
All my grandkids drink Pepsi products. I figure it is my responsibility to make sure they don't drink Coke, hate UofL, and respect their elders.

Then I shall refrain from any enlightening conversations about pepsi's history so as not to offend. I've gone full RC Cola at the house. No more coke or pepsi products (though I am checking to see if Pepsi has acquired RC now as well...) May be a soda free household soon enough
I had a guy over to my house today to repair my AC unit. Mid 50's and was talking about how hard it is today to get younger people to work with their company. Had one about 3 weeks ago who was constantly on his phone with his wife and was not doing the job in a timely manner much to the displeasure of the customer. So, when they got on to him about it he said family is more important and quit. He said they had another youngster come in for an interview to work for them Monday and he wore a black lives matter T-shirt. He ask me what I would do. I told him I would not hire him. He said, they were not going to. In a job interview, you should dress for the occasion and if that was his attitude already, you can imagine the moronic conversation he would be brining up instead of working.
That company like others have needs to have a dress code for interviews to protect them fromfrivolous lawsuits. People are sue happy these days and the media is pushing mob rule.

Any interview granted should come with a strict dress code policy so that their hiring or non-hiring practices don't get them dragged into court. Jmo

I hate that it IS that way, but have to be realistic
It's really hilarious to me that so many people think technological innovation is evolution. Mankind is still mired in the same struggles they always have been. Greed, narcissism, and people worship. None of it has changed for thousands of years. The only evolution that has occurred is the speed at which people can collectively across great distances be deceived/programmed. Used to take years. Now it takes mere minutes.
Let's coin a term for it. I vote we call it "human nature". The problems we are experiencing now have been suffered by each and every democracy before us. When people are allowed to vote themselves money from the government, then that government ceases to exist and has to be replaced by a government that steals from the wills and gives to the will nots.
Then I shall refrain from any enlightening conversations about pepsi's history so as not to offend. I've gone full RC Cola at the house. No more coke or pepsi products (though I am checking to see if Pepsi has acquired RC now as well...) May be a soda free household soon enough

Come clean on the Pepsi, dude!!!
Sorry D-League...I know you have been waiting around for my latest ALIEN stuff but dang I've been busy. Retirement was supposed to be easier than this! Anyway, the weather looks good for some scope time this weekend down at Nolin. I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully the skies will play nice and I can get some calm air. Anyway...You folks behave and I'll check in from time to time. 👽👽👽

And why do I have to dig down so far on the emoji's list to plug in an ALIEN emoji and apply it it to my extremely important post? Seriously MOD's, get your suff together!!!!!!!!!!!! GEEeeeeeZZZzzz
That company like others have needs to have a dress code for interviews to protect them fromfrivolous lawsuits. People are sue happy these days and the media is pushing mob rule.

Any interview granted should come with a strict dress code policy so that their hiring or non-hiring practices don't get them dragged into court. Jmo

I hate that it IS that way, but have to be realistic
As long as they don't say he did not get hired because he wore a black lives matters t-shirt, I think they will be fine.
So Sorry D-League...I know you have been waiting around for my latest ALIEN stuff but dang I've been busy. Retirement was supposed to be easier than this! Anyway, the weather looks good for some scope time this weekend down at Nolin. I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully the skies will play nice and I can get some calm air. Anyway...You folks behave and I'll check in from time to time. 👽👽👽

And why do I have to dig down so far on the emoji's list to plug in an ALIEN emoji and apply it it to my extremely important post? Seriously MOD's, get your suff together!!!!!!!!!!!! GEEeeeeeZZZzzz
So you have joined the league of extraordinary past workers. How long now? I am finding it very enjoyable and am doing better financially than me and my wife thought I would. Now she wants to quit working (we can't afford that yet) but, I have a 5 to 6 year plan for her to be able to stop working. She has finally come on board with my plan realizing that I am better at budgeting than she thought I would be. She uses the excuse that she wants to spend more time with me but, I told her I know better. She just wants to get as lazy as I am getting.
Come clean on the Pepsi, dude!!!

