Good morning from ATX. Severe thunderstorms hit last night. Currently 73°F and cloudy. More rain expected. Today's high may reach 83°F.
Wishing y'all an awesome day.
Wishing y'all an awesome day.

Austin how is your treatment going? Are you finished with chemo?Good morning from ATX. Severe thunderstorms hit last night. Currently 73°F and cloudy. More rain expected. Today's high may reach 83°F.
Wishing y'all an awesome day.
Bert, thanks for asking. No, chemo unfinished. According to oncologist, l continue receiving chemo until my last day.Austin how is your treatment going? Are you finished with chemo?
Good morning from ATX. Severe thunderstorms hit last night. Currently 73°F and cloudy. More rain expected. Today's high may reach 83°F.
Wishing y'all an awesome day.
Sorry to hear that.Bert, thanks for asking. No, chemo unfinished. According to oncologist, l continue receiving chemo until my last day.
That was my Mom's situation also. Seven+ years.Bert, thanks for asking. No, chemo unfinished. According to oncologist, l continue receiving chemo until my last day.
Thanks. Provides me hope. Dr. gave me 12-18 months. Currently on month 16.That was my Mom's situation also. Seven+ years.
Good analogy."Right now having Pope as the coach feels like getting out of a toxic relationship with a woman who initially thrilled you then drove you crazy with all her drama, and finding someone stable who seems to appreciate you. As fans, we're in the stage right now where we are happy just to have found a safe harbor of normalcy. But soon enough we're going to want to feel dazzled again."
Thanks. Provides me hope. Dr. gave me 12-18 months. Currently on month 16.
Best wishes.Thanks. Provides me hope. Dr. gave me 12-18 months. Currently on month 16.
Hang in there & fight on, Bro.Thanks. Provides me hope. Dr. gave me 12-18 months. Currently on month 16.
Congratulations on the speech. I hated having to do that kind of thing in my 'previous' life. Thank goodness those days are in my rearview mirror. 😊Good morning folks.
Hectic day yesterday. I had to give a speech in front of 500 people, including quite a few I couldn't afford to piss down my leg in front of. I'd been dreading it for weeks. About two hours before hand, I snuck into the auditorium to run through it (I am committed to no notes) and my mind went blank. Then my chest tightened and I could hear my voice cracking. So at that point, the pressure just rocketed.
But then it went very well. By the crowd response, and the seemingly sincere kind words of people who went out of their way to say something nice, it was fine. I've never enjoyed public speaking, or being on TV which I did a fair amount of my younger days, but it has gotten harder, not easier as I've aged.
Enjoying this moment of Cat roster building. Happy with Pope's energy. The team he is assembling should be fun to watch, while lacking some of the dazzling talent of recent years -- which got UK nowhere since 2019. Right now having Pope as the coach feels like getting out of a toxic relationship with a woman who initially thrilled you then drove you crazy with all her drama, and finding someone stable who seems to appreciate you. As fans, we're in the stage right now where we are happy just to have found a safe harbor of normalcy. But soon enough we're going to want to feel dazzled again.
Hope you all have a good day.
Congratulations on the speech. I hated having to do that kind of thing in my 'previous' life. Thank goodness those days are in my rearview mirror. 😊
Thanks CatinIl. As I said to my wife last night, I hope the next speech involving me is someone else saying a eulogy over my dead body.Congratulations on the speech. I hated having to do that kind of thing in my 'previous' life. Thank goodness those days are in my rearview mirror. 😊
Thanks CatinIl. As I said to my wife last night, I hope the next speech involving me is someone else saying a eulogy over my dead body.
I hear ya!Thanks CatinIl. As I said to my wife last night, I hope the next speech involving me is someone else saying a eulogy over my dead body.
I hear ya!
You spelled strippers wrong.Hey everyone, glanced at posts but will catch up later in the week if it rains. Back from the lake....Dad and I caught 4 stripers so meat in the freezer and relief that Dad caught his first couple of fish this year. I also got quite a bit of work done.
I now have work here at home to catch up on before the rain.
Looking good for Cat fans again.
About eulogies, the one that was given at the last funeral I went to weeks ago (Black Belt friend) was one of the best I have ever heard. Well written and well presented by his brother and daughter. Turned into something of a wake. My wife has recently asked me to do a write up about how I would like to be remembered, but to be honest, I am not sure of what it is I would like people to remember about me. It seems rather self-serving even though I would be dead.
I gave a lot of talks and presentations and it never got easy, but I could not do it without notes.Good morning folks.
Hectic day yesterday. I had to give a speech in front of 500 people, including quite a few I couldn't afford to piss down my leg in front of. I'd been dreading it for weeks. About two hours before hand, I snuck into the auditorium to run through it (I am committed to no notes) and my mind went blank. Then my chest tightened and I could hear my voice cracking. So at that point, the pressure just rocketed.
But then it went very well. By the crowd response, and the seemingly sincere kind words of people who went out of their way to say something nice, it was fine. I've never enjoyed public speaking, or being on TV which I did a fair amount of my younger days, but it has gotten harder, not easier as I've aged.
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We missed the worst of it Bert. Light rain off and on today but no real accumulation. Same kind of forecast for Derby tomorrow. Nothing major but could be a little wet.It is really raining here. I hope that it is not the same at Churchill Downs.
I spoke too soon. Pouring down now.We missed the worst of it Bert. Light rain off and on today but no real accumulation. Same kind of forecast for Derby tomorrow. Nothing major but could be a little wet.
I had a bit of a stutter when I was young.....most of it was nervousness......I joined the Masons in 1980....I learned several parts of the degree work.........the first time I gave the charge in the east for the EA degree........I got the charge done in about three minutes.......I done better the times afterwards.......but they said I was talking so fast and I didn't even realize it..........the Stair lecture in the FC took me almost 18 months to memorize.....then it was another two or three months before I got a chance to "perform"........when I joined the Masons I learned that I had an excellent memory........I guess I never had learned to use it previously......I dropped out of the Masons a few years ago which is another story......I gave a lot of talks and presentations and it never got easy, but I could not do it without notes.
The last long talk I gave was for Black History Month at a local. That was the most pressured talk I have ever done. It went over well, or so it seemed, or they may have just been being nice to the guy that they chose to speak!
You beat me to it this time! I may need a fifth to help me through tomorrow though!!!
Or a six pack to go.You beat me to it this time! I may need a fifth to help me through tomorrow though!!!