

96°F Sunny, warm, & drying
Good Morning D
Good morning D. We're about to survive another work week. My stomach is still off, but better than yesterday.

We're having a twice-yearly work conference at a Washington museum all morning so that'll be a good respite.

I hope it is smooth sailing for all.
  • Good Thursday Morning, D-League
  • Currently 75º on the Gulf Coast with clear skies and a high of 92.
  • As soon as the day breaks and I need to get out there and do some more yard work.
  • I have noticed since my hospitalization my energy is not what it was so I am going to knock off at high noon and cool down in the pool. In this heat and humidity the sweat rolls off of you.
  • We still need to continue prayers for Carolina. During my working days I was in North Carolina following Hurricane Floyd. It was on a lesser scale than Florence but it also caused massive and major flooding. The worst part were the hog farms. When tobacco became taboo, North Carolina farmers switched to raising hogs. They build these lagoons on the farms to catch the hog waste and when they flood hog manure is spread all over everything. Then comes the smell. It is like the entire Eastern part of the state is one big hog pen.
  • Trust everyone has a safe day and those that are feeling a little under the weather continue to improve.
  • enhance
"Rolling Down That Seaboard Line"
My birthday was yesterday so I was busy working and celebrating afterwards. My lady is plotting something for the weekend so I need to act surprised when it’s sprung on me. Hope we have no more storms. Florence did a number on NC.
Happy belated birthday Ghost. Hope everyone ailing starts feeling better

Hotter than fire down here right now.Looking forward to winter.

Lawn care guys are here trimming and mowing, don't know how they stand it.

Sh*t is going to hit the fan Saturday evening. This will tell how far we have come or got to go as a program. Both undefeated, they're in the top 15 or so. Mel Kiper says both their Defensive tackles are first round draft picks.

Hope everyone has a great day. Carry on. GO CATS!
73° F and bright sun. Yesterday it got hot and steamy. Looks like the same for today. I actually need to mow.

North Carolina is getting hit with the floods. I flew over it in 1999, I think, after Floyd and it was bad then. Florence is supposed to be worse, so it is bad.

Haircut and dentist appoints today. By mid afternoon I will be one well kept man.:smiley:
Sitting in the Washington National airport waiting for flight to Dallas and then on to Lawton. Passport Agent re-certification complete. Took me over an hour to travel 11 miles this morning. Traffic was heavy.

Happy belated Ghost

Six years I lived in the Baltimore Washington DC area. Traffic never gets good. Too many people in too small an area.

After living in cities for 32 years, my goal on retirement was to move to the country. I would not live in a town with a red light. I achieved my goal on May 21, 2000.
Six years I lived in the Baltimore Washington DC area. Traffic never gets good. Too many people in too small an area.

After living in cities for 32 years, my goal on retirement was to move to the country. I would not live in a town with a red light. I achieved my goal on May 21, 2000.
A good friend of mine lives in L.A. He works at one of the television studios. He lives 8 miles from the studio. Said if he drives it takes him two hours. He rides a bike
Even though I have the best job I ever had ( being retired ) I feel a little both Nostalgic and Melancholy when I see a picture of a Locomotive. It was such a huge part of my life for so long
In my early childhood most locomotives were steam. I miss the sound and smell of those coal fired monsters and their screaming whistle. There was just something about a train and I am thankful for those memories.

In my early childhood most locomotives were steam. I miss the sound and smell of those coal fired monsters and their screaming whistle. There was just something about a train and I am thankful for those memories.

I love this picture. Something about the train and the background scenery makes me imagine a simpler, easier going time in history.
Howdy D! Dad and I had a good time today. Ate lunch at a place called Danny Mac's on Melrose next to an antique mall that we go to from time to time. Both had Philly cheesesteaks. I ate mine and half of his. Tuesday we plan on taking a big excursion through Bardstown on our way to a piddler mall in Danville. Should be an all-dayer.

It's SoCal not my habitat. The land of fruits & nuts is not a rumor.
California is like a health food cereal. Take out the nuts and fruits and all you have left are the flakes.

My birthday was yesterday so I was busy working and celebrating afterwards. My lady is plotting something for the weekend so I need to act surprised when it’s sprung on me. Hope we have no more storms. Florence did a number on NC.

Happy Birthday Ghost! I think you're the same age as Austin, UK82, and me.

I love this picture. Something about the train and the background scenery makes me imagine a simpler, easier going time in history.

I don't know if anyone has extended the courtesy, but, welcome to the D!
"Rat Pack" [laughing]

How has hurricane Florence impacted your life? For me, my wife used to call me faithfully every day when she got off from work at around 1630. Since Florence I may not hear from her until she gets home. All of her extended family live in the affected area and she has been obsessing over this storm for the last two weeks.

Her niece and her husband live in a small manufactured home on his mothers farm and the winds drove the rain through the walls and flooded the house. I told her they would be better off because the insurance company would buy them a brand new home. Now she tells me they were also looted. I didn't have a rosy scenario for that shit.

I think looters should be shot on sight. That has to be the lowest form of crime besides child molestation. In fact, there are a couple of levels above looting where I would draw the line at instant death. If I know humans like I think I know humans, you would only have to kill about one or two

hundred thousand before looting would cease to exist.
I think looters should be shot on sight. That has to be the lowest form of crime besides child molestation. In fact, there are a couple of levels above looting where I would draw the line at instant death. If I know humans like I think I know humans, you would only have to kill about one or two
They are not worth killin'.