You probably know some or most of the story, but might not know how it's linked. Here's a little bit and I'll let you look up the linkage. I'm exhausted and need to get started 2 hours early tomorrow....

Pepsi got most of their sugar from Cuba until Castro. They had plantations there into the 20th century. Guess who was instrumental in backing the removal of Castro and was pissed when they couldn't get their land back with the operation in the 60s? Who were they ( and quite a few others ) pissed at?

Fast forward to the early 90s . Who was the first company to put aspartame in their sodas and why? Pepsi received a contract with the military to provide sides to the military deployed in the desert heat of the middle east where temperatures reached over 100 degrees consistently. The preliminary resting that led to aspartame being rejected as a food additive was reversed when a big player in the patent-holding company got a job in the White House and just in time. The results of the testing included some of the same side effects that soldiers and later veterans experienced after serving in the gulf war, and when it was linked the initial research was hidden and the links scrubbed. They (pepsi and the white house) knew before they sent it to SA that aspartame broke down in high temperatures to formaldehyde and some other non-food chemicals.

My buddies that served there told me about the pallets and pallets of their products sitting out there, and how sick some of them got. They didn't know and no one that knew ever told them. The study that linked them disappeared just like the johns hopkins study that linked antacids and parkinsons disease.

Anyhow, that's a couple reasons why I don't drink the pepsi products that taste good to me. The other is a dead relative that loved diet pepsi and was told it may have hastened her early demise. I know genetics plays a factor in some of this stuff, but it's too many things that adds up to a "no" for me.

I don't judge anyone that drinks it. They don't know and some don't care. No one alive can prove any of it or do anything about it now, so it is what it is.

Good night y'all. Sorry to post negative stuff on here. This topic has brightened my days the last month, so please forgive my donny downer posting. Have a great day tomorrow, too
Then I shall refrain from any enlightening conversations about pepsi's history so as not to offend. I've gone full RC Cola at the house. No more coke or pepsi products (though I am checking to see if Pepsi has acquired RC now as well...) May be a soda free household soon enough

I'd rather have an RC any day any way. In Michigan we called them pop.

Posted by;

Damani Bryant Felder

1htSpounsnoredre ·

Now THIS is an awards show I'd actually watch!
Who are your picks?

Can't sleep without commenting more...

That first one is a tough sob to pick.

GS should receive the lifetime achievement award. BG is still second like he always has been, but he'll make another good run at worst at some point. (Edit- honorable mention should be the inventor of "SPELL-check" cause it's worthless. Lifetime achievement award changed to "reward"? W.t.h...)

Fauci would win a crimes against science award masks down.

Pepe gets my vote for that 2nd category. Seuss is too creepy if you've ever seen his non-kids book artwork.

The last two I'll have to sleep on (and get my glasses to read them).
If it were that easy, life would be so much different right now

It is that easy. yeah a certain percentage will try the system but most will not. It's debatable as to where to go with interviews. I have been pretty extensive in interviews on both sides for big business, small business, government, and in volunteer areas of hiring. It takes consistency. (More can be talked about later if desired.)
Then I shall refrain from any enlightening conversations about pepsi's history so as not to offend. I've gone full RC Cola at the house. No more coke or pepsi products (though I am checking to see if Pepsi has acquired RC now as well...) May be a soda free household soon enough

Drink Kutztown Soda. It is the absolute best i have ever tasted.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F with spotty showers. San Antonio got heavy rainfall overnight. Austin has only received a trace thus far, but should see more as the day goes on. Our high today could reach upper-70s.

