
One reason I'm not sure that it's cut worms, and why I think it's some type of varmit, is that the plant is totally gone the next morning. There in the afternoon....totally clipped off at the ground and gone the next morning.
Don't know much about cut worms, but do they devour a plant that quickly?
Regardless I'll do the corn meal today. Couldn't hurt.
Also going to sprinkle baby powder on the plants. Was told that keeps rabbits out.
Do you have deer? They are the main culprits to my gardening. In fact it is impossible to keep them away.

I took this video of them in my yard. See what I mean

Do you have deer? They are the main culprits to my gardening. In fact it is impossible to keep them away.

I took this video of them in my yard. See what I mean

I had to put chicken wire around my new trees that I planted. They were eating the limbs off the bottom of the trees, and then tearing the bark off the trunk rubbing on them.
Rick Pitino's introductory press conference 32 years ago yesterday. Has it been that long?

I had to put chicken wire around my new trees that I planted. They were eating the limbs off the bottom of the trees, and then tearing the bark off the trunk rubbing on them.
We have black angus cows in the pasture behind our house. They eat all the leaves off the trees that they can reach and also are hard on the bark just like your pest. The only plant in the pasture that they don't bother are the blackberry briars. I guess that they don't like getting stuck.
Speaking on the lines of movies, as I said the Great Escape is my favorite of all time because I think of the problems these guys went through to try and escape and the cast was excellent. Whenever I was feeling down away from home regardless of where I was I would whistle the tune from that movie reminding me that nothing I was going through was ever as bad as people who were captured as POW's. It would pick me up and remind me that I did not have it that bad.

Good morning D-League. I hosted a Memorial Day cookout last night for a few friends and my wife's family. They've been cautious during COVID so this was the first time we all gathered on my screened in back porch, shared food and drink and just acted like things were normal. A simple thing, but very enjoyable.

I hope it was a good holiday for all of you.
Midway is on my list, too, but mine is the 1976 version, not the 2019 version. Which one is on your list?
I like the older movies. I prefer the 1976 version due to the actors in the film. It was an All Star cast with many of my all time actors. They just did it better IMHO

Someone said they are going to remake Patton. Have you heard anything about this? I am not sure you can improve on George C Scott. I think he was the best actor to come out of West Virginia
Those of you out of the workplace have no idea how Woke things are becoming. I just had to take this two-hour online seminar about legal records retention, involving "real world" examples of what we need to know.

A sample question began, "Sayid, Parvati and Quan are meeting on an ongoing legal matter..."

Really? The only place that's going to happen is the Third World Quorum at the United Nations, or maybe a subcommittee huddle of Democratic members of Congress from New York and LA...
I like the older movies. I prefer the 1976 version due to the actors in the film. It was an All Star cast with many of my all time actors. They just did it better IMHO

Someone said they are going to remake Patton. Have you heard anything about this? I am not sure you can improve on George C Scott. I think he was the best actor to come out of West Virginia

Better than Bob Denver? :)
Those of you out of the workplace have no idea how Woke things are becoming. I just had to take this two-hour online seminar about legal records retention, involving "real world" examples of what we need to know.

A sample question began, "Sayid, Parvati and Quan are meeting on an ongoing legal matter..."

Really? The only place that's going to happen is the Third World Quorum at the United Nations, or maybe a subcommittee huddle of Democratic members of Congress from New York and LA...

I wonder why such names were used? Anyway, we must re-certify on records retention every two years.

