
Good morning folks. Finally lost the good weather in the east for at least a while. Cold, gray and rainy today. I hope the weekend is better.

It has been a long week for various reasons. Obviously still lots of periods of sadness over mom. And my dad sounds like he's struggling when I call. Just gotta keep moving ahead.

Looking forward to a long-scheduled trip to Texas next week to see my son, his work at the USFW station at Inks Dam outside Austin, and hit some sights in Hill Country. I read about a museum to the Pacific War in Fredericksburg that sounds interesting, and we may drive through LBJ's ranch.

FIrst, another day to get some stuff done at work.

Have a good day, everyone.
Good morning everyone.

Our group hike was cancelled due to the rain today. That will give me time to catch up on some things in the house. I've weedeated a lot since returning from the lake and feel like I've got all that needed immediate attention. I feel sore too.

I don't do this on forums often, but I'm proud of this one. On our own property at the lake. You can finally see who you're dealing with. There's 80 years of turkey hunting experience in this pic and I have 36 of them. She taught me how to turkey hunt even though I've been a hunter since the age of 10. No turkeys when/where I grew up. So, drum roll................

I hope everyone has a great day.


Dang, I thought you said two turkeys... I see three and a nice lady... 😁
Good morning all,

Busy, busy, my regular day off, only one more of these with this agency... My Darling had a wisdom tooth pulled today and will get an implant at some point. I wish I could have taken the pain for her.

Going out now to get her antibiotics...I guess that is what they are called...

Prepping this weekend for our trip to Florida next Thursday. Lots and lots to do..

God Bless you all and your families in the D-League...
Good morning folks. Finally lost the good weather in the east for at least a while. Cold, gray and rainy today. I hope the weekend is better.

It has been a long week for various reasons. Obviously still lots of periods of sadness over mom. And my dad sounds like he's struggling when I call. Just gotta keep moving ahead.

Looking forward to a long-scheduled trip to Texas next week to see my son, his work at the USFW station at Inks Dam outside Austin, and hit some sights in Hill Country. I read about a museum to the Pacific War in Fredericksburg that sounds interesting, and we may drive through LBJ's ranch.

FIrst, another day to get some stuff done at work.

Have a good day, everyone.
Sorry to hear about your Mom Md. I knew you had not been on much before I went to the lake but figured you were tired of RR during the coach search. Prayers for your Dad and the rest of the family.
Good morning folks. Finally lost the good weather in the east for at least a while. Cold, gray and rainy today. I hope the weekend is better.

It has been a long week for various reasons. Obviously still lots of periods of sadness over mom. And my dad sounds like he's struggling when I call. Just gotta keep moving ahead.

Looking forward to a long-scheduled trip to Texas next week to see my son, his work at the USFW station at Inks Dam outside Austin, and hit some sights in Hill Country. I read about a museum to the Pacific War in Fredericksburg that sounds interesting, and we may drive through LBJ's ranch.

FIrst, another day to get some stuff done at work.

Have a good day, everyone.
I must've missed the sad news about your condolences to you and your family......

Good morning from eastern KY. Pic is from last night, but home is just over the hill from that gravel spot you see. The view is from near the top of Pine Mountain looking down toward my home and out towards the Hazard area. Hard to imagine there are houses buried deep under the hills and trees.

Busy day today and hope to see some good news this evening when I check back online.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 66°F and cloudy. Increasing rain chances later today. We may top out in the low 70s.

- Yep. Cats beat Vols last night in baseball. Teams play again today. Game starts at 2 pm EST.

- Colonoscopy brief yesterday. Waiting for procedure clearance from my oncologist because I'm on blood thinners.

Wishing y'all an awesome Saturday.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 66°F and cloudy. Increasing rain chances later today. We may top out in the low 70s.

- Yep. Cats beat Vols last night in baseball. Teams play again today. Game starts at 2 pm EST.

- Colonoscopy brief yesterday. Waiting for procedure clearance from my oncologist because I'm on blood thinners.

Wishing y'all an awesome Saturday.

I make my upside down cake in a bunt pan....
Good morning D-League. Back from a 3-mile run. Building back up a bit from my long sabbatical from running after my hip surgery.

Nice win for the Reds last night. Good starting outing for Lodolo. Nice clutch relief appearance for Cruz, to strike out two guys in a one-run game, coming in with runners on second and third. And then a 3-run home run by De La Cruz that should have been a grand slam. (The pitch before was a wild pitch with the bases loaded and a runner scored. So, a 3-run homer instead of a grand slam.)

Hope the Cats get some good news from the transfer portal today.

Have a good one guys.
Ever piss on your toes? When there are no meds available it is "supposed" to help athletes foot\ toe fungus.
In 2011 one of the grandsons got very sick......I moved over to England for quite a while......once he got out of the hospital to kill time I would walk.......and walk I did.....I averaged 16 miles a is easy with the Bishop's paths and such over day I decided to jump a ditch......I could have walked back a mile or so and got back up on the road but it was a small ditch.........or so it appeared.....when I jumped and got to where the other side wasn' was a big, deep ditch......that fact was obscured from my view by a luscious patch of stinging nettle.......I have never encountered such a plant until then........I had shorts and ankle socks on and a legs and arms and face.......everything that was exposed had the nettle that evening I was in SIL said he read that urine would kill the sting.........I tried it on my didn't........Monday after suffering from my rash for a few days the visiting nurse came to take blood from the grandson........I inquired is she knew the cure as mine had all failed...........she showed me a dock plant and wadded it up and rubbed it on my hand and WOW.........instant relief.........Curly Leaf Dock grows around Stinging Nettle and will keep the sting and rash from getting you......
We are headed to the Great American Ball Park to meet up with daughter, SIL and grand least 9 of them....#10 had to work.......good times ahead!!!!