I watched the special last night on SEC Network about UK football. Interesting preview of next season. It also seemed like a recruiting film. Excited about Wildcat football.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good Morning D League

Sitting here waiting for the sun to rise and it will rise. We should have a pleasant day with temperatures currently 64° wind SE at 3 mph. We will top out at 87° by mid afternoon with winds from the SW at 8 mph. Humidity will be 53% and the sun is going to shine enough to drive the UV Index to Extreme. The folks down at the beach will enjoy that.

Which reminds me of a time in the mid 1970's when a Canadian came down on vacation and stayed at Clearwater Beach. He was not use to the sun and took aluminum foil, spread it on the beach and drifted off to sleep. He literally roasted him self and by the time they got to him he was pretty much "toast". He died in Morton Plant Hospital that evening. Please don't use aluminum foil to speed up your tan.

I love me some shrimp scampi and we have it often. Always nice plump fresh Gulf shrimp, never frozen. There are two type of shrimp not allowed in my house. 1) Any thing from China and 2) frozen shrimp. Not when you can pick them up at the seafood market after they spent the night sleeping a few miles off shore.

Y'all take care and leave those Cokes and Pepsi be. They are worse than cigarettes. Trust me.

You don't see this very often

Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F with spotty showers. San Antonio got heavy rainfall overnight. Austin has only received a trace thus far, but should see more as the day goes on. Our high today could reach upper-70s.

I watched the special last night on SEC Network about UK football. Interesting preview of next season. It also seemed like a recruiting film. Excited about Wildcat football.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Man I can deal with some Shrimps... Shrimp Scampi is some good good stuff. May try some today just because BUT, there are other ways to eat a Shrimp...






Oh, I hope this day is a day you all will remember as a blessed day to where you can point to God's goodness and know God cares for you. God Bless you all...
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You probably know some or most of the story, but might not know how it's linked. Here's a little bit and I'll let you look up the linkage. I'm exhausted and need to get started 2 hours early tomorrow....

Pepsi got most of their sugar from Cuba until Castro. They had plantations there into the 20th century. Guess who was instrumental in backing the removal of Castro and was pissed when they couldn't get their land back with the operation in the 60s? Who were they ( and quite a few others ) pissed at?

Fast forward to the early 90s . Who was the first company to put aspartame in their sodas and why? Pepsi received a contract with the military to provide sides to the military deployed in the desert heat of the middle east where temperatures reached over 100 degrees consistently. The preliminary resting that led to aspartame being rejected as a food additive was reversed when a big player in the patent-holding company got a job in the White House and just in time. The results of the testing included some of the same side effects that soldiers and later veterans experienced after serving in the gulf war, and when it was linked the initial research was hidden and the links scrubbed. They (pepsi and the white house) knew before they sent it to SA that aspartame broke down in high temperatures to formaldehyde and some other non-food chemicals.

My buddies that served there told me about the pallets and pallets of their products sitting out there, and how sick some of them got. They didn't know and no one that knew ever told them. The study that linked them disappeared just like the johns hopkins study that linked antacids and parkinsons disease.

Anyhow, that's a couple reasons why I don't drink the pepsi products that taste good to me. The other is a dead relative that loved diet pepsi and was told it may have hastened her early demise. I know genetics plays a factor in some of this stuff, but it's too many things that adds up to a "no" for me.

I don't judge anyone that drinks it. They don't know and some don't care. No one alive can prove any of it or do anything about it now, so it is what it is.

Good night y'all. Sorry to post negative stuff on here. This topic has brightened my days the last month, so please forgive my donny downer posting. Have a great day tomorrow, too
So that's what happened to me. ;) Yes, I do remember Pepsi being the only soda over there but just figured they out bid or made a deal with the military as has other companies like BK and Popeyes.

