
  • Good Morning, All. 68º in Johns Creek. Cool front.
  • Lightning: One of my 2nd cousins was killed (and his plow-mule) as he was finishing a field he was working in. A black cloud was sending lightning bolts and his wife came to tell him to stop and get in the house. He wanted to finish the row and was killed. A good guy.
  • Commodity Cheese: Maw Maw and Paw Paw received it. It was very good as I remember. The powdered milk. Not so good. I couldn't drink it.
  • CatinIL: I have posted with him for years. Good guy. Welcome him.
  • Announcement: We will be Great Grand Parents in December. 1st one. #1 and his significant other. Surprise.
  • That is all.
  • Carry on with your Hump Day.
  • As you were.
Congrats Don and QB.
Thanks, I have to admit it went right by me. I had no idea it was coming up. My father passed away in 1990 and life has never been the same. Think about him everyday and miss him and talking UK sports with him. He never could pronounce Pitino's name. Called him Pinto.
I lost my dad in 1975. He was 44 years older than me.
Off the top of my head, I don't know. But I know trains & heritage are popular subjects here so post away. I will keep an eye out too.
61.2°F and sunny at my Old Kentucky Home. 'tis summer the cumulus clouds are everywhere.............

I had customers in the New Orleans area. They always took me to the safe places, but New Orleans can be dirty sometimes. I love the food. I love the people. I worked with a bunch of Cajuns and they were wonderful. One of my best friends at CSX was Jim Thibodaux. He was a computer whiz and a great water color painter.
Great photo. Amazing that in some places in today's America she'd be considered too "full figured." I hope the pendulum is swinging back in this direction, even if I'm just a spectator these days. I read a couple books about DiMaggio and must say I know more than I wish I knew about the 'turmoil' in their marriage. Too bad. They were probably a pair of people too volatile to be together.
Great photo. Amazing that in some places in today's America she'd be considered too "full figured." I hope the pendulum is swinging back in this direction, even if I'm just a spectator these days. I read a couple books about DiMaggio and must say I know more than I wish I knew about the 'turmoil' in their marriage. Too bad. They were probably a pair of people too volatile to be together.
This photo was taken on Reddington Beach in Pinellas County. They spent a lot of time down here. The Yankees held Spring Training in St Pete in those days. There is a sports complex in Clearwater named after Joe Dimaggio.

I guess the skinny craze started with the British girl Twiggy. But I prefer the Marilyn Monroe body because that was my era growing up. She stood out above all others. Olive Oyle girls were the choice of Popeye
I saw this unit today. It caught me off guard because I wasn't familiar with the paint scheme. That makes 6 of the Heritage units that NS has running around that I've seen live.
Welcome CatinIL, by your picture you be a space nut like me. I have a 10" Zhumell telescope that I love viewing the Heavens. My DAD was a railroader, but I have to ask, what is NS and what is a Heritage unit?
Went swimming yesterday for the first time in nearly 12 years. It was fun (It was 112° here). Don't know why we haven't done it before. We have a beautiful pool at our community center. I had my own pool in Bakersfield and boy was it a lot of trouble and expensive to maintain and I said never again.

I loved my pool and I loved moving away from it. The maintenance is constant.

Both of my kids have pools and I get a constant reminder of what I used to do. Their pools are salt water and is less effort than the old chlorine that I used, but leaves still fly and dirt falls from the sky! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
This photo was taken on Reddington Beach in Pinellas County. They spent a lot of time down here. The Yankees held Spring Training in St Pete in those days. There is a sports complex in Clearwater named after Joe Dimaggio.

I guess the skinny craze started with the British girl Twiggy. But I prefer the Marilyn Monroe body because that was my era growing up. She stood out above all others. Olive Oyle girls were the choice of Popeye
Sawnee, Must have been great fun watching the Yankees in those days. The only time I lived in Florida was 1977-78, when I was 21 and right out of college. I lived in Pompano Beach, just north of Ft. Lauderdale.

Lauderdale is where the Yankees played spring ball in those days. I used to catch several games each spring, and lots of soccer in the adjacent Lockhart Stadium. They used to have 'halter top' days in the 70s, and it was quite a scene -- women in the 1970s were pretty liberal in interpreting what covered enough to be worn in public, especially on 'halter top' day. (I wasn't even a soccer fan, then or now, but the games were not to be missed.)
Welcome CatinIL, by your picture you be a space nut like me. I have a 10" Zhumell telescope that I love viewing the Heavens. My DAD was a railroader, but I have to ask, what is NS and what is a Heritage unit?
No asked of me but the Norfolk Southern is probably one of the best run railroads on earth. They were my primary competition and I know exactly how good they are.

