
How's everybody doing? Good I hope.

@cordmaker ... I made your slow cooker chicken/noodle on Sunday that you posted a few years ago. Have made it a number of times. Everybody here loves it. The Mrs. asked me....'now who gave you this recipe?'. So I told her. She said 'make sure you thank him and tell him how good it is'.

Carry on guys.

Chump...Sir. 😁 ... Show up more...
How's everybody doing? Good I hope.

@cordmaker ... I made your slow cooker chicken/noodle on Sunday that you posted a few years ago. Have made it a number of times. Everybody here loves it. The Mrs. asked me....'now who gave you this recipe?'. So I told her. She said 'make sure you thank him and tell him how good it is'.

Carry on guys.
Welcome back sir!!!! Good to see you back here in the D!!! It is my favorite also!! Tell her she is welcome! That's a whole lot better than someone telling you, that stuff ain't worth a shiff!!!!😂😂😂😂😂
Hey folks,

I wanted to share the sad news that my mother passed away on Wednesday. We had a lovely service on Saturday, just the family of her five children, ten grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Everyone made it but one great-grandson who had just shipped out to Hawaii on his first post-boot camp assignment with the Marines. My kids and grandkids all converged from DC, Texas and Kansas City.

My mother grew up poor in Bracken County. She had a simple but noble vision for her life from early on, to love and care for my father and their children and to expand that caring to anyone else in our town who needed it. And she succeeded in every possible way.

She died peacefully, and with the faith that we’ll all be reunited someday. It’s toughest on my father but we are all struggling to deal with the loss.
Sorry, 55 that I haven't responded to you, but just know that I have been praying for your family! Mrs. M has really been sick since Monday, I'm just waiting for her to give me the word that she needs to go to urgent care! Glad I landed in the D, great bunch of guys, plus a couple knuckle heads!!

Morning Legionnaires!

59° this morning with light winds. High to be in the mid 80's.

Had 2 games with men's team last night, I pitched one and the other guy one. We went 1-1 and won one game by one and lost one game by one. We're number 1, well not really but, there were a lot of 1's in this paragraph so...a play on numbers.

My defense has been pretty good, but my bat has sucked so far. 0-4 with 3 walks in coed on Sunday and 0-2 with 2 walks last night. Need to work on my timing and placement. Hit the ball hard last night, but it was right at the second baseman and right fielder. Neither had to move to catch the ball.

Normal workout and monster walking this morning and training my one student this afternoon. Wax on wax off.

Hump day folks, so stoke those engines and get over the hump.

God Bless.
Would love to play softball again, my only problem is that I would have to somebody to play the field for me, can't run or bend over, can't throw the ball, have to have pinch hit for me, again can't run or swing a bat. I guess I could claim that I'm on the injured list!!
Sorry, 55 that I haven't responded to you, but just know that I have been praying for your family! Mrs. M has really been sick since Monday, I'm just waiting for her to give me the word that she needs to go to urgent care! Glad I landed in the D, great bunch of guys, plus a couple knuckle heads!!
Cord, I hope that all goes well for Mrs. M, and I'm sorry to hear she is sick.

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers directed to my mother and those of us who loved her.

And I can extend that to several who have reached out here. I appreciated everyone who mentioned my family in their posts.
Used to use Malathion to kill the grubs that the moles are after. Stunk like heck but used to be labeled to use around fruits and vegetables.) Treat your yard for grubs and the moles will leave. (Not sure what they use to do that now.) Some must be labeled to use around plants.

Been lurking rather than posting and interacting, but saw this and thought I should share what I've heard works. Now this might piss you off... Human urine. Guy online swears by it. He splashed the holes and poured some little bit in each of their tunnels as best he could. Only had to do it once every couple months or after hard rains from what he said.

Doesn't have to be inundated with it. Just a little here and there supposedly. And no, I'm not messing with you. I'll be doing the same as we're starting to see some and will be planting soon.
They couldn't breed the country genetics out of me.........I have a 7' privacy fence and no have given me a reason to be a day drinker......(besides not being able to stay up past 8 PM) I have found my calling........mole pisser!
Used to use Malathion to kill the grubs that the moles are after. Stunk like heck but used to be labeled to use around fruits and vegetables.) Treat your yard for grubs and the moles will leave. (Not sure what they use to do that now.) Some must be labeled to use around plants.
I can't use poisons.......I raise ducks for the table and rabbits also....I also let my birds out to pick around on the ground.......
Sorry, 55 that I haven't responded to you, but just know that I have been praying for your family! Mrs. M has really been sick since Monday, I'm just waiting for her to give me the word that she needs to go to urgent care! Glad I landed in the D, great bunch of guys, plus a couple knuckle heads!!

I resemble that remark Sir! (Twice...)
They couldn't breed the country genetics out of me.........I have a 7' privacy fence and no have given me a reason to be a day drinker......(besides not being able to stay up past 8 PM) I have found my calling........mole pisser!


I could have went ALL day without knowing that.

Kind of am glad as at least I know not to eat anything out of YOUR garden...😅
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Good morning from ATX. Current temperature is 73°F and mostly cloudy. Warming up to 89°F later today.

Took part of yesterday off from these boards. Reading same stuff over and over regarding latest recruits got old. Stayed up late night before watching Cats vs Cards baseball game Needed a break.

Wishing y'all an awesome Thursday.