When you prepare to retire the army sends you to all kinds of appointments to prepare you after so many years of indoctrination. One of the appointments is counseling where they tell you (at that time anyway) that the life expectancy of a soldier after retirement is 5 years (living on borrowed time, it will be 24 years for me in July). I found that hard to believe but, 5 guys I knew in my last unit, (all were Gulf war vets) who retired in the same year as me died within 2 1/2 years of their retirement. One as early as 6 months. Now, they also factor in reserves and national guard retirees as well and those who spend 30 plus years in who could be in their 60's when they retire. When looking at that, with the afore mentioned guys I knew and factor in my years and average it out, it looks like it was true.

Austin and a few others, be careful out there.
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I am headed down to Clearwater this morning to take care of some business. While there I am going to drop by and see an old friend I have known since the day he was born. He is about 10 years younger than me. I was best buddies with his dad who took us on our first gator hunt. We fished all of the fresh water lakes around the area and also the Gulf. Just a good ole boy and fun to be with.

But life has dealt him a bad hand and now he is confined to a wheel chair with Parkinson's Disease. It breaks my heart to see a man who was so full of life wasting away. He lost 75 pounds this year already. He was a heck of a softball player and we were on the same team for over a decade. When I was in the water on the Withlacoochee and the cottonmouth got after me, he pulled me back into the boat. You don't forget things like that

The picture below is very similar to the place where it happened. Cotton mouths hang on the limbs and they are hard to see because of the Spanish Moss. Our boat was near the shore and I was checking the depth when I went out of the boat into the river. When I hit the water cottonmouths dropped from the limbs and I was in big trouble. I have a lot of memories with "Little John" but that is the one that sticks with me. Prayers for a very good man

Good Morning D League

Sitting here waiting for the sun to rise and it will rise. We should have a pleasant day with temperatures currently 64° wind SE at 3 mph. We will top out at 87° by mid afternoon with winds from the SW at 8 mph. Humidity will be 53% and the sun is going to shine enough to drive the UV Index to Extreme. The folks down at the beach will enjoy that.

Which reminds me of a time in the mid 1970's when a Canadian came down on vacation and stayed at Clearwater Beach. He was not use to the sun and took aluminum foil, spread it on the beach and drifted off to sleep. He literally roasted him self and by the time they got to him he was pretty much "toast". He died in Morton Plant Hospital that evening. Please don't use aluminum foil to speed up your tan.

I love me some shrimp scampi and we have it often. Always nice plump fresh Gulf shrimp, never frozen. There are two type of shrimp not allowed in my house. 1) Any thing from China and 2) frozen shrimp. Not when you can pick them up at the seafood market after they spent the night sleeping a few miles off shore.

Y'all take care and leave those Cokes and Pepsi be. They are worse than cigarettes. Trust me.

You don't see this very often



It may be because of some sort of "nutty" animal affirmative action or the state tree union of whatever state doesn't allow "White Privilege" any longer. (White squirrels are now burrowing animals for the most part. They can't climb trees due to their squirrel governor passing a white squirrels can't climb trees mandate.) If you think squirrels have issues now that they can't be white any longer, wait until the gender bending squirrels start their marches...(I really do think that tree may be in Florida as the Squirrel governor "ain't" going to take it any more...)

Yeah, I am completely sober... sigh...(I yam what I yam.)
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Good morning D, we had over an inch of rain last night and may get at least 1 more today.

Dr. Pepper man here, I buy the bottles with the screw on cap, it takes me about a week to drink one!!

As long as they are handing out money, they will never work!!!! I remember when I was working, we had a job called Air Pak, preparing Det-Cord for shipping by air, we went thru 15 people before we got 2 people to work, one worked 2 days and quit, she told me or ask me, how do you work around this stuff!!! Air-Pak was a funny animal, we had to figure 8, 500' of det-cord, on to 23 trays of Styrofoam. MILITARY cord was not bad to work with, some went into cans and some into silver bags, best thing about that was overtime!!!! Made every kind of cord when I was spinning it, from 2grs per foot to one that was larger than a first grade pencil, I think it was 250grs per!!! When you drive down the inter-state and the rock walls you see with the bore holes on them, it was used to blast out the rock walls, slow and powerful!!!

