
I'm an Alien Geographer. [eyeroll]:alien:
Good morning D League. And happy hump day.

Looks to be overcast and cool in the DC area. I’ll take it. Every day after Memorial Day that it isn’t 90-plus and humid is a bonus.

Here’s one for you folks: I (briefly) met That Girl yesterday: Marlo Thomas. She was in to meet folks at our offices involved with her charity.

She seems like a very decent lady and looked good for 81. Same husky voice. I was surprised that she’s relatively small - no more than 5-4” if that. Made me recall being a nine or ten year old boy watching her show from a town of 900 in rural Kentucky and thinking her life as a single woman in NYC seemed hard to fathom.
Good Wednesday morning D league

Daylight is breaking and the sky looks like with might be in store for a little more rain. That is fine with me. Our temperature is 73° and we are expecting a high of 83° Listening to the radio and the man is warning us about the dangers of lightning. A man was riding his motorcycle on I-75 when he was hit in the head by a lightning strike and killed instantly.

Back in the mid 70's one of my co-employees was killed by lightning as he was leaving work. It was about 4:30 PM and there was a violent summer storm with a lot of lightning. He came by my desk and said see you later and answer, take care I am headed out too. We all gathered under a canopy when he took off running to his car with the key in his hand. As he got to his car he was hit in the back of the head by a violent strike. The lightning blew off his shoe then started going along the pavement busting up concrete parking bumpers. He turned a deep dark blue color and was gone immediately. I cut the newspaper clippings out as a reminder to never forget what lightning can do to you in a split second. We have a lot of that down here and you have to be on your guard.


Good morning D, from a cool (53) Berg!!
I fixed scrambled eggs this for Mrs. M I added a "dash" of salt to them this morning!
I was given a pocket watch a few years ago, when we went to the jewelry shop yesterday, I took it with me just to have him look at it and also if he could give me any info on it. After he looked it up in his book he told me it was made in 1919 = 100 years old this year and it is still working!!
Any of you ex-railroaders remember having to take you watch to have it cleaned and inspected? I remember taking my DAD'S Hamilton Railroad watch about twice a year. I gave DAD'S watch to him for his birthday the year, I don't think I could have given him else that he would have been more proud of!
I was trying to think of a good pun for WC, but I was just Floundered! Sorry WC! Dang I just reelized how stupid that sounded!
I hope everyone has a great day! Keep it safe!!!
I would love to get my hands on a block of this. Best grilled cheese sandwiches on earth were made of this. Back in the 50's I would visit my grandparents in Pike Co, KY where my grandfather was a coal miner. He made good money and was never in need of welfare or assistance but there were truck loads of "commodity cheese" at the mine entrance and all you had to do was pick it up and take it home. And talk about good. Like I said best grilled cheese sandwiches a boy could enjoy.

Ok I have a question? Before I retired from Dyno Nobel in one of our safety meetings our SO asked the question, are all accidents avoidable? I said no, which was of course the wrong answer to him, he said every accident is preventable. Later on that afternoon he came to the building I was working in and asked me, I am never going to change your mind am I? I said no, pissed him off and he left. What's your take on this?
I would love to get my hands on a block of this. Best grilled cheese sandwiches on earth were made of this. Back in the 50's I would visit my grandparents in Pike Co, KY where my grandfather was a coal miner. He made good money and was never in need of welfare or assistance but there were truck loads of "commodity cheese" at the mine entrance and all you had to do was pick it up and take it home. And talk about good. Like I said best grilled cheese sandwiches a boy could enjoy.


My dad was an uneducated but hardworking coal miner who was out of work often. Yet he was too proud to accept the "commodities" many of our neighbors received. You could only eat so much cheese so you could buy a block of it from someone for a few bucks. I think all of us oldtimers think it was the best cheese ever.
I would love to get my hands on a block of this. Best grilled cheese sandwiches on earth were made of this. Back in the 50's I would visit my grandparents in Pike Co, KY where my grandfather was a coal miner. He made good money and was never in need of welfare or assistance but there were truck loads of "commodity cheese" at the mine entrance and all you had to do was pick it up and take it home. And talk about good. Like I said best grilled cheese sandwiches a boy could enjoy.

Yes it did SC! We got ours from my grandmother and it was really good!!!
Next time you want a good grilled cheese, get you some Munster Cheese, you will not regret it!
Ok I have a question? Before I retired from Dyno Nobel in one of our safety meetings our SO asked the question, are all accidents avoidable? I said no, which was of course the wrong answer to him, he said every accident is preventable. Later on that afternoon he came to the building I was working in and asked me, I am never going to change your mind am I? I said no, pissed him off and he left. What's your take on this?
Accidents will happen.

I had a career at the railroad. I worked in the office and was not involved with the heavy equipment; however, the wheels are made of steel, the rails are made of steel and eventually some wheel or some piece of rail will fatigue and fail. It is inevitable. You can minimize the risk with good maintenance and buying the best products possible but an accident will happen.
  • Good Morning, All. 68º in Johns Creek. Cool front.
  • Lightning: One of my 2nd cousins was killed (and his plow-mule) as he was finishing a field he was working in. A black cloud was sending lightning bolts and his wife came to tell him to stop and get in the house. He wanted to finish the row and was killed. A good guy.
  • Commodity Cheese: Maw Maw and Paw Paw received it. It was very good as I remember. The powdered milk. Not so good. I couldn't drink it.
  • CatinIL: I have posted with him for years. Good guy. Welcome him.
  • Announcement: We will be Great Grand Parents in December. 1st one. #1 and his significant other. Surprise.
  • That is all.
  • Carry on with your Hump Day.
  • As you were.
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Accidents will happen.

I had a career at the railroad. I worked in the office and was not involved with the heavy equipment; however, the wheels are made of steel, the rails are made of steel and eventually some wheel or some piece of rail will fatigue and fail. It is inevitable. You can minimize the risk with good maintenance and buying the best products possible but an accident will happen.
That's why they are called "accidents."