
Being a omnivorous ape zoologist, all carbon based life forms are eligible for the menu. Societal Christianity taught civility. Being a Baptist was a decision. For me all life is sacred, humans are different in they've been blessed, we get to learn, choose then teach.



Your right about that, been that way for what seems like forever! The piss poor monsoon continues to be rough on living things. Water is a big deal. Availability has curtailed reproduction to oasis locations, eliminated population dispersal into marginal habitats. African wild asses can establish territories at water oases. Good year not to hunt Arizona. Maybe some desert subsidized lions to protect the Desert Bighorn is justified. Protected asses reduced both available food supply and water.

I was referring to that forecast of 1013 degrees today.

I live at Anthem at Merrill Ranch outside Florence. We are in some sort of pocket and have not had a drop of rain for 4 months or more, while there have been a few downpours 8 miles up the road.
  • Good Afternoon, D-Leagueanites and Lurkers.
  • We have a very pleasant 82º right now. We have been dry since Sunday. There were times this year that we had rain every day. Rain has been crazy this year.
  • I have not seen a live Whitetail in about 3 weeks. Unusual.
  • #3 Grandson is on the Mountain Leg of his Ranger Training. I hope he is doing well. Don't know.
  • #1 Grandson and Spouse are closing on their house tomorrow. $300K. First house. Glad to see that.
  • Got our Flu shots yesterday and Pneumonia too. BP 142/72. Not perfect, but not awful. Blood work. Routine.
  • Twisted my knee somehow a couple of days ago. Sore. Back to my walking stick.
  • Fell yesterday and tore my skin all to Hell and back.
  • NBA. Don't give a rip.
  • NFL. Ditto.
  • Pro Baseball. Ditto.
  • Collegiate Football & Basketball. Still follow the Cats.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.
Last edited:
I was referring to that forecast of 1013 degrees today.

I live at Anthem at Merrill Ranch outside Florence. We are in some sort of pocket and have not had a drop of rain for 4 months or more, while there have been a few downpours 8 miles up the road.
I saw that and grinned when I realized I was living in Ymmot's BGE. In the 70's when 1st came to Arizona it was much wetter than today. Our investigations indicated this is normal and should be expected.
I hope that I am one of those "protected asses"! :)

Edit: the U.S. southwest is marginal land.

Why do we allow tens of millions of people to live there?

Answer: because we are free.
Bingo on both points. Southwest water demand exceeds supply. There may be enough for the tens of millions without subsidized agriculture, not enough for both. Now specialty crops like pharmaceuticals might survive a cost benefit analysis.
  • Good Afternoon, D-Leagueanites and Lurkers.
  • We have a very pleasant 82º right now. We have been dry since Sunday. There were times this year that we had rain every day. Rain has been crazy this year.
  • I have not seen a live Whitetail in about 3 weeks. Unusual.
  • #3 Grandson is on the Mountain Leg of his Ranger Training. I hope he is doing well. Don't know.
  • #1 Grandson and Spouse are closing on their house tomorrow. $300K. First house. Glad to see that.
  • Got our Flu shots yesterday and Pneumonia too. BP 172/72. Not perfect, but not awful. Blood work. Routine.
  • Twisted my knee somehow a couple of days ago. Sore. Back to my walking stick.
  • Fell yesterday and tore my skin all to Hell and back.
  • NBA. Don't give a rip.
  • NFL. Ditto.
  • Pro Baseball. Ditto.
  • Collegiate Football & Basketball. Still follow the Cats.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.

Here here!
How true.

LeBron does not know that BLM looks at his money as if it were theirs. The dumbass probably never took an econ class in his life.
I wonder how much real schooling he has had in life. You know he was pampered through high school and since he went straight to the NBA out of high school I doubt he bothered paying much attention in class. Why should he?

Education or not he is not someone I respect or look up to. But again I am of no concern to him either.
  • Good Afternoon, D-Leagueanites and Lurkers.
  • We have a very pleasant 82º right now. We have been dry since Sunday. There were times this year that we had rain every day. Rain has been crazy this year.
  • I have not seen a live Whitetail in about 3 weeks. Unusual.
  • #3 Grandson is on the Mountain Leg of his Ranger Training. I hope he is doing well. Don't know.
  • #1 Grandson and Spouse are closing on their house tomorrow. $300K. First house. Glad to see that.
  • Got our Flu shots yesterday and Pneumonia too. BP 172/72. Not perfect, but not awful. Blood work. Routine.
  • Twisted my knee somehow a couple of days ago. Sore. Back to my walking stick.
  • Fell yesterday and tore my skin all to Hell and back.
  • NBA. Don't give a rip.
  • NFL. Ditto.
  • Pro Baseball. Ditto.
  • Collegiate Football & Basketball. Still follow the Cats.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.
I stopped giving a rip about the MLB and NBA in the late 90's, and the NFL around 5 years ago. As for collegiate sports, it's pretty much UK only for me.
Last edited:
  • Twisted my knee somehow a couple of days ago. Sore. Back to my walking stick.
  • Fell yesterday and tore my skin all to Hell and back.
Dadgum Don . Be careful and stop that falling. You can get hurt. I like the idea of your using a walking stick especially in those hills around you . We have a few small hills in this area but the biggest hazard is walking in the St Augustine grass. It is thick and soft and will throw you for a loop if you are not careful. I always have my walking stick around.