Hope the D, has a goodun and prayers for the D!!!!

How many of the D, are retired MILITARY? Love and RESPECT for you guys or any MILITARY!!!!!
Good morning D, we had over an inch of rain last night and may get at least 1 more today.

Dr. Pepper man here, I buy the bottles with the screw on cap, it takes me about a week to drink one!!

As long as they are handing out money, they will never work!!!! I remember when I was working, we had a job called Air Pak, preparing Det-Cord for shipping by air, we went thru 15 people before we got 2 people to work, one worked 2 days and quit, she told me or ask me, how do you work around this stuff!!! Air-Pak was a funny animal, we had to figure 8, 500' of det-cord, on to 23 trays of Styrofoam. MILITARY cord was not bad to work with, some went into cans and some into silver bags, best thing about that was overtime!!!! Made every kind of cord when I was spinning it, from 2grs per foot to one that was larger than a first grade pencil, I think it was 250grs per!!! When you drive down the inter-state and the rock walls you see with the bore holes on them, it was used to blast out the rock walls, slow and powerful!!!

Hope the D, has a goodun and prayers for the D!!!!

How many of the D, are retired MILITARY? Love and RESPECT for you guys or any MILITARY!!!!!
Used Det cord a few times for emergency destruct training and for getting rid of it when it was getting close to shelve life end.

Don't really need to answer the retiree question. Avatar.
So you have joined the league of extraordinary past workers. How long now? I am finding it very enjoyable and am doing better financially than me and my wife thought I would. Now she wants to quit working (we can't afford that yet) but, I have a 5 to 6 year plan for her to be able to stop working. She has finally come on board with my plan realizing that I am better at budgeting than she thought I would be. She uses the excuse that she wants to spend more time with me but, I told her I know better. She just wants to get as lazy as I am getting.
About 6 years now I think. Everyday is a Saturday now. :)
Good morning D, we had over an inch of rain last night and may get at least 1 more today.

Dr. Pepper man here, I buy the bottles with the screw on cap, it takes me about a week to drink one!!

As long as they are handing out money, they will never work!!!! I remember when I was working, we had a job called Air Pak, preparing Det-Cord for shipping by air, we went thru 15 people before we got 2 people to work, one worked 2 days and quit, she told me or ask me, how do you work around this stuff!!! Air-Pak was a funny animal, we had to figure 8, 500' of det-cord, on to 23 trays of Styrofoam. MILITARY cord was not bad to work with, some went into cans and some into silver bags, best thing about that was overtime!!!! Made every kind of cord when I was spinning it, from 2grs per foot to one that was larger than a first grade pencil, I think it was 250grs per!!! When you drive down the inter-state and the rock walls you see with the bore holes on them, it was used to blast out the rock walls, slow and powerful!!!

Hope the D, has a goodun and prayers for the D!!!!

How many of the D, are retired MILITARY? Love and RESPECT for you guys or any MILITARY!!!!!
I am not retired military but I served my time. One morning on May 6, 1968, my company commander said I could just go on back home, so I did.

I do not listen or watch the news but each morning from 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM I try to listen to local radio. It is a small town station and the news is usually small time.

Today's big news event for the area was an 80 year old man, driving his golf cart at an excessive rate of speed and crashing it into a concrete wall under the overpass on the golf course. He went through the windshield and is in the hospital with life threatening injuries.

A lady sitting on a bench feeding the birds said she saw it and thought he must have been racing. Racing what nobody seems to be able to figure out. Be careful my D League friends as you navigate your golf cart through the course of life. Some 80 year old might want to drag race.
You probably know some or most of the story, but might not know how it's linked. Here's a little bit and I'll let you look up the linkage. I'm exhausted and need to get started 2 hours early tomorrow....

