So many great memories of Crosley. My dad loved baseball and it was cheap, so we probably went to 20 games a year between the ages of 6 and 14, which was my age when Crosley closed. Also, in those days the Reds had a "Straight A Tickets" program I busted my ass to qualify for, and you'd get tickets to a few random mid-week night games -- the front office probably figured might as well, non-weekend attendance was probably under 15,000 on a good night.
It was a shock when I first went to Riverfront - cavernous bowl, plastic grass, no infield dirt, everything concrete and steel. I never had the same love for the place as I did for Crosley, but the Reds did win the Pennant four times and the Championship twice between my 15th and 21st birthdays, with likely the greatest National League team in history, so still great memories.