Good to know you and the family are doing well
I stopped giving a rip about the MLB and NBA in the late 90's, and the NFL around 5 years ago. As for collegiate sports, it's pretty much UK only for me.
This is pretty much how I feel. I don't remember the year MLB went on strike but that did them in for me. The thought of millionaires canceling the World Series due to a strike took the sport out of it for me. I lost interest in the NBA after Larry Bird and Magic Johnson retired. When the NFL started kneeling I was done. I don't remember what year it was.

As for UK, they are on probation to me. If they do not denounce BLM and antifa I will continue to watch movies and enjoy the great outdoors. My days on earth are limited and I am not going to waste them on a political agenda promoted by my team. I ain't got time for that.

Last edited:
This is pretty much how I feel. I don't remember the year MLB went on strike but that did them in for me. The thought of millionaires canceling the World Series due to a strike too the sport out of it. I lost interest in the NBA after Larry Bird and Magic Johnson retired. When the NFL started kneeling that did it for me. I don't remember when it was.

As for UK, they are on probation to me. If they do not denounce BLM and antifa I will continue to watch m movies and enjoy the great outdoors. My days on earth are limited and I am not going to waste them on a political agenda promoted by my team. I ain't got tiem for that.

The Bird- Magic-Jordan era was the zenith of the NBA imo. Players didn't join up to win titles like they do now.
Well apparently Tom Brady has found his new home on Clearwater Beach.

While that's a beautiful home and right on the water....for that money....and especially how much Brady has....I would rather be out of town a bit and have some 'elbow room'. Would imagine like most areas (know nothing of Tampa/Clearwater real estate) you could more house with some acreage for the same $$ further out.
I wonder how much real schooling he has had in life. You know he was pampered through high school and since he went straight to the NBA out of high school I doubt he bothered paying much attention in class. Why should he?

Education or not he is not someone I respect or look up to. But again I am of no concern to him either.
You're right he is now a villain and has earned it somewhat. In reality he's a pampered giant who entertains playing a game subsidized by the leisure of working people that is systemically unfair to all the vertically challenged. Now if your Charles Barkley. Then simply you toss those pesky dwarves through the window.
While that's a beautiful home and right on the water....for that money....and especially how much Brady has....I would rather be out of town a bit and have some 'elbow room'. Would imagine like most areas (know nothing of Tampa/Clearwater real estate) you could more house with some acreage for the same $$ further out.
You are not going to get any country in Clearwater (Pinellas County) so yes you will have to go to the adjoining counties. I live 60 miles from there and we have an abundance of ranches and citrus groves. Lots of farm land. Clearwater is the home of many, many athletes and movie stars. It is also the most densely populated in the state.

John Travolta has a huge complex in Ocala, FL and actually has a jetport that goes up to his house. He is big into flying. Ocala is much like Lexington with bigger farms and ranches. Travolta also has a beach estate in Clearwater. Clearwater has been taken over by Scientologist and most of their big money people live in Clearwater. Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Lisa Marie Presley to name a few are Scientologist. It ruined the city.
This is pretty much how I feel. I don't remember the year MLB went on strike but that did them in for me. The thought of millionaires canceling the World Series due to a strike took the sport out of it for me. I lost interest in the NBA after Larry Bird and Magic Johnson retired. When the NFL started kneeling I was done. I don't remember what year it was.

As for UK, they are on probation to me. If they do not denounce BLM and antifa I will continue to watch movies and enjoy the great outdoors. My days on earth are limited and I am not going to waste them on a political agenda promoted by my team. I ain't got time for that.

Yep, went fishing today and only caught one but, went fishing. careful man. New skin is expensive. ;)
Dadgum Don . Be careful and stop that falling. You can get hurt. I like the idea of your using a walking stick especially in those hills around you . We have a few small hills in this area but the biggest hazard is walking in the St Augustine grass. It is thick and soft and will throw you for a loop if you are not careful. I always have my walking stick around.

Good to know you and the family are doing well

I just transplanted a lot of St Augustine grass. I really like it. Holds up in hot dry summers, and is very soft and thick. Seems to choke out most weeds.
My slow avoidance of pro sports started with all the showboating, trash talking, hyper egos and just plain arrogance by the players. Let your performance on the field speak for itself. Yeah I'm a fuddy duddy. I take after my Dad who raised me to show respect for your opponent.
My slow avoidance of pro sports started with all the showboating, trash talking, hyper egos and just plain arrogance by the players. Let your performance on the field speak for itself. Yeah I'm a fuddy duddy. I take after my Dad who raised me to show respect for your opponent.