Pepsi got most of their sugar from Cuba until Castro. They had plantations there into the 20th century. Guess who was instrumental in backing the removal of Castro and was pissed when they couldn't get their land back with the operation in the 60s? Who were they ( and quite a few others ) pissed at?

Fast forward to the early 90s . Who was the first company to put aspartame in their sodas and why? Pepsi received a contract with the military to provide sides to the military deployed in the desert heat of the middle east where temperatures reached over 100 degrees consistently. The preliminary resting that led to aspartame being rejected as a food additive was reversed when a big player in the patent-holding company got a job in the White House and just in time. The results of the testing included some of the same side effects that soldiers and later veterans experienced after serving in the gulf war, and when it was linked the initial research was hidden and the links scrubbed. They (pepsi and the white house) knew before they sent it to SA that aspartame broke down in high temperatures to formaldehyde and some other non-food chemicals.

My buddies that served there told me about the pallets and pallets of their products sitting out there, and how sick some of them got. They didn't know and no one that knew ever told them. The study that linked them disappeared just like the johns hopkins study that linked antacids and parkinsons disease.

Anyhow, that's a couple reasons why I don't drink the pepsi products that taste good to me. The other is a dead relative that loved diet pepsi and was told it may have hastened her early demise. I know genetics plays a factor in some of this stuff, but it's too many things that adds up to a "no" for me.

I don't judge anyone that drinks it. They don't know and some don't care. No one alive can prove any of it or do anything about it now, so it is what it is.

Good night y'all. Sorry to post negative stuff on here. This topic has brightened my days the last month, so please forgive my donny downer posting. Have a great day tomorrow, too
Your rant on Pepsi reminds me of something. I was stationed at several places at different times in Viet Nam. If memory serves, this was at Phan Rang. The only beer we could get was Carling Black Label and we had it out the wazoo. It was all flat, hot, and in rusty cans. Read later a big shot general was taking kickbacks from Carling to push their beer. I think he was also taking kickbacks on whisky. I had Vietnamese kids in the middle of nowhere try to sell me Budweiser and all we could get on base was hot flat Black Label in rusty cans!
Good Morning D League

Sitting here waiting for the sun to rise and it will rise. We should have a pleasant day with temperatures currently 64° wind SE at 3 mph. We will top out at 87° by mid afternoon with winds from the SW at 8 mph. Humidity will be 53% and the sun is going to shine enough to drive the UV Index to Extreme. The folks down at the beach will enjoy that.

Which reminds me of a time in the mid 1970's when a Canadian came down on vacation and stayed at Clearwater Beach. He was not use to the sun and took aluminum foil, spread it on the beach and drifted off to sleep. He literally roasted him self and by the time they got to him he was pretty much "toast". He died in Morton Plant Hospital that evening. Please don't use aluminum foil to speed up your tan.

I love me some shrimp scampi and we have it often. Always nice plump fresh Gulf shrimp, never frozen. There are two type of shrimp not allowed in my house. 1) Any thing from China and 2) frozen shrimp. Not when you can pick them up at the seafood market after they spent the night sleeping a few miles off shore.

Y'all take care and leave those Cokes and Pepsi be. They are worse than cigarettes. Trust me.

You don't see this very often

I usually have two or three of those around my yard here in s ohio although i haven’t seen any this year. i haven’t seen as many brown squirrels either, or rabbits. i have lots of red tail hawks around my yard. they sometimes like to snatch a bird near my feeders. i watched one from my window devour a full grown rabbit leaving nothing but the feet, head and guts. pulled in my driveway last month and one was perched on a fence near my bird feeders with a big fat squirrel in his mouth. they’re vicious.
Raining cats, dogs, and squirrels this morning in the Buckeye State. Good timing for the farmers who have already got their fields plowed and planted.

