
Good morning D-League

Waking up with my third cup of coffee down. Will fill 'er up in a minute. We are in a pleasant weather pattern which is common for this time of year. Low of 61° and a high of 83°. Baseball is in full force but I just can't seem to get into it. I guess I suffered a mortal wound when they went on strike and the World Series was cancelled. That was a long time ago but I never got over it. I am into college football and we have a Spring Game this Friday night. I am looking forward to it although I know the complete package will not be exposed. But at least footballs will be in the air. I would imagine the game will be on SEC Network TV. My e-mail from UK shows a 6:00 PM start time.

OK, let's see what the day has in store for me. I have a few maintenance things to do around the house that are on my wife's bucket list. I need to get busy with that.

Take care all,
Hey Sawnee. Do you need to borrow my MAGA hat for the rally?

Morning. Coffee. FCC.
Thanks for the offer but I do have several caps to wear. This is an area of Florida where Trump is extremely popular and we will be having numerous rallies in all of the surrounding counties until election day. Good food and good entertainment as we MAGA.
....this coffee taste like mud!?

"That's because it's fresh ground."
Good morning D League. Beautiful day here in DC. I just finished my 2-mile walk I'm taking every day around the downtown. Lots of beautiful things to see in the spring.

And occasionally something that makes you sad -- the population of totally deranged bums in DC is large. Its people who used to be in the St. Elizabeth's mental institution until the courts ruled you couldn't hold them against their will. I guess I agree in principle -- I mean, its an upholding of personal rights over the state. But some of these people are pretty mangy, and shout nonsense at the top of their lungs. That would be scary to a woman alone, I think. I don't have the answer, but what doesn't work is well-intentioned tourists giving them money, which I see every day.
Good morning D League. Beautiful day here in DC. I just finished my 2-mile walk I'm taking every day around the downtown. Lots of beautiful things to see in the spring.

And occasionally something that makes you sad -- the population of totally deranged bums in DC is large. Its people who used to be in the St. Elizabeth's mental institution until the courts ruled you couldn't hold them against their will. I guess I agree in principle -- I mean, its an upholding of personal rights over the state. But some of these people are pretty mangy, and shout nonsense at the top of their lungs. That would be scary to a woman alone, I think. I don't have the answer, but what doesn't work is well-intentioned tourists giving them money, which I see every day.
A couple of years ago my daughter flew up to Washington alone. She took off 3 days with the prime reason to visit the graves of 3 of our relatives who are buried in Arlington. After visiting the graves, she found a nice bed and breakfast and stayed over a couple of days to see the sights. It was an eye opener for her. She came back saying she did not realize just how off the wall, crazy some people are in this country. Some of the protesters were down right vulgar and as you said, mangy. Nice place to visit though due to the history of our nation. A history we should protect, not destroy.
A couple of years ago my daughter flew up to Washington alone. She took off 3 days with the prime reason to visit the graves of 3 of our relatives who are buried in Arlington. After visiting the graves, she found a nice bed and breakfast and stayed over a couple of days to see the sights. It was an eye opener for her. She came back saying she did not realize just how off the wall, crazy some people are in this country. Some of the protesters were down right vulgar and as you said, mangy. Nice place to visit though due to the history of our nation. A history we should protect, not destroy.
Yeah, I'm sorry what should have been a great visit for her to Arlington (which is magnificent, by the way, if you haven't walked the grounds) was spoiled to some degree by the political nuts and just plain nuts. I really love Washington, because I've never lost my love of American history. But even I am surprised at how a relative hand full of deranged homeless - maybe several dozen around the city's tourist byways -- can make the whole experience uncomfortable, and for a young woman alone, even unsettling.