Yeah, I am tired of all the yelling, flexing, and posing for the camera, that all the college players do, today.
In eastern Ky, a holler is where you have to pump in sunlight most of the day.
When I went to work for Dawson Bridge Co. back in 1972, we completed the bridges at the Oaks mall area, they wanted me to go to Eastern Ky. to work, they told me the sun came up at 11:50 and went down at 12:10! Didn't go with them!
Mr. Carbo, I to have Meniere's disease, I have lost about 10lbs on that part and am watching my caffeine, instead of 4-5 cups of coffee I am down to two. What kinds of meds did he put you on? Thanks
This started a lot of years ago, so I have refined things quite a bit with pretty good success. Meclizine, water pills and Claritin D type meds. Honestly I think the biggest help has been an increase in water intake. If you notice, the Claritin D type meds say take with water. I found the water helped as much as the meds. Eventually I quit the Claritin on my own and just continued with lots of water. The only meds I take for it now are the meclizine as needed. A low sodium diet helps. I gave up beer (and I loved a good cold beer). Very little caffiene (don't like coffee anyhow), so that was easy.

For those that don't know, Meniere's has been called the most debilitating non fatal disease. It got so bad, I'd pass out. When you wake up you pretty much constantly vomit for about 8 hours. Most of it is dry heaves. That gave me a strong incentive to do the things listed in the first paragraph.
My slow avoidance of pro sports started with all the showboating, trash talking, hyper egos and just plain arrogance by the players. Let your performance on the field speak for itself. Yeah I'm a fuddy duddy. I take after my Dad who raised me to show respect for your opponent.
Like the old sports saying goes, "Act like you've been there before".
He can reach out his window and shake hands with his next door neighbor....
It is amazing but Northerns, especially those who live in the Cities up there like a crowded neighborhood. If I had Brady's money I would buy a ranch a few miles out of Tampa and then get me a nice condo on Clearwater Beach or Bellaire just down the road.

A place sold in Aripeka a few months ago for about $11 million but it had about 15 acres directly on the Gulf complete with a helicopter pad and a huge private beach. If I have a $100 million that is where I go.

Clearwater is so crowded now and controlled by the Scientologist. When I retired I wanted to go back home but no way I could live like that. I still have a few childhood friends that never left and I go to church down there but no way I buy any property. This is where your grandmother grew up and where I fist saw the light of day. The Old Home Place/ Long gone.

Bonjour Legionaires:

It is Friday so, the weekend is nigh. I have a cornhole tournament to play tomorrow with my old softball buddies. $100.00 team entry. Should be fun. We usually play that in between softball games and had a tournament scheduled earlier this year but, COVID put a stop to that.

You people enjoy the weekend and Don...relax and take it slow.
Good morning D

It is Friday. We woke up to a pleasant temperature of 71° and expect a high of 86° in the afternoon. The rain chance is 15%. We are in the Last Quarter moon phase. Trust all have a great weekend. I am going to put some fresh oysters in the shell on the grill and enjoy the cooler weather we are experiencing.

Trust all have a great day.

It is amazing but Northerns, especially those who live in the Cities up there like a crowded neighborhood. If I had Brady's money I would buy a ranch a few miles out of Tampa and then get me a nice condo on Clearwater Beach or Bellaire just down the road.

A place sold in Aripeka a few months ago for about $11 million but it had about 15 acres directly on the Gulf complete with a helicopter pad and a huge private beach. If I have a $100 million that is where I go.

Clearwater is so crowded now and controlled by the Scientologist. When I retired I wanted to go back home but no way I could live like that. I still have a few childhood friends that never left and I go to church down there but no way I buy any property. This is where your grandmother grew up and where I fist saw the light of day. The Old Home Place/ Long gone.
I would love to transport myself back in time to see what the area was like back then. Such a different time and experience compared to all the riff-raff in the area now.
Good morning D, great day here in the Berg, great day to be alive!!!!!

Got new tires put on the truck yesterday, old one were 8 years old, still had little tread, but wanted to be ready for winter. If this winter is like the last two winters we have had won't need them, just want to be ready in case I have to take Mrs. M to work.

I would love to see this happen. Trump is having a press conference and Barr walks out, hands Trump an envelope, he opens it, looks at Barr and says, Damn you have got to be kidding me and says this is going to be fun!!! Then he just stops the press conference and walks off the stage laughing! Man would their heads explode!!!

Not a lot going on today, going to try and mow the yard, may be the last time this, unless I mow up some leaves later, breathing lots better!!!

Have a great day D, always prayers for the D, whether you want them or not!!!!