I remember about 15-20 years ago reading about the CEO of Pepsi. As I recall she was Indian-American and extremely liberal. Can't remember all the particulars but she had a lot of very liberal policies within the company that were way out there at the time....that are, unfortunately, becoming the norm today. So, since I don't drink Coke anymore (had a number of friends when I lived in Atlanta that were Coke I hate that Coke is out with me) and Pepsi is out....that leaves RC....or no colas which is best considering how much sugar they put it these products. Speaking of, stopped at Sam's on a recommendation a week or so ago from @warrior-cat to pick up some Sam's cola. They don't sell it around here so I'll have to check online.

Had a good visit/lunch with my bro' and SIL. The girls had fun digging plants while us guys sat in the gazebo talking. And went over a bunch of family matters. Looked at a bunch of old Ky. newspapers of articles of our family, and figured out that Cawood and I share the same GGG Grandfather (maybe 4G for me). Interesting tidbit, I think his Grandfather was killed in a family feud around Hazard/Harlan.

Well, need to rest and recuperate. Spent a little time on the Total Gym and not used to it unlike @warrior-cat
Your rant on Pepsi reminds me of something. I was stationed at several places at different times in Viet Nam. If memory serves, this was at Phan Rang. The only beer we could get was Carling Black Label and we had it out the wazoo. It was all flat, hot, and in rusty cans. Read later a big shot general was taking kickbacks from Carling to push their beer. I think he was also taking kickbacks on whisky. I had Vietnamese kids in the middle of nowhere try to sell me Budweiser and all we could get on base was hot flat Black Label in rusty cans!
My close friend passed away in 1987. Carling Black Label was his main beer. He served in Vietnam and earned an Air Medal flying combat missions as an EW crewman during USN service in the late 60s. His fondness for Black Label makes sense now.
I usually have two or three of those around my yard here in s ohio although i haven’t seen any this year. i haven’t seen as many brown squirrels either, or rabbits. i have lots of red tail hawks around my yard. they sometimes like to snatch a bird near my feeders. i watched one from my window devour a full grown rabbit leaving nothing but the feet, head and guts. pulled in my driveway last month and one was perched on a fence near my bird feeders with a big fat squirrel in his mouth. they’re vicious.
Every Spring we have (I believe) turkey vultures on our property. Notice them every year and first saw them about 3 weeks ago. Back of our property is all woods with a huge farm field behind it. Guess they like our woods due to field mice, etc? back in the corn/soy fields. Things are huge. Normally we have three but this year I've only seen two. Have a wingspan of about 6 feet. They like to sit up on the top crossbar (for lack of a better term) of a couple telephone poles. They'll sit there for hours occasionally spreading their wings like they're stretching or something.

There's actually a town in N. Ohio (maybe up in the Cleveland area) that has a special day...kind of like groundhog day in Penn.....for the return of buzzards/vultures marking the return of Spring.
I'd rather have an RC any day any way. In Michigan we called them pop.
Wonder if that's just a Midwestern thing. They call any cola around here 'pop'. Don't know where it came from. When I moved to Atlanta I was quickly scolded that the correct term was 'coke'. Of course Atlanta is the birthplace and still corporate for Coke.
Every Spring we have (I believe) turkey vultures on our property. Notice them every year and first saw them about 3 weeks ago. Back of our property is all woods with a huge farm field behind it. Guess they like our woods due to field mice, etc? back in the corn/soy fields. Things are huge. Normally we have three but this year I've only seen two. Have a wingspan of about 6 feet. They like to sit up on the top crossbar (for lack of a better term) of a couple telephone poles. They'll sit there for hours occasionally spreading their wings like they're stretching or something.

There's actually a town in N. Ohio (maybe up in the Cleveland area) that has a special day...kind of like groundhog day in Penn.....for the return of buzzards/vultures marking the return of Spring.
Yeah i sometimes see them closeup when i’m driving on rural roads, in a small tree or sometimes on the ground by the ditchline—ugly buzzards. i hear they stink to high heaven. i think the town you’re referring to is hinckley, ohio, between akron and cleveland.