I have six myself, we are leaving Thursday to drive to Gainesville if the Lord doesn't take me home. We will have ALL our children and grandchildren together then... I am thankful...
In 2011 one of the grandsons got very sick......I moved over to England for quite a while......once he got out of the hospital to kill time I would walk.......and walk I did.....I averaged 16 miles a is easy with the Bishop's paths and such over day I decided to jump a ditch......I could have walked back a mile or so and got back up on the road but it was a small ditch.........or so it appeared.....when I jumped and got to where the other side wasn' was a big, deep ditch......that fact was obscured from my view by a luscious patch of stinging nettle.......I have never encountered such a plant until then........I had shorts and ankle socks on and a legs and arms and face.......everything that was exposed had the nettle that evening I was in SIL said he read that urine would kill the sting.........I tried it on my didn't........Monday after suffering from my rash for a few days the visiting nurse came to take blood from the grandson........I inquired is she knew the cure as mine had all failed...........she showed me a dock plant and wadded it up and rubbed it on my hand and WOW.........instant relief.........Curly Leaf Dock grows around Stinging Nettle and will keep the sting and rash from getting you......
Urea is the main organic compound in urine. Urea is used in many products for the skin. Probably better for nail fungus than athletes foot, but I've seen guys in Viet Nam pee on their toes if meds were not readily available.
Urea is the main organic compound in urine. Urea is used in many products for the skin. Probably better for nail fungus than athletes foot, but I've seen guys in Viet Nam pee on their toes if meds were not readily available.

Thanks Sir, as I sit eating, biscuits, cottage cheese, and coffee..... Thinking, I gotta go pee...

Sitting here watching the Reds and the Angels with the Angels up 2-0 bottom of the first. Reds score 1 and then get 2 outs but have 3 on and Stephenson at the plate. I told my wife it felt like a good time for a Grand Salami because Stephenson crushed it yesterday. Just a few seconds after, he hits one out to the opposite field. Wife looked at me and shook her head and said: "You called it" as I was doing my victory dance.
If anyone is interested, Thunder Over Louisville fireworks show begins at 9:30. If you're not in the viewing area I'm sure there's an online site. I'll be watching comfortably from my sofa. No way would I venture down there. The airshow is still going on. Planes have been flying over our house for hours.

Been working today. Detailed My Darlings car, moved dirt to the back patio for her flowers, washed several loads of clothes, been to soccer practice, baked a large pan of small biscuits for My Darlings church group lunch today..(about 50), threw the BB in the wagon and walked him and My Darling around our subdivision twice, and now playing Legos with the BB.

Got four yuenglings drank and I needed them. Hitting the shower then hitting the hay.... Have a fine rest of your night.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 51°F and cloudy. Windy. Today's high expected around 68°F.

Yeah, Vols jumped out early on the Cats pitching yesterday. Score was 5-0 top of first before a single out occurred. Better luck today. We'll be watching.

Heading over to Aldi again today. Love that store. Too bad store located 7.5 miles from here.

Wishing y'all a peaceful Sunday.


Good morning from eastern KY. Pic is from last night, but home is just over the hill from that gravel spot you see. The view is from near the top of Pine Mountain looking down toward my home and out towards the Hazard area. Hard to imagine there are houses buried deep under the hills and trees.

Busy day today and hope to see some good news this evening when I check back online.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Storm I love the Appalachian mountains. They are not as majestic as the Rockies but are simply pretty.
Good morning folks.

Back from a long hike. Flipped on the TV and it was perfect timing to see the last big shootout scene in Unforgiven —one of the peak moments in the canon of Westerns…”I don’t deserve this. I was building a house.” “Deserve’s got nothing to do with it.” Maybe my favorite line in a western.

Heading for a shower then coffee. Hope it’s a good Sunday morning for everyone.
I read something on RR on NIL that reminded me of a story I heard many years ago. When business was booming, I knew customers from all over the USA. One was a lady from Nashville. This was when Mercer was playing for UK. It wasnt for NIL as that didnt exist then, but universities had people whose job was to solicit funds for the school. My customer knew the lady whose husband had the job of getting donations for Vandy. Mercer was from the Nashville area. His grades were short of qualifying for Vandy by a ridiculously small number and Vandy would not budge on the numbers. The guy was inundated with calls threatening to stop donations unless Mercer was accepted. Obviously, they did not and it got to the guy so much that he had a heart attack.

This is a second hand story, but I do think the lady who told me the story knew people at the university and don't think she would lie about it.
I sure drink coconut milk by the can... A couple cans a week. Love the stuff in my coffee. The unsweetened version. Just a good feeling drinking it with coffee.. Caught it on a real good sale and bought two cases. (That was a second time I was able to do that.) Stuff gets pricy.
I like coconuts and drink the milk from the inside of the nut. Used to eat them quite often in the past but have not in a while. They are rather dry even in the nut once opened. However, when I was in Panama (Jungle training) in the early 80's, There was this Samoan SSG who climbed a coconut tree and got us a couple, took off the husk, and broke them open. We drank the milk and could eat the whole coconut because it was moist and fresh. Best tasting coconut I ever ate.
If anyone is interested, Thunder Over Louisville fireworks show begins at 9:30. If you're not in the viewing area I'm sure there's an online site. I'll be watching comfortably from my sofa. No way would I venture down there. The airshow is still going on. Planes have been flying over our house for hours.
Pretty good year if the news is telling the truth.....only one shooting at Waterfront Park......They will move the address for all the assaults and robberies over to Washington Street so the park doesn't get the bad name it friends got robbed at gun point a few years ago when they first opened the walkway over the Ohio.......the Po Po put the address of the incident over on Washington Street.......their explanation to him was that, "the park doesn't have an address".....hmmmmm.....