
54°➫ 79° AM mostly sunny, PM clouds

Sure Happy
Good morning from ATX. Currently 66°F Front moving in. Expecting 80s today. I'll take it. We hit 93°F yesterday.

Finally filed taxes last night. Glad that annual distraction is over. Looking at hiring a CPA next year because of mom's estate.

We'll check back later. Y'all behave.

I used a CPA to get me out of my trouble with the IRS that was started by me supporting Rand Paul.

I was sort of shocked by how little she charged. I will never do my own taxes again. I highly recommend a CPA.
Good morning D League

It is 66° with a nice cool Gulf Breeze. We expect 88° this afternoon, keeping my fingers crossed. I welcome some heat as it has been much too cool for me. From the comments it appears the D Leaguers are going to be busy today. I am going to tinker around with my pick up truck.

Trust you are feeling better this morning Railroad Kat and our prayers continue. Have a great day all.
Our prayers are with you and we serve a healing God. Our faith extends to you and your family railroadkat

Sorry to hear. Get well soon.

Beautiful day in suburban Ashland. Getting up to 85 degrees today, before the rain moves in, tomorrow. Hope you get to feeling better RailroadKat. Hope your respiratory issues get better and your back quits bothering you.

Thanks everyone. Yes God loves us all and I came very close again to leaving my wife and family. I was so convinced I started saying my good-buy's, we were interrupted and I started my recovery every minute until I was dismissed on Monday Morning. Starting to feel much better!..:pray: Thanks to all!
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I check out snakes a lot cause everybody is scared of them. I remove any poisonous ones. Alive preferably. Teach about Kings all the time.
I generally find the larger snakes where there is forage. Would nuts lure those pesky bushy-tailed tree rats to it? Paradise has many blessings. And none more impotent than Mama. My grizzly HATES all snakes. Can't tell on from another and don't want to either. Not interested. She wants them gone, plain and simple. She likes birds and lizards. Not snakes nope, no way. She told me that if I liked snakes too it was a personal issue.
I failed to say the type of snake it was. It was what we call a black racer down here. Similar to a rat snake but the rat snake is known to coil and a racer just takes off. The racer is very fast for a snake (thus the name racer). It is about as harmless of a snake you can find and is very valuable to keep down rodents, etc. The only problem I have with them is they kill chameleons and I like having as many of these folks around as possible. They keep the bug population under control.

Beautiful day in suburban Ashland. Getting up to 85 degrees today, before the rain moves in, tomorrow. Hope you get to feeling better RailroadKat. Hope your respiratory issues get better and your back quits bothering you.

I love the Ashland area. I love Jesse Stuart. I love Jesse Stuart's wife. I knew them both, in passing.

When I was a freshman in college, a chemistry major, I knew little about Kentucky literature. My sister was a whiz kid in English Literature, I was a dumb ass.

To get a couple days off I was given the opportunity to take these three egg-heads “English Majors” around campus to make sure that they were where they should be at the appointed time. It was a wonderful time to get a little time off.

The three were Jesse Stuart, Harriett Simpson Arnow and Robert Penn Warren. I had never read a book by any of the three. I instantly fell in love with Jesse, he was just a wonderful person. I instantly did not like Harriett. I could not figure out Robert Penn Warren. At the end of the week I had two new uncles and a very strange aunt.

Now years later after having read all of their books I know that in my ignorance I wasted a wonderful opportunity to get an education from three literary giants, but I think that they actually understood my ignorance, being a chemistry major.

In 1987 I was calling on Ashland Petroleum in Ashland, KY. I took an extra half day on my trip and went to look up Jesse Stuart’s place because at the time I could not get the first book he wrote, “Beyond Dark Hills” *see note below (circa 1938) as it was not in publication at that time.

Being an ass hole, I walked up to his widows house and simply introduced myself. It was Naomi Stuart, his widow.

She was old and sweet. She gave me an old smelly copy of the book and refuse to let me pay for it. A few years later she was dead. If you believe in the Jewish tradition that good works gets you into heaven, then Naomi Stuart is there because she had no reason on earth to befriend me, but she offered me food, drink and gave me a book without knowing me from Adam. She is in heaven folks. What a sweetheart. She would not let me call her Mrs. Stuart, it had to be Naomi. God bless her soul.

I have been blessed by a girl and a guy from the Ashland, Kentucky area. Wonderful people.

Jesse wrote “Beyond Dark Hills” getting his masters at Vandy. His professor was Robert Penn Warren. It was supposed to be a few pages and Jesse’s book was over 100. So Robert Penn Warren gave him a bad grade. However, Jesse got enough money to get back the next semester. Robert Penn Warren told me, when I was stupid, that he had given Jesse a failing grade. Dumb Bert did not understand it.

My sister got a graduate degree from the same college in English Literature. She would have killed for the same opportunity that her science brother ignored. :flushed:



May God bless those good people.
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I love the Ashland area. I love Jesse Stuart. I love Jesse Stuart's wife. I knew them both, in passing.