I wonder why such names were used? Anyway, we must re-certify on records retention every two years.
Whoever we consult with to prepare these online seminars is waaaaay ahead of the "Diversity Matters" curve...The only time a white guy named "Bill" or "Jim" pops up is as someone who screwed up and got the company sued, or in the "Sexual Harassment in the Workplace" seminar, saying inappropriate things to all the gals named Juanita, Keisha and Rashida
Not sure which Gettysburg movie it was, but recall being in hotel room in Germany in late-90's watching one dubbed into German !! Rather mind-blowing to try to follow.
My favorite over-dubbed American series broadcast in German was "Fackeln im Sturm" or "North and South" with Patrick Swayze, James Read and Kirstie Alley. My ex-wife and I were absolutely riveted to Books I and II of the series when episodes were translated and rebroadcast in Germany back in 1986 and 1987. One night, I missed an episode because of the field. She recorded it. Great stuff.
Someone said they are going to remake Patton. Have you heard anything about this? I am not sure you can improve on George C Scott. I think he was the best actor to come out of West Virginia
Think I've mentioned before that the only movie my Dad ever went to the theater to see was Patton. He loved it. Said Scott nailed Patton. And a number of scenes were as they actually happened because my Dad was there and witnessed it.
Better than Bob Denver? :)
Was on a flight from LA to Atlanta. Was in first class and Denver was on the other side of the plane the row behind me. Wore sunglasses the whole flight with a hat...kind of hunched down in his seat. Guess he didn't want anybody to know it was him.
Some other movies that centered around war that are really good: "The Pianist" and "Anthropoid". The Pianist is about a Jew living in the Warsaw ghetto during Nazi occupation, while Anthropoid Is about the assassination attempt on Reinhard Heydrich.
Never heard of Anthropoid....I don't think. I'll have to look that up.
Some other movies that centered around war that are really good: "The Pianist" and "Anthropoid". The Pianist is about a Jew living in the Warsaw ghetto during Nazi occupation, while Anthropoid Is about the assassination attempt on Reinhard Heydrich.
I'd like seeing "The Pianist". May check it out.

Two German-made films providing a German perspective, and are really good, include "Stalingrad" and "The Captain" (Der Hauptmann). The Captain is based on a true story. Wife and I watched it last year with under-titles. Nice chance to brush up on my language skills.
I'd like seeing "The Pianist". May check it out.

Two German-made films providing a German perspective, and are really good, include "Stalingrad" and "The Captain" (Der Hauptmann). The Captain is based on a true story. Wife and I watched it last year with under-titles. Nice chance to brush up on my language skills.
There's a good movie about Rommel that is German made. Fairly new...maybe 5-8 years old.
Even though I hate trying to watch a movie with sub titles...that one I did.
I'd like seeing "The Pianist". May check it out.

Two German-made films providing a German perspective, and are really good, include "Stalingrad" and "The Captain" (Der Hauptmann). The Captain is based on a true story. Wife and I watched it last year with under-titles. Nice chance to brush up on my language skills.
I might have to check those movies out, seeing as how I love WW2 movies. Thanks for recommending them.
My grandfather told me to hang out with people that are smarter than I am...........I found this to be very easy to's one of the reasons I am here in the D-League.....I have observed some very knowledgeable, intelligent people on for the reason for this post...........I have a Bose wireless speaker there anyway to stream YouTube? Seems like there should be some way.........Bose uses my wireless system.......I stay away from their page and of them changed the settings in my computer because of connectivity took a visit from a smart person to fix it......and $ calls are not cheap.......
I had to put chicken wire around my new trees that I planted. They were eating the limbs off the bottom of the trees, and then tearing the bark off the trunk rubbing on them.
My varmint problem has escalated the last several years.....the area I live in has blossomed with huge warehouses.......these mega buildings are running the wildlife to the nearby residential areas......I lived here for 35 years and never saw a rabbit, deer or most anything besides birds and a 18 month period i trapped 23 ground hogs and lost track of the racoon and opossum.....I only set the traps inside my fence.....( 8" head traps).....I got two rabbits this morning.......just a few months ago a deer jumped my back fence and strolled up through the yard till the dogs woke up........coyotes ate three geese one night.....nothing else big enough to eat three nearly grown Talouse geese......only thing they left behind was a foot and a piece of a leg with a feathers or anything......and a ground hog was back last was too late in the sesason to worry with him..........they will be back soon......they can't seem to resist sweet potato plants or bean vines.....they prefer pole beans......I got my traps set yesterday..........awf 23.....groundhog 0..........
Think I've mentioned before that the only movie my Dad ever went to the theater to see was Patton. He loved it. Said Scott nailed Patton. And a number of scenes were as they actually happened because my Dad was there and witnessed it.

Was on a flight from LA to Atlanta. Was in first class and Denver was on the other side of the plane the row behind me. Wore sunglasses the whole flight with a hat...kind of hunched down in his seat. Guess he didn't want anybody to know it was him.
Hollywood types only want our ticket dollars.......not our attention......
Those of you out of the workplace have no idea how Woke things are becoming.
A major reason I retired last June from public service. It wasn't because I quit caring. I dealt with the truth and refused to negotiate my analysis or opinion without supportive evidence.
I have a Bose wireless speaker there anyway to stream YouTube?
Yes, model numbers of Bose equipment?
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