy. May reach 90°F today. Spring nearly over.

@MdWIldcat55 : Y'all left here with ample time to spare. Some roads closed due to flooding going into Marble Falls.

Wishing y'all another great day.

We were in England for our 25th anniversary....our daughter and SIL took us to Tuddenham Mill. Almost everything they serve comes from the farm.....they write the menu in chalk every day.......the only constant is the offerings in the pub section.....I ordered Roast Leg of Lamb with vegetables....when it cam out it was a whole leg of lamb.....we all four could have eaten our fill with what was on the platter they brought was absolutely divine......I took what was left home with me......the SIL and myself saw to it that nothing was wasted.....
We were in England for our 25th anniversary....our daughter and SIL took us to Tuddenham Mill. Almost everything they serve comes from the farm.....they write the menu in chalk every day.......the only constant is the offerings in the pub section.....I ordered Roast Leg of Lamb with vegetables....when it cam out it was a whole leg of lamb.....we all four could have eaten our fill with what was on the platter they brought was absolutely divine......I took what was left home with me......the SIL and myself saw to it that nothing was wasted.....
Sounds like a great time. Not a huge fan of British fare, except their breakfasts and fish and chips.

I'm heading over to Scotland Aug 23 - Sep 2. Looking forward to some lamb.

Traveling to Iceland July 6 - 13. They produce their hotdogs (pylsa) primarily with lamb and some pork. Must try. One restaurant in Reykjavik fed a certain individual back in the day.

Sounds like a great time. Not a huge fan of British fare, except their breakfasts and fish and chips.

I'm heading over to Scotland Aug 23 - Sep 2. Looking forward to some lamb.

Traveling to Iceland July 6 - 13. They produce their hotdogs (pylsa) primarily with lamb and some pork. Must try. One restaurant in Reykjavik fed a certain individual back in the day.


He did not have hotdog relish with that woman.
Tornado warnings now about 40-50 miles NW in Indiana. Headed SE such that it looks like it will skirt mostly still north in Cincy with us getting a glance - I hope. Looks like it will last to 3-4a. 75 degrees & I like DP might be the same. Time for a Makers.
Only a tornado watch here until 3 AM. Tomorrow night is when things get really hairy. Possible tornadoes, large hail, flooding, high winds, etc..