Washington has large, well-maintained and generously subsidized homeless shelters and places to go if truly desperate. But I suspect those places are boring and gloomy. Better to be out on a well-trafficked street corner near the city's landmarks. Tourists from Iowa or Minnesota who haven't seen many homeless feel that instinct to help, and I suspect some of these guys make enough to stay lit on crack and booze all night, then do it again.
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Good morning D-League, what a beautiful day here! Well I finished my 24 hour jug filling and I did fill a gallon jug with a few times not in the jug!!!! So I guess my kidneys a functioning ok, I will find out in July. I hear 1 is leaving, one is staying and I really hope the rest of them stay also!!! We have the makeup of a great team returning!!!! I remember back in the late 60'searly 70's had a really good team lost I think one starter, maybe Kron? and we thought we were going to tear everyone up the next year but losing that one starter the team was just not the same!!! Some of you will remember!!! Already put in a 2 mile walk with my good friend this morning. I hope everyone has a great and safe day!!!!
I just walked back in the house. Been outside and walked through the garage and there he was. A huge snake. At least a 6 footer. I grabbed the first stick i could find but it was not strong enough to hold him. He got away and ran up under the refrigerator. I will go back out in a minute or two and get him back outside. If my wife finds out about this she will freak out. She was not raised around snakes like I was and gets scared around them.
I just walked back in the house. Been outside and walked through the garage and there he was. A huge snake. At least a 6 footer. I grabbed the first stick i could find but it was not strong enough to hold him. He got away and ran up under the refrigerator. I will go back out in a minute or two and get him back outside. If my wife finds out about this she will freak out. She was not raised around snakes like I was and gets scared around them.

Yeah, man, get that thing out of there, dump it in the lake, and don't tell the wife about it. Act like nothing ever happened.....
  • 81 degrees in Johns Creek.
  • Not a cloud.
  • I'm with Sawnee's QB on the snakes. I'd like to identify that sucker though. QB says that she would not go in the house again.
  • I was in the English Ivy this morning and didn't like being there.
  • The tame wild Mallards have not shown up.
  • I wonder if that big hawk has anything to do with that.
  • The Fig trees have leafed out and everything else.
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Just talking with my wife about something or another and my mind went back to school and some games we used to play.

First one was at lunch during grade school. About 8 kids sitting around a table. Each kid would continue a count around the table. 1,2,3,4,5,6,_,8,9,10...

The deal was, you couldn't name a number that contained a 7. The other criteria was that the number could not be divisible by 7 either. 3rd grade I think.

I would have dropped out by the 3rd grade! :sunglasses:
Good morning D! Went for pre-op for back, have had many of these in the past, but ended up in the hospital with respiratory failure. Am fine and home now. Thank God I asked Him to guide my decision to have back surgery, he answered, and now it is canceled and may stay that way. That's all for now...………..:pray:
Get well buddy. My best thoughts to you.
Good morning D! Went for pre-op for back, have had many of these in the past, but ended up in the hospital with respiratory failure. Am fine and home now. Thank God I asked Him to guide my decision to have back surgery, he answered, and now it is canceled and may stay that way. That's all for now...………..:pray:
Our prayers are with you and we serve a healing God. Our faith extends to you and your family railroadkat
I will go back out in a minute or two and get him back outside.
I check out snakes a lot cause everybody is scared of them. I remove any poisonous ones. Alive preferably. Teach about Kings all the time.
I generally find the larger snakes where there is forage. Would nuts lure those pesky bushy-tailed tree rats to it? Paradise has many blessings. And none more impotent than Mama. My grizzly HATES all snakes. Can't tell on from another and don't want to either. Not interested. She wants them gone, plain and simple. She likes birds and lizards. Not snakes nope, no way. She told me that if I liked snakes too it was a personal issue.
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I check out snakes a lot cause everybody is scared of them. I remove any poisonous ones. Alive preferably. Teach about Kings all the time.
I generally fine the larger snakes where there is forage. Would nuts lure those pesky bushy-tailed tree rats to it? Paradise has many blessings. And none more impotent than Mama. My grizzly HATES all snakes. Can't tell on from another and don't want to either. Not interested. She wants them gone, plain and simple. She likes birds and lizards. Not snakes nope, no way. She told me that if I liked snakes too it was a personal issue.
Just a quick interesting fact. 21 of the 25 most venomous snakes in the world live in Australia. Now most of these snakes are not aggressive like a Cobra, black Mamba or a rattler it's still fascinating.
Good morning D! Went for pre-op for back, have had many of these in the past, but ended up in the hospital with respiratory failure. Am fine and home now. Thank God I asked Him to guide my decision to have back surgery, he answered, and now it is canceled and may stay that way. That's all for now...………..:pray:
Sorry to hear. Get well soon.