A Heritage unit is an engine reflecting some part of the "combined" railroad's history.
Good Morning D! What a beautiful morning here! Temps are cool, another 58 this morning when I got the paper. Our high today is supposed to be just 72
Don't know what it is but just can't get motivated this morning to do anything right now. I have already set me tools out to stat on my deck, so if I walk by them enough maybe I start.
For those of you that have grandkids or going to have them, I build an activity board that I made (got the idea somewhere) I put a piece of PVC pipe, two elbow couplings and 7 plastic golf balls, a fidget spinner (drilled a hole thru the center) mounted it, an etch a sketch, a plastic fan (had a pinwheel first, they destroyed it) a battery operated light switch and just a small wheel like you would put under something to move around. Endless hours of fun they have had with this!
I also had a spring door stop mounted to it, but I had to take it off, there is just so much bong, bong, bong, bong I could take!!!! Mrs. M said that was the best money we have spent to keep them occupied.
Ok ya'll have a great and safe day!
Man I just can't keep a train of thought going today, I keep getting off track!
No asked of me but the Norfolk Southern is probably one of the best run railroads on earth. They were my primary competition and I know exactly how good they are.

A Heritage unit is an engine reflecting some part of the "combined" railroad's history.
Sorry Mr. Bert, but I have found out here on the D, that when I have a question that someone will give me a straight answer! There is so much knowledge on here. That's what I like about the D. Thanks! I don't think I have ever seen a Heritage that I can remember. That's why I asked.
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  • Mornin', All. 73º in Johns Creek. Blue Sky. VFR flight rules.
  • Riot in Memphis last night.
  • Dominican Republic American deaths. I suspect poison in the liquor. Serial killer.
  • David Ortiz: In the dope business or poking someone's wife or gf. He better watch it.
  • Our Zoysia is very pretty today.
  • My Dad died in 1994. He was 73.
  • Have a good one.
  • Carry on.
  • As you were.
It is AJGA week at Bellefonte CC here in Ashland, where the top boys and girls play every US Open week. It just occurred to me that Bellefonte winners have won the Grand Slam. Bubba Watson-Masters, Ben Curtis-British Open, Jim Furyk-US Open, and Justin Thomas-PGA Championship. Always some great golf from these future stars, this week. I am going out to watch the final round, tomorrow.
Funny thing about that, I can't carry a tune (sing normally) but I could sing the hell out of some cadence. Was one of the favorites of the troops. Did not make sense.
During my basic, we had 2 Drill Sergeant's that we all liked for cadence, SSG Edie and Sgt. Brewer. SSG Edie was just great at it and Sgt. Brewer usually had us doing something funny while calling cadence (marching us in place by the telephones while others were using them). The look one private gave him was priceless, as he was wanting to say something so bad.
Welcome CatinIL, by your picture you be a space nut like me. I have a 10" Zhumell telescope that I love viewing the Heavens. My DAD was a railroader, but I have to ask, what is NS and what is a Heritage unit?
NS = Norfolk Southern RR. The heritage units are engines that NS have painted in honor of the various railroads that NS merged with. I also love astronomy as well. I have a 3" Explore Scientific refractor and a Celestron 8" SCT.
Welcome CatinIL, by your picture you be a space nut like me. I have a 10" Zhumell telescope that I love viewing the Heavens. My DAD was a railroader, but I have to ask, what is NS and what is a Heritage unit?
also, my telescope mount is the ES Twilght II. I considered a GoTo mount but I didn't want to mess with the set up time of a GoTo and I just use the computer to find what I want to look at using the free Stellarium software.
Going to grab a bite to eat and then head out to clean a couple of grills. Long overdue. If anyone knows an easy way to clean it without good ole fashion elbow grease let me know. I am all ears


If you have cast iron grates, and I assume you do, you can take them in the house and put them in your oven. Hit the self clean button and VIOLA!
Had a great day. Went to lunch with UK82 at Roosters. Thanks for the meal! 40 years ago we would have had more than one beer apiece, I'm thinking.

Came home with the full intention of going out to the shop to work on some wood. Came in and sat on the couch for a minute and decided a nap would be more prosperous. Knocked out 2 hours before the phone rang. It's been a while since I've taken an afternoon nap.
Had a great day. Went to lunch with UK82 at Roosters. Thanks for the meal! 40 years ago we would have had more than one beer apiece, I'm thinking.

Came home with the full intention of going out to the shop to work on some wood. Came in and sat on the couch for a minute and decided a nap would be more prosperous. Knocked out 2 hours before the phone rang. It's been a while since I've taken an afternoon nap.
Had a great time!! The minutes will be sent to all D-Leaguers in a memo later this month.
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