When I was a freshman in college, a chemistry major, I knew little about Kentucky literature. My sister was a whiz kid in English Literature, I was a dumb ass.

To get a couple days off I was given the opportunity to take these three egg-heads “English Majors” around campus to make sure that they were where they should be at the appointed time. It was a wonderful time to get a little time off.

The three were Jesse Stuart, Harriett Simpson Arnow and Robert Penn Warren. I had never read a book by any of the three. I instantly fell in love with Jesse, he was just a wonderful person. I instantly did not like Harriett. I could not figure out Robert Penn Warren. At the end of the week I had two new uncles and a very strange aunt.

Now years later after having read all of their books I know that in my ignorance I wasted a wonderful opportunity to get an education from three literary giants, but I think that they actually understood my ignorance, being a chemistry major.

In 1987 I was calling on Ashland Petroleum in Ashland, KY. I took an extra half day on my trip and went to look up Jesse Stuart’s place because at the time I could not get the first book he wrote, “Beyond Dark Hills” *see note below (circa 1938) as it was not in publication at that time.

Being an ass hole, I walked up to his widows house and simply introduced myself. It was Naomi Stuart, his widow.

She was old and sweet. She gave me an old smelly copy of the book and refuse to let me pay for it. A few years later she was dead. If you believe in the Jewish tradition that good works gets you into heaven, then Naomi Stuart is there because she had no reason on earth to befriend me, but she offered me food, drink and gave me a book without knowing me from Adam. She is in heaven folks. What a sweetheart. She would not let me call her Mrs. Stuart, it had to be Naomi. God bless her soul.

I have been blessed by a girl and a guy from the Ashland, Kentucky area. Wonderful people.

Jesse wrote “Beyond Dark Hills” getting his masters at Vandy. His professor was Robert Penn Warren. It was supposed to be a few pages and Jesse’s book was over 100. So Robert Penn Warren gave him a bad grade. However, Jesse got enough money to get back the next semester. Robert Penn Warren told me, when I was stupid, that he had given Jesse a failing grade. Dumb Bert did not understand it.

My sister got a graduate degree from the same college in English Literature. She would have killed for the same opportunity that her science brother ignored. :flushed:



May God bless those good people.

Great story, Bert. I was privileged to meet Mr Stuart in the late 70's. I was President of the Ashland Jaycees and we raised money to buy Jesse Stuart books for kids who could not afford books, and could not find some of his work in the library. The Jesse Stuart Foundation still prints and sells his works today. They have a facility on US 60, just as you come into Ashland. Very good organization, that pass on the Stuart's ideals. I always thought that Jesse Stuart was kind of like the Mark Twain of Ky.
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I love the Ashland area. I love Jesse Stuart. I love Jesse Stuart's wife. I knew them both, in passing.

When I was a freshman in college, a chemistry major, I knew little about Kentucky literature. My sister was a whiz kid in English Literature, I was a dumb ass.

To get a couple days off I was given the opportunity to take these three egg-heads “English Majors” around campus to make sure that they were where they should be at the appointed time. It was a wonderful time to get a little time off.

The three were Jesse Stuart, Harriett Simpson Arnow and Robert Penn Warren. I had never read a book by any of the three. I instantly fell in love with Jesse, he was just a wonderful person. I instantly did not like Harriett. I could not figure out Robert Penn Warren. At the end of the week I had two new uncles and a very strange aunt.

Now years later after having read all of their books I know that in my ignorance I wasted a wonderful opportunity to get an education from three literary giants, but I think that they actually understood my ignorance, being a chemistry major.

In 1987 I was calling on Ashland Petroleum in Ashland, KY. I took an extra half day on my trip and went to look up Jesse Stuart’s place because at the time I could not get the first book he wrote, “Beyond Dark Hills” *see note below (circa 1938) as it was not in publication at that time.

Being an ass hole, I walked up to his widows house and simply introduced myself. It was Naomi Stuart, his widow.

She was old and sweet. She gave me an old smelly copy of the book and refuse to let me pay for it. A few years later she was dead. If you believe in the Jewish tradition that good works gets you into heaven, then Naomi Stuart is there because she had no reason on earth to befriend me, but she offered me food, drink and gave me a book without knowing me from Adam. She is in heaven folks. What a sweetheart. She would not let me call her Mrs. Stuart, it had to be Naomi. God bless her soul.

I have been blessed by a girl and a guy from the Ashland, Kentucky area. Wonderful people.

Jesse wrote “Beyond Dark Hills” getting his masters at Vandy. His professor was Robert Penn Warren. It was supposed to be a few pages and Jesse’s book was over 100. So Robert Penn Warren gave him a bad grade. However, Jesse got enough money to get back the next semester. Robert Penn Warren told me, when I was stupid, that he had given Jesse a failing grade. Dumb Bert did not understand it.

