
I don't think he should, but I believe he will. He should stay and get stronger to handle bigger, more mature players, along with just growing up some more. It is tough to go to playing every other night, in a different city. But, I think he will take the money and not risk getting hurt. I understand, but I am not sure I agree. Hope it works out for him, whichever way he goes.
I think he comes back.
Uh wow. Thanks Sawnee, a very humble thanks. I'll be back in a bit. Gotta collect myself. FCC.
You are most welcome. Happy is a tradition fewer and fewer fans remember. To me he is a reminder UK is not a Johnny come lately program. We were great before the NCAA had a tournament. My family is now in their 6rh generation of UK fandom. To say it is in our blood is an understatement
You are most welcome. Happy is a tradition fewer and fewer fans remember. To me he is a reminder UK is not a Johnny come lately program. We were great before the NCAA had a tournament. My family is now in their 6rh generation of UK fandom. To say it is in our blood is an understatement

I was fortunate enough to see, and hear, Happy sing at Senior day, quite a few times. There was nothing quite like it. Very emotional.