Jed, I had a guy tell me about the ice thing. Will try it next time my back goes out. Wonder if it's the same with the neck? I was in several car wrecks way back. Messed up my neck there, I think.
Anyway, thanks to all for the well wishes. Gritting my teeth and going forward. I will be 66 this Saturday. Played baseball and basketball all my life growing up. Cut tobacco, burley, hauled hay, planted beans and corn, prepared the ground., all farming stuff, got my money for my beer, gas and hamburgers for my dates that way during my tween, teen and young adult life. Had a brand new 69 Camero, canery yellow, automatic, 350, that would burn a hole in the wind. That thing had hide away headlights that was pretty cool. SS with some rally sport equipment. I'll stop.Ah, those we the days. FCC.