My sister got a graduate degree from the same college in English Literature. She would have killed for the same opportunity that her science brother ignored. :flushed:



May God bless those good people.
Great story, right down my line. I was required to read a few of Jesse Stuarts books in school and I loved them. They were the kind of book you couldn't put down and the books were about real "Americana". Same with Robert Penn Warren. Required reading and one of my favorites in school. I guess every child in America has read All The Kings Men. If not, they should. No one ever described in print a Southern politician any better.
Great story, right down my line. I was required to read a few of Jesse Stuarts books in school and I loved them. They were the kind of book you couldn't put down and the books were about real "Americana". Same with Robert Penn Warren. Required reading and one of my favorites in school. I guess every child in America has read All The Kings Men. If not, they should. No one ever described in print a Southern politician any better.
Being a native Floridian I'll bet you also like John MacDonald. I've read 4 of his Travis McGee books and thoroughly enjoyed them.
Being a native Floridian I'll bet you also like John MacDonald. I've read 4 of his Travis McGee books and thoroughly enjoyed them.
I have not read them but I am putting them on my bucket list. My cousin is an avid Travis McGee fan and has several of them.

The most famous Florida author in my school days was Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings who lived in Cross Creek, Florida. Her most famous work was The Yearling which was required reading by all school children in Florida when I grew up. It is a based on a true story and is a tale of Old Florida. A movie was made about the book in 1946 and starred Gregory Peck and Jane Wyman. Her books were about Old and Rural Florida from a time period from the 1880's to 1940's. Her books were a similar style to those of Jessie Stuart
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Carl Hiaasen is a modern day Florida author that I like. Well kind of like. Bad Monkey is still one of the funniest books I've read in many years. Other books are hit or miss. I'll certainly look into Rawlings though. Thanks for the suggestion!
I have not read them but I am putting them on my bucket list. My cousin is an avid Travis McGee fan and has several of them.

The most famous Florida author in my school days was Margaret Kinnan Rawlings who lived in Cross Creek, Florida. Her most famous work was The Yearling which was required reading by all school children in Florida when I grew up. It is a based on a true story and is a tale of Old Florida. A movie was made about the book in 1946 and starred Gregory Peck and Jane Wyman. Her books were about Old and Rural Florida from a time period from the 1880's to 1940's. Her books were a similar style to those of Jessie Stuart
Not sure which one of us (perhaps both) you were referring to.:confused::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Love the shot. First thought actually, common mammalian behavior. I chuckled. Exactly what I expect in the oasis pile of puppies.
Just finished my yard about 30 minutes ago, cleaned up and had my first beer and will be working on second.
I'm having one
. . . until tomorrow evening.
Good morning D-League

Today is another Chamber of Commerce day. The girl on the radio said the temperature right now is 63° and this afternoon it will be 84°. The county fair opens today and the weather will be perfect for that. I woke up this morning thinking about an oyster Po-boy so you know what I am having to eat. Oyster season ends this month so I am going to get a bunch while they are still fresh.

We have a spring football game this evening. Blue - White. I am anxious to see what we can expect this fall. I think we will be in good shape.

Have a nice day all.
Good morning! Been kinda busy the last two days. Golf all day Wed and an adventure with Dad yesterday.

Put the last coat of spar urethane on the little table yesterday afternoon. For a pop up project it turned out really well.

Need to get to Lowe's tomorrow to start gathering material to build the screened in lanai patio.

Is the spring game on SEC network?

Hope you get to feeling better RRK! Respiratory problems suck.
Good morning! Been kinda busy the last two days. Golf all day Wed and an adventure with Dad yesterday.

Put the last coat of spar urethane on the little table yesterday afternoon. For a pop up project it turned out really well.

Need to get to Lowe's tomorrow to start gathering material to build the screened in lanai patio.

Is the spring game on SEC network?

Hope you get to feeling better RRK! Respiratory problems suck.
It is on the SEC network. 6:00 Lexington time
Just finished my yard about 30 minutes ago, cleaned up and had my first beer and will be working on second.
About three years ago I got rid of all of my lawn equipment, a John Deere mower and two other mowers. Down sized. I found an old country boy from Levy county who does my yard for $20.00 a week and it is not small. Down here we mow all year. He mows, trims, edges and blows the entire property. I have 36 palm trees and he also trims these for $15.00 bucks a piece. It takes a 30' ladder and at my age I have no business on a 30' ladder. So what use to take me half a day to do is now in the hands of a good ole' boy who is dependable and good at his trade.

One of the benefits of being retired and no children in the house who need lunch money or school supplies. . .
Went out yesterday to a nursery and came back with about a dozen shrubs I have to plant today. I've pre-dug the holes already (and that ain't easy in AZ) so planting will be easy. Got about a dozen pavers to set. Re-seeded a small patch of lawn last week and waiting to see if it takes. Whew. I'm too old for this. Gotta get my house in order for my wife for when I croak (nothing foreseeable now though but you never know.). Got a ton of valuable stuff in the garage to get rid of. She'd just call the Goodwill and give it away.:cry: