
I have found the answer to Mitch's problem. Just replace our football program with this vessel and
we automatically have more booms and tackles.
When stoops was a coordinator his name wasnt mentioned for any head coach openings at that time. I could see why now. I wish he would have hired a head coach that was winning in a smaller conference. Don't need anymore coaches learning on the job anymore.
Stoop's outlandish contract holds the program hostage. Too expensive to fire.
Yep. Every word of it. Mitch and Stoops both need fired. Any other school in the SEC would fire them both.
That will never happen. People will fight you if they hear you say that, but it is the truth and should be done forthwith. Of course, the rifle team is good and the women's softball. Mitch's supporters believe in that title 9.
Just found out I have to play golf at 0800 in the morning. Dude's picking me up at 0630.

Used my new whetstone last night on a very cheap cleaver I bought a long time ago. It's made of cheap stainless and has a plastic handle. About all I've ever used it for was to cut pizza. Spent about ten minutes on it with the stone and oil. Then hit it with the sharpening steel and finally finished it on the strop. Will shave hair now. Sliced tomato for a sandwich just now and felt no resistance at all, just slid through making see thru slices.
Just found out I have to play golf at 0800 in the morning. Dude's picking me up at 0630.

Used my new whetstone last night on a very cheap cleaver I bought a long time ago. It's made of cheap stainless and has a plastic handle. About all I've ever used it for was to cut pizza. Spent about ten minutes on it with the stone and oil. Then hit it with the sharpening steel and finally finished it on the strop. Will shave hair now. Sliced tomato for a sandwich just now and felt no resistance at all, just slid through making see thru slices.
  • Good job on the cleaver.
  • Nite nite.