Alright, here is one for you guys. I know this will make you angry, but you will appreciate it for its absurdity, especially Austin. Seems like there is now an outcry for the University of Texas to disassociate itself from "The Eyes of Texas", which they play about as often as UT plays Rocky Top. The protestors say that it is the same tune as "I've been working of the railroad" which displays racial bigotry. I'm not sure how, but that is what the dissidents are saying. While they are at it, they also want them to quit using the "Hook em Horns" sign, since that could possibly be linked back to a similar thing that minstrel shows did in blackface. Can you believe this? Texans will tell them that they are crazy and it has nothing to do with race, however, they are welcome to have their own opinions on the subject, but they are not changing anything, which they absolutely shouldn't. I just can't imagine somebody taking the time to research this stuff and come up with these bizarre references. Has to be someone that the government pays to stay home.