Good morning folks.
Hectic day yesterday. I had to give a speech in front of 500 people, including quite a few I couldn't afford to piss down my leg in front of. I'd been dreading it for weeks. About two hours before hand, I snuck into the auditorium to run through it (I am committed to no notes) and my mind went blank. Then my chest tightened and I could hear my voice cracking. So at that point, the pressure just rocketed.
But then it went very well. By the crowd response, and the seemingly sincere kind words of people who went out of their way to say something nice, it was fine. I've never enjoyed public speaking, or being on TV which I did a fair amount of my younger days, but it has gotten harder, not easier as I've aged.
Enjoying this moment of Cat roster building. Happy with Pope's energy. The team he is assembling should be fun to watch, while lacking some of the dazzling talent of recent years -- which got UK nowhere since 2019. Right now having Pope as the coach feels like getting out of a toxic relationship with a woman who initially thrilled you then drove you crazy with all her drama, and finding someone stable who seems to appreciate you. As fans, we're in the stage right now where we are happy just to have found a safe harbor of normalcy. But soon enough we're going to want to feel dazzled again.
Hope you all have a good day.