Ever piss on your toes? When there are no meds available it is "supposed" to help athletes foot\ toe fungus.
No, but I have probably pissed them off though. Back when I was on DI status, after me and my now ex-wife split, I was practicing Martial Arts, and playing softball on 5 different teams. Unit level team, Battalion level team, Men's team downtown, coed team downtown, and church league downtown. Between being a Drill instructor, doing Martial Arts, running a lot each morning, and playing softball almost every day, my feet/toes were probably pissed.
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No, but I have probably pissed them off though. Back when I was on DI status, after me and my now ex-wife split, I was practicing Martial Arts, and playing softball on 5 different teams. Unit level team, Battalion level team, Men's team downtown, coed team downtown, and church league downtown. Between being a Drill instructor, doing Martial Arts, running a lot each morning, and playing softball almost every day, my feet/toes were probably pissed.

Better pissed off than...
Good morning all,

Working from home today. Next week Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and the following Monday and Tuesday we are heading south to Gainesville. My grand daughters first birthday. My family plans to be there, not my whole family but My Darling, my children and all my grandchildren.

Been able to facetime some with my grandbabies from Gainesville now that they are getting older. Just enjoyable..

When I get back, I will have two days to do whatever is needed at work (Am doing most things now.), then I will be off to my new job... I am thankful... but, busy busy...

I have three more years in mind but who knows except the Lord. I will do my best.
Good morning everyone. Hope all is well.

Great time at the lake.....just tired. My wife and I both managed to get our limit of gobblers (2 each). We doubled on two yesterday morning on our own property to finish out the season. I also managed to catch 2 keeper stripers and get some work done. I only had one rough day after getting less than 2 hours sleep between fishing at night and getting up early to hunt.

I didn't get to watch the Pope Pep Rally or follow along much but did hear about a BYU commit coming to UK. I may have time to catch up with all that tomorrow.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Good morning everyone. Hope all is well.

Great time at the lake.....just tired. My wife and I both managed to get our limit of gobblers (2 each). We doubled on two yesterday morning on our own property to finish out the season. I also managed to catch 2 keeper stripers and get some work done. I only had one rough day after getting less than 2 hours sleep between fishing at night and getting up early to hunt.

I didn't get to watch the Pope Pep Rally or follow along much but did hear about a BYU commit coming to UK. I may have time to catch up with all that tomorrow.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Be sure and watch it, it will kick start your love for Kentucky!!
So I took a close look at our smaller aloe vera plant today & marveled how healthy it looks. It does have a really nice shape too. Lots of growth, multiple "blooms"??, very erect.

Thing is, about 12-18 months ago I saw like a three short "branches"? piece with a few roots lying under a tree of ours. DW wife said she'd thrown it & the rest of it out some 2-3 months earlier. Why you ask? Beats me. But it was still green. So I brought it in & modestly planted it and now viola!

Really tolerant of owner abuse. Maybe it's like me & why I like it.
Won't even go into my taxes this year, just whew...
I had to do mine over.
Careful for what you wish young man.....they can't be any worse that United Health took three years for them to release me from the Director's work policy and then the company that handled their company benefits with held the $300+ for three pay periods......$1,000 and she never got reimbursed for it....Kindred sold out the new bunch had a new benefits provider.......I told her to steal 1K of mask and gloves but she wouldn't.........
United provide services for GEHA when I was a FED and they fear us old FEDs.
Very sorry for your loss @MdWIldcat55
Glad you could all get together though, and hope it's many more years before you lose anyone else close to you.
Ever piss on your toes? When there are no meds available it is "supposed" to help athletes foot\ toe fungus.
Yes but it was not my intent.
So I took a close look at our smaller aloe vera plant today & marveled how healthy it looks. It does have a really nice shape too. Lots of growth, multiple "blooms"??, very erect.

Thing is, about 12-18 months ago I saw like a three short "branches"? piece with a few roots lying under a tree of ours. DW wife said she'd thrown it & the rest of it out some 2-3 months earlier. Why you ask? Beats me. But it was still green. So I brought it in & modestly planted it and now viola!

Really tolerant of owner abuse. Maybe it's like me & why I like it.
See previous post
Hey folks,

I wanted to share the sad news that my mother passed away on Wednesday. We had a lovely service on Saturday, just the family of her five children, ten grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Everyone made it but one great-grandson who had just shipped out to Hawaii on his first post-boot camp assignment with the Marines. My kids and grandkids all converged from DC, Texas and Kansas City.

My mother grew up poor in Bracken County. She had a simple but noble vision for her life from early on, to love and care for my father and their children and to expand that caring to anyone else in our town who needed it. And she succeeded in every possible way.

She died peacefully, and with the faith that we’ll all be reunited someday. It’s toughest on my father but we are all struggling to deal with the loss.

How's everybody doing? Good I hope.

@cordmaker ... I made your slow cooker chicken/noodle on Sunday that you posted a few years ago. Have made it a number of times. Everybody here loves it. The Mrs. asked me....'now who gave you this recipe?'. So I told her. She said 'make sure you thank him and tell him how good it is'.

Carry on guys.
Don't be such a stranger

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Good morning from ATX. Currently 69°F and cloudy. Today's high may max out at 73°F. Rain predicted for tomorrow.

Vols visit Wildcats for a 3-game series starting tonight, 6:30 pm, at Kentucky Proud Park. Baseball team currently ranked #3 in country, Vols ranked #2. Looking at a battle. Games broadcast on SEC+

Go Cats!

Happy Friday, y'all.

Good morning everyone.

Our group hike was cancelled due to the rain today. That will give me time to catch up on some things in the house. I've weedeated a lot since returning from the lake and feel like I've got all that needed immediate attention. I feel sore too.

I don't do this on forums often, but I'm proud of this one. On our own property at the lake. You can finally see who you're dealing with. There's 80 years of turkey hunting experience in this pic and I have 36 of them. She taught me how to turkey hunt even though I've been a hunter since the age of 10. No turkeys when/where I grew up. So, drum roll................

I hope